Team Rocket World Wide Version 3.0
Author: The Eater of Worlds

Another Stakeout

"The Turquoise city Master's Plaza, room 128. It looks like the doc's got some expensive tastes." Remarked Eater as she pawed through some of Oak's files. It was a treasure trove of classified info, full of the lodgings of important guests, and data on rare Poke`mon. It was tantilizing, but most of it was encrypted.

"Oh, yeah. He footed the bill to Rocket HQ too. It's marked down as a 'business expense'."

"Zimmer 138 ist frei." Killer burbled, His fins clicked against the keys as he reserved the room over the internet.

"138? That's right over 128, right?" Questioned Butch.

"Yup. Hurry up and pack your things. If we're lucky, this could mean a raise. Or a promotion!" she beamed hopefully.


"Your luxury suite is ready, Mr. and Mrs.."

"Clease." Butch interjected, picking up his bags and hurrying up the stairs. Eater grabbed her own bags and jogged up after him.

"Clease? How am I supposed to remember that? Where did you pick that one up, anyway?" He smiled a sheepish grin.

"You know,- Jon Clease? Monty Ekan's Flying Circus? The dead Pidgey skit?" She did remember the demented British comedy troop, but they sadly had no time to discuss lumberjacks and fish slapping dances.

"Dibsies on the bed!" Teow called, dropping her lugage.

"What? You mean I have to sleep on the couch? That's not fair."

"Well, there's always the floor. I'd say the bathtub, but that's Killer's." She pulled out a small gray box and withdrew a few strange utensils. "Are you gonna stand there, or are you going to help me check for bugs?"

"Yeah, yeah." He grumbled. A quick sweep of the room told them that they didn't need to worry about being spyed on. Now it was time for them to do some snooping.

Butch called downstairs, ready to try to sell the doctor a vacume. No one answered, so it was safe to get down to work. Eater took out a cordless drill and made a thin hole leading to the corner of the room under them.

"I hope this works." She lowered a small camera/microphone down the hole, then stapeled the cord to the floor, holding the contraption in place. They walked over to a medium-sized monitor. Killer turned out the lights and floated over to watch the screen. The gray blue picture flickered once or twice, then came on solid.

They saw the normal furnishings for a hotel room. On a low table was a stack of papers, but before they could take a better look, a tall figure strolled in to the lower room and flicked on a light. He picked up the stack of papers and walked over to the phone.

"Yes? Turquoise Police? It's Dr. Almon calling. May I speak to the cheif? Thank you." He tapped his foot impatiently as he was put on hold.

"Good evening. I'm ready to give you the pay roll, but I want to move fast. If they find me out, forget the government research grant. I'll be pushing up daisys between Amelia Airheart and Jimmy Hafa." The Jenny on the other end gave an indisernable reply.

"So that's it." Teow growled. "He wants government money for his genetic research, but they wouldn't give it to him if he was a Rocket."

"But he wouldn't leave until he milked the rest of Team Rocket's resources." Butch growled.

"Er bist ein uebel mann." Killer growled. Eater thought that wasn't nearly strong enough to discribe him. Almon wrapped up the conversation and headed back out the door.

"Let's go!" The two of them rushed down the hall and took the stairs to the lower floor, leaving Butch to watch. After a few minutes of work on the lock, they were in. They scooped up the payroll and started sweeping the room for any other incriminating evidence.

In the bedroom, Killer found a manilla envelope with "Classified: TRHO" stamped on the side. There was a packet of snapshots under one of the couch cushions. Eater was surpirised to see one of them was a group shot of her, Butch, Killer, and Jackal. How did he get ahold of these?

They had just started going through the magazines on the coffee table when the door flew open. The doctor sneered at the intruders and took a Poke`ball out of his pocket.

"Oden, Psywave!" he growled. Killer dropped to the ground in time to dodge the attack, but his partner caught the brunt of it. She was thrown back by the blast, and hit the wall.

"Translate: (Get up!)" He pleaded, but she didn't respond. Again, he was alone to face his brother, and he was terrified.

"Haven't I dealt with you already?" Dr. Almon sighed. He was starting to get annoyed. "Dispose of this guppy!"

"Watter," Killer asked with pain in his eyes, "Varum?" Almon looked at him, then laughed.

"Why? Because I can! In Team Rocket I could do things the normal scientific community could never dream of! I could make money from my findings, but, nobody would want to associate with a criminal. As far as the police know, I was kidnapped for my skills and forced expiriment on poor, innocent Poke`mon! Ha!" He threw back his head in a gale of laughter.

"I found I could lead both sides however I pleased! My nephew was looking for a gym: he was freash out of the league and destined for greatness. So, I made a few phonecalls, a few payoffs, and I won him the Magenta Gym!"

Killer was quivering, gills heaving in a fishy pant as a turbulent gray aura surounded him. The shifting light gathered around him like a thundercloud, and suddenly the Team Rocket Magicarp cried out.

"Mind's augen!" He shouted, firing a cloudy, swirling beam at it's creator. At first, the Mind's Eye attack didn't appear to have any effect. The doctor sat there blinking, stunned. Then the doctor, once an overpowering father figure, started giggling loud and high like an excited schoolgirl.

He clasped his hands together, then ran out of the room like he was late for a meeting. He said one thing;

"Coming, Sue!" Before he hit the stairs and tripped, flying down the flight of stairs completly airborne. He hit the landing and skid, coming to rest with a thump at the top of the next flight. "Ouchy. I think I skinned my knee." He groaned as he tried to get up, then decided it wasn't worth it and lay there, imobile.

"You'll pay for this! I'll get you back for what you did to father!" Oden hissed. He teleported away, leaving Killer in the trashed apartment with Eater. The last thing he saw was a phantom shape, youthful and feline, before everything went black.

To The Epilouge

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