Team Rocket World Wide Version 3.0
Author: The Eater of Worlds

Red of the Mountains

'When dawn comes, I shall be gone.' Jesse thought to herself as she watched her companions, a man and a Meowth, snoozing in their sleeping bags. There was still a good three hours or so untill the sun rose on her eighteenth birthday, her last hours as the strong leader of Team Rocket's infamous trio.

Already the moon was finishing it's nightly journey across the sky. It would return to it's home as the sun came up, bathing the mountains in a firey red. She could feel it's approach, the minutes slipping away untill she would return to the dark from which she came. Death.

No, not death. This wasn't the end, simply a new begining. She was starting to remeber now-- things from her past.

"This child is a wandering spirit." The midwife had said. "She was born under strange stars. Such children die at an early age."

"Foolishness." Her mother had replied; she would have no more of it. "She'll live life to the fullest." That's why she had choosen them. To be human. To try their strange emotions. More memories came, and still more.

She was an ancient spirit. Damned. Blessed? She would wander all eternity, but never twice in the same form. After a time, she would have to change again, leave the old behind.

She had been a bird once, all rainbow feathers and shimmering contenance. Her kind was said to appear to the lucky. There had been an other like her, maybe more, but she had never found them.

Another time she had been a tree; housing creatures with her branches and roots. She had been a mountain once, engulfed in crimson morning.

For one life she had been a strange pink creature, playful yet powerful. It was in this form that she came to know humans, they often sought her. They called her Mew, and she liked that name. She had liked the humans, they were fun to play with, and had such strange limitations.

It was at the end of that life when she decided to become one, to expireance their strangeness, how they could see so much and know so little. She wanted to know their laughter, their pains. Their love.

So after sinking into blackness, she was born. She had forgotten her old self, this was new. Growning up human, she had known nothing of her wandering. But she remembered now. It was worth it, she decided. She got to feel the hardship, the happiness, the-

James stirred in his sleep, mumbling quietly about food and smiling vacantly. Her partner. Her love. Yes, he had helped her learn the most powerful of the emotions. Longing, hope, and belonging.

She leaned over him as the first rays of sun peirced the blackness. She had been too long reminising. It was time. There was no regular pattern of change, but she could sence its coming like the gathering of thunder clouds.

"Thank you, James." She whispered as she ran a hand through his hair. His green eyes fluttered open, sleepy and confused. "I love you."

Her last words hung in the clearing as she started to disappear. She seemed to disipatate as the sun touched her, the frm she had known for so long breaking up like mist.

"Jesse?" James questioned, glancing around the clearing. But he was alone, save for the sleeping Meowth.


"You're kidding, right? Those could go for a bundle at any pet shop." James said to the kindly old man. He looked down at the box of mewling, brown kits.

"Not at all." The gentleman replied. "My Eevee Vicky had these a few weeks ago, they're just getting off of mother's milk. You look like you could use a friend more than I could use a couple bucks.

Indeed, it had been several months since Jesse had mysteriously vanished in the woods. Meowth was company enough, but being a cat he wasn't the most friendly creature in the world.

but I couldn't possibly take one from you!"

"Nonsence. This one seems to take a liking to you." One of the evolution Pokemon tared up at him with deep, wondering eyes.

Alright. She is pretty cute. What do I owe you?" He said, reaching for his wallet.

"Not a thing. I'm just glad to see it get a good home."

The Eevee snuggled in James's lap all through the balloon ride to where they were camped out. This was working out after all, Jesse decided happily as she looked up at his content face. She wouldn't be living this new life alone, and maybe someday she'd be able to let him know she was still with him.

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