Team Rocket World Wide Version 3.0
Author: The Eater of Worlds

Family Reunion

Eater sighed and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. She thought that a convention of the world's brightest minds might be a little more interesting than this. Mojo was asleep at her feet, head resting on his hands.

"Lucky bugger." She muttered. He didn't have to listen to some guy she didn't even know blab about the advances they were making in the nutrition of Pokemon food.

"Isn't it facinating?" The man questioned.

"Oh, yes!" She lied, trying to flag down a waiter. They were in a nice courtyard/cafe` setting, complete with a big, fancy fountain. Killer was in that fountain, listening for anything that might interest Team Rocket.

"What was it you said you did again?" The annoying scientist asked.

"I work on developing traits in Khangaskhan through selective breeding. This little guy is our most recent effort." Mojo raised his head and yawned, showing off his sharp little teeth. He started batting at the top of his tail, which was twiching.

The man opened his mouth to say something, but he never go the chance. About eighteen Jennys filed into the courtyard, a pair stationed at each gate. The rest bustled around, selecting individuals from the crowd. Some tried to run, others tried to send out their Pokemon, but they were quickly cuffed and lead off.

"We're sorry for the disturbance." One of the officers announced on a megaphone. "We have been informed that this convention was infiltrated by Rockets. Everything is under control, our informant has assured us that we got all of them."

Eater's jaw nearly hit the ground. Who could possibly know they were there? Why did they pass her over? She needed to contact the boss imediatly!

"I'm glad they got those pathetic low-lifes out of here." The scientist sneered. She quietly excused herself from the table.


Killer watched in horror as his fellow Rockets were being escorted strait to jail. He swam around, nearly paniced, trying to see if Eater was among them. As he peered across the room, his eyes suddenly fell upon a large, black Magikarp... with the ears of a Mew.

Next to it, none other than Dr. Almon himself sat, chatting with an officer.

"Yes, that's all of them. I was given a list of the Team Rocket members ordered to attend. Please try to keep this quiet, I can't afford for them to find me out." Killer's jaw dropped. Dr. Almon? His creator? Practically his father! He couldn't believe he would betray Team Rocket like that.

"Vatter? Vatter!" He cried as he floated over. The black Magimew got between him an Almon. "Mine brotter! Vie gehts?"

"Brother?" The karp looked confused. "What's he talking about?"

"Don't worry, Oden. That's just 13927. One of my failed experiments." His heart sank to his stomach.

"Neun! Vatter, neun..." Killer protested, unable to say anymore. He beat his fins slowly, desparingly, sinking to the floor. He looked into the doctor's eyes, searching for a friendly spark to tell him the joke was over.

"Get this pathetic thing out of my site. It'll never be more than a freakish mistake. Oden, dragon rage." A whirlwind surrounded the black fish, then quickly moved over to Killer. The strange whind pounded his scales, tearing afew loose.

Where was Eater? He had never been in a battle without her before. A crowd had gathered to watch the ruckus, but he didn't see his partner's comforting face anywhere.

A blue glow surrounded Killer as he tries to fight back. He started the move that Eater always had him use in emergencies.

"Umi karp, Subi karp-" He began. Suddenly, Oden's broad tail slapped him across the face, sending him realling.

"Officers! Team Rocket left one of their Pokemon behind. Confiscate it imediatly!"

He never saw the Pokeball being thrown; only felt the strange sensation of being drawn in. His startled, pained scream was cut short as the ball snapped closed. It wiggled back and forht, then ceased.


"Hello? Hello?!" Eater nearly screamed into the reciever. She had gone through almost every Team Rocket support number she knew. They all seemed to be offline. Just as she started to dial the automated newsline, a peircing scream rang out.

Rushing into the courtyard, her path was blocked by a wall of on-lookers. She could just see the last of the police leaving.

"What happened?" Teow asked the scientist she has talked to earlier. She glanced to the fountain to look for Killer, but he wasn't in site.

"The cops just confiscated some freaky Pokemon TR left behind. It attacked someone, but they got it before anyone was hurt. Some freaky floating Magikarp."

"No..." She gasped. HQ. She had to get to headquarters, fast! As she raced to the door, she smacked into the ever-present, talkative scientist.

"Slow down, will ya? The way you were running you'd think you were one of those criminals." He glanced down at the TR security clearence card she had dropped and gasped. "You- you are?" The look of shock turned into one of anger. "Police! Police!"

She scooped up the card and made a break for the door. Eater didn't stop running till she got out of the town. She had remembered to call Mojo back into his Pokeball, thank goodness. He didn't like it, but it was a necasary evil.

