Team Rocket World Wide Version 3.0
Author: Dave

The Great Pokemon Adventure

Eric woke up with a smile that he had worn all night. Today was the day he would start training Poke`mon.

With Professor Oak's new Pokemon policy, he could choose any type of Pokemon to have instead of just Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle (with the only exceptions being Ghost and Dragon Pokemon).

Eric had waited a long time for this. He remembered the tests; the General Pokemon Knowledge Test, the physical fitness test (In order to see if he would be able to travel the distances between Gyms)and the General Knowledge Test (math, science, social studies, etc.)

Not to mention the countless forms his parents had to fill out in between tests. But here it was, his 10th birthday and the day he would start training Pokemon.

He already knew what he wanted. He dressed quickly and packed the things he would need, put his wallet in his pocket and headed downstairs for breakfast and to be surprised by his dad giving him a $175 bonus.

Then he headed over to Professor Oak's lab and was not surprised to see the know-it-all Mary and his old playmate, but now rival, Richard, a ready there.

"Well, Eric, my star pupil." Professor Oak had taught Eric everything he knew about Pokemon.

"Now that you're here, we can start choosing," Professor Oak said.

Eric gave a sheepish grin and was startled when Professor Oak continued

"Now Eric, what do you want as your first Pokemon?"

"And your last Pokemon." snickered Richard.

"Richard, I will not tolerate such outbursts! So Eric, which one?" Eric replied without hesitation,

"An electric one.

"Then this Pikachu will be perfect." replied the professor as he handed Eric a Pokeball with an electric symbol on it. "Eric, I should warn you, your Pikachu hates being in a Pokeball. So keep it out except in emergenc-"

"Who cares about his Pokemon? What about mine?" Richard shouted.

"Alright Richard. Eric, excuse me. Now Richard, what would you like as your Pokemon?" Professor Oak's words were polite, but Eric could tell that the professor wouldn't stand any more nonsense.

"I want a ground type now!"

"Here, have a Diglett." said Oak. Richard took the Pokeball with a sort of a twisted smile on his face. Eric didn't like it at all.

"Okay Mary, what would you like?"

"I'd love a Seadra." she replied.

"Well, I don't have one but," he added after seeing her face, "but I can give you a Horsea." She took the Pokeball happily and with a smile. Then Oak gave each of them a Pokedex and said,

"Now go catch Pokemon!" Eric was about to leave when Professor Oak called after him. "Wait Eric, I need to talk with you." Eric sighed but obeyed. Professor Oak said to him. "Mary knows a lot about Pokemon, but it's all statistics. She'd be better off as a Pokemon researcher. Richard will be brutal to his Pokemon, but it is the Pokemon League's decision who will train. But in you I see great Pokemon talent. I taught you everything I know about Pokemon, but you are not a know-it-all like Mary. You will push your Pokemon to their limits, but will then let them rest, unlike Richard. Eric, you can be the best."

When Eric heard this, he grinned broadly. Just before he left he heard Professor Oak remark. "Eric, could you get my parcel from the Viridian City Pokemart?"

Eric shouted a quick "Sure Professor!" over his shoulder as he headed out the door and into the world.


Chapter Two

Eric was nearly out of Pallet Town when his Pokedex started beeping like crazy. He sighed, pulled it out, and opened it and was surprised when it started talking.

"Greetings. I am Dexter, a personalized Pokedex programmed by Professor Oak for your use. What is your name?"

Eric used the keypad to spell his name.

"Greetings, Eric. I am your Pokedex. Now as soon as you give me some information, you can make use of my specialty, identifying Pokemon."

Then it asked him to highlight, with the built in GPS, where to deposit Pokemon beyond the sixth. He highlighted Oak's lab as the primary and as a secondary, Bill's Sea Cottage on Rt. 24. Then it asked him personal questions like what was his favorite color, who his best friend was, whether he had a girlfriend and things like that. Then it chimed out,

"Pokemon license acquired. Now deposit your Pokemon's Pokeball into the slot to receive the corresponding data." Eric put Pikachu's Pokeball in the round slot on his Pokedex.

"Pikachu, a mouse Pokemon. High concentration of these Pokemon in an area will trigger electrical disturbances in the atmosphere, causing lightning storms." The screen showed a Pikachu and Eric's Pikachu's status. Its elemental type was electric, it was at level 5, and the attacks it knew were Thunder Shock and Growl.

Remembering what Professor Oak had told him, Eric pulled the Pokeball out and called Pikachu out.

"Go, Pikachu!" The Pokeball hit the ground and opened. And there sat Pikachu, the cute little electric mouse Pokemon.

Hi Pikachu." Eric said.

"Pika?" Pikachu questioned.

"Who am I? Why, I am your new trainer."

"Chu." Pikachu answered as he shook his little head defiantly from side to side.

"But why not?"

"PIKACHUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Pikachu shouted as he pointed at the Pokeball and shook his head violently.

"Ooooookay Pikachu, calm down, you don't have to be in the Pokeball if you don't want to.

Pikachu, in the middle of scratching behind his head, gave a jump of joy, performed a few backflips, and then did a Thunder Shock.

"Pikachu!" Eric remarked from the heap of grass a hundred feet away, "Next time don't shock me."

"Pika." Pikachu said, blushing.



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