Team Rocket World Wide Version 3.0
Author: Bulbasaur Rating: PG

Ruffled Feathers

Hi! Here's a fic I wrote called Ruffled Feathers. It's about Pidgeotto getting sick of Ash and joining Team Rocket, along with Pikachu. Keep up the good work!

Here's a Pidgeotto Point Of View fic. I've often wondered why Pidgeotto puts up with Ash, so here's my conspiracy theory. I do those a lot, don't I? If anyone is thinking of suing me, don't. You are imagining this fanfiction. It is a figment of your imagination. Go to bed and it will all go away.

Ash, Misty and Brock were...not lost in the forest! There's a switch from an overused plot device! Anyways, they were in Saffron City on vacation (from bring lost in the forest). Ash had found lots of trainers to battle, and he had, by some stroke of luck, been mopping up with Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Pikachu.

"Good work Pikachu!" he said as the young boy recalled his fallen Nidoran and ran off. The trio then proceded to the Pokémon Centre to heal their party. They also stayed overnight there, mistaking the centre for a hotel.

The next day, everyone set out into the forest to get lost-um, set out for Pallet Town. As they were walking, a Weedle came out of the bushes. Misty screamed,

"A bug!" and cowered behind Ash and Brock.

Brock said "It's a Weedle!", and Ash predictably took out Dexter.

"Weedle: A bug Pokémon you have seen many times before. It has a poison stinger on it's head. Yada yada yada."

"Wow!" said Ash, "I'm gonna catch it!" He took off a Pokéball from his belt and was about to say, "Bulbasaur, go!" when Pidgeoto's Pokéball popped open. Pidgeotto flew out with a triumphant cry. Ash was dumbfounded.

"Pidgeotto? I wasn't going to use you...!" Pidgeotto landed and said sarcastically,

"Pidgeaaaaw, geaaw Pidgeaaaw." (Of course not, ya putz!)

Ash was even more confused. "Is something wrong Pidgeotto?" The bird flew forward and grabbed Ash by the front of his shirt with it's claws. It stared at him with malace. (the following will be translated, because I'm not writing out all those "pidgeaaws"!)

"Listen, you little PUNK! Something is wrong, but you're too stupid to notice! When was the last time you sent me into battle, huh?"

Ash stammered a moment. "Um, um, it was, uh-"

"Exactly! I haven't battled in a very, very long time. I sit in my Pokéball 24/7, waiting for you to call me out once in a while to pop Team Rocket's balloon, or cut a cable, or some other task. Ever since you got the OTHERS, I've been ignored. I was your best Pokémon once!" Pikachu glared at Pidgeotto.

"Well, pretty good. Have I lost value? Am I some kind of stock market gamble you've dropped because the starter Pokémon are more POPULAR?" Pidgeotto tightened it's grip on Ash's shirt.

"I'm not going to take any more of your bull, buster! I'm going with some people who will treat me with the respect I deserve!" Pidgeotto curled it's tongue and whistled. The Weedle had long since left, so Misty came forward and whispered to Brock,

"I didn't know Pidgeotto could whistle!", to which Brock replied,

"It had a LOT of time on it's hands...wings." Misty nodded.

At the whistle, familiar music began to play.

"That's your signal to prepare for trouble!"

"I would suggest you make it double."

Ash groaned, "Not them again!"

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

Pidgeotto said, "Pidgeaaaw geaaw Pidgeaaw Pidge Pidgeaaaaw!" (Stop before this moron tells me to Whirlwind you!)

Jessie and James nodded. "Right." Meowth somersaulted from the trees and they posed. "So have you twerps figured it out yet?" Jessie asked venomously.

"Figured what out?" said Ash.

"Dat dis is a mutiny!" Meowth said. Pidgeotto released Ash and flew over to pose with Team Rocket.

"Pidgeotto, what are you doing?" said Ash, master of not getting the obvious.

"Pigeaaaw, Pidgeaa-aaaw geaaaw Pidgeaaaaaaw! Pidgeaw Pidge Pidgeaaaaaw Pidgeaa-aaw! Pidgeaaw Pidgeaaaaaw!" (I already told you, imbecile! I'm blowing this pop stand! Come on, Pikachu!"


The electric mouse stood in front of Ash. "Pika, Pi Pikachu Kachu Pi Pika Pi, Pi Chu Pikachu Kachu Pika. Pika Pikachu!" (I didn't want to tell you this Ash, but you're just too stupid. I'm outta here!) Pikachu scampered over to the rest of Team Rocket.

Meowth said, "As beyoutiful as dis is, we have ta go. Come on, guys! Let's give back what da twerp gave us!" Pidgeotto and Pikachu nodded, and the three Pokémon high-fived each other. James said, "This is my favourite part! Meowth, use your Pickpocket attack!" Meowth ran over and stole Togepi from Misty while James giggled.

"That's not a real attack!" Misty screeched.

James yelled, "Pikachu, Thundershock! Ooh, it feels really good to say that!"

Pikachu grinned wickedly. Ash, Misty and Brock went pale. Pikachu's cheeks began to spark. Ash, Misty and Brock screamed. Pikachu unleashed a huge blast of electricity, at least twice as much as it ever used on Team Rocket. Ash, Misty and Brock fried.

Jessie said "My turn! Pidgeotto! Whirlwind!"

"Pidgeaaw!" (Gladly!) Pidgeotto mightily flapped it's wings and blasted the kids with wind. They flew away into the sky.

"Looks like Team Twerp's blasting off..., um, for the first tiiiiiime!" they cried as the vanished into a sparkle on the horizon.

Team Rocket was overjoyed. "We finally won!" Jessie, James and Meowth cheered.

"We finally got rid of our stupid trainer!" Pikachu and Pidgeotto cheered. "Briiiiiiii!" Togepi chirped. Everyone stopped cheering. "Um, what do we do with Togepi?" James said.

"Didn't you want to eat it?" Jessie asked.

"It's evil! It'll give me indigestion!" whimpered James. "I'd keep it, but dat ting reminds me of Misty now." Meowth shuddered. Pidgeotto thought for a minute.

"Pidgeaa-aaw!" (Let's sell it!) Everyone agreed. Pikachu shrugged. They all set off towards town with smiles on their faces and dollar signs in their eyes.


Jessie, James and Meowth gave Pikachu to Giovanni, who promoted them, but then Pikachu called the Mafia in on Giovanni and took over Team Rocket. Meowth became Top Cat and the Persian became umemployed.

Pidgeotto went on a crusade against stupid trainers. It rescued over 3000 Pokémon, including all of Ash's, persuaded most of them to join Team Rocket, and had a new law passed that Pokémon trainers have to have an I.Q. greater than 75.

Ash failed the test miserably, and was never seen again, but by then he had driven Misty and Brock insane and they went to the looney bin. Togepi was sold to a restaraunt. It was delicious.

Hmmm, I think I have a subconsious bias against Ash and Togepi. Write me with comments, please! It's a ray of light in my life! Flames are too! Come on people! If this isn't a cry for help, what is?

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