There was a payphone at a rest area about a mile or so later, so she used it to call a cab. She had the driver take her to the city closest to headquarters, the weather was good enough to walk the rest of the way.

She couldn't stop thinking about Killer. Where was he? Was he okay?


"Now, careful Ash." Proffesor Oak reprimanded the young trainer. "The Turquoise police are sending me an enginered Rocket Pokemon, and it could be dangerous."

"Ash, maybe we should leave." Misty piped up. She looked nervous.

"No way! I have to see this. What will you do with it, professor?"

"It depends. Who knows what twisted creature those criminals might come up with?" A pokeball appeared in the lab, a computer readout saying it came from the police station in Turquiose, and it appeared to be injured.

The Poke`ball sprung open, revealing a farmiliar levitating karp. It looked up at them for a moment, then stared at the floor. Oak carefully picked him up, and carried him over to a table for examination.

"Hmmm. It's not in very good shape. It has recently been in a bad fight. It shows signs of trauma. I don't think it's been in a Poke`ball before.

"Isn't that the fish that fought you, Ash?"

"Yeah. Doesn't look that powerful now."

"You know this Poke`mon?" Oak asked. "What can you tell me about it?"

"A Rocket beat my Bulbasaur with it up in Seanne." Ash continued to relate his story as Pikachu hopped up onto the table.

"Pikapi? Kachu picka-picka?" He questioned the downtrodden karp. Killer responded in his best Poke`speak.

"Karp! Magic arp ka karp." The little yellow rodent related his answer to his master.

"What's that Pikachu? No, I don't think we should take it for a walk. It might try to escape."

"Nonsence, Ash! The compound's too secure for escape. Go! Walk! get to know it! Team Rocket or not, it's still a Poke`mon, and it's my responsibility as a scientist to treat all creatures with respect!" Killer and Pikachu were already half way to the door as the professor continued his speech. The three trainers quietly followed, leaving Oak to finish his lecture.

"I know it's powerful, but it looks a bit dopey to me." Misty scoffed.

"I thought you loved water types!" Brock exclaimed. "it can understand you, you know." Just to prove a point, Killer spat a stream of water at her. Pikachu slapped him a high-five, and Misty's egg Poke`mon "Priii!"ed happily.

"Hast du speile karten?" He bubbled. Misty recoiled.

"Ah! It talks! What did it say?"

Why does it want to play cards?" Brock wondered.


Eater ran into headquarters, strait to the elevator. She ran her key-card through the slot and punched in the highest floor number. This had to go all the way to the boss.

"Sir? Sir! It's an emergancy! Open up!" She yelled as she knocked on the heavy door to the office. The door swung open, and Giovanni turned his chair to face her.

"What is it now? This had better be important." TEoW glanced nervously around the room at the signs some of them had given him on Boss's appreiciation day. They were the only friendly thing in the office.

"It's the Turquoise convention. The police came.. I was the only one who got away." She let her eyes rest on one of the wall-hangings; "When you're the Boss, you get the big chair!"

"What?! The only people who knew about that were myself and Steve from personnel!"

"I don't know how it happened, but someone knew every Rocket there. They even confiscated Killer." She turned over her key-card in her hands. "The emergancy lines were down."

"They were down for repairs. Dr. Almon's suggestion..." Something clicked in his mind. "That trechorous curr! He knows too much. It would be too easy for him to bargin his way out of trouble."

"That son of a Growlithe! And he wanted the Rockets who saw him at the convention where he was going to make his move out of the way. Boss, where do they send seized Poke`mon?"

Giovanni smiled for the first time ever in her presance.

"I think we'll have to ask Butch and Cassidy about that one."


"Well, the boss had us hold off the raid in case some rare Poke`mon ended up here after the convention." Butch explained. The three of them sat in the back room of a small teahouse, going over blueprints.

"Sundance and Sally will gnaw through these poles, taking out power for about three minutes." Said Cassidy. "We should leave your Khangaskhan with Giovanni for the night.

"He won't admit it, but he has a soft spot for baby Khans." Butch chuckled softly.

"I'll have Gloom stand gaurd. If anyone comes by, she can stun spore them."

"And you still have the snake and the cat, right?"

"Yeah, Cass. You have that Drowzee?"

"Oh, of course. Do you think I'd want to fight hand to hand with a Charizard or something if we were caught?"

"All you'd have to do is start bitching at it. It'll run off scared in no time."

"Very funny." She snapped. The maps were carefully rolled up and tucked away. "Let's get going."

To Part-6

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