Team Rocket World Wide Version 3.0
Author: *Evil*Mew*

A Honeymoon at the Beach Part-5

" *Yawn......* I better head to bed, I'm tired....." Brock said. Ash, Misty and Brock had been sitting out here for over 5 hours. He got up and headed for his room. Little did he notice that James had rigged up a lock that would seal him in his room.



" *Giggle giggle* This is fun Ash" Misty whispered to Ash.

" Yeah, it is......" Ash answered.

Those two losers continued to go onlike that until it waas 12:00PM or so. Then they headed there seperate ways.



Brock, with his eyes all squinty like that, didn't see the wax right away. Instead, he lit his Dutch Oven..........



Ash headed in to his room. He headed right to the sink. He had lipstick on his teeth (From Misty no doubt!). He squeezed the toothpaste tube, opened his mouth and.........



Misty headed to her room. She could barely keep her eyes open so she didn't notice the thread that was streched across the room.

She walked into the room and............



Boom! Brock stood there totally fried, then fell over and took a last breath-forever.



"Ump... Grp... Mrf........" Ash's neck swelled up....He took a last breath-forever.



" *Cough Cough* Help!" Misty screeched as the hairspray filled her lungs. She struggled for a breath, and took her last breath-forever.



"Yeah! *Hic* We did it!" James called out.

"Yep, we did! *Hiccup* after throwing those geeks in the water, all we had to do was clean up." Jesse stated simply.


Is this the end? I hope so! Visit my site: Team Rocket's Roses

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