Team Rocket World Wide Version 3.0
Author: Bulbasaur Rating: PG

Snake In the Grass

This fic is the sequel to Snake Eyes, you don't have to have read the original for this one to make sense, but I'd appreciate it if you did! *grins* This is what Jessie's Ekans might have been thinking during "Island of the Giant Pokémon". And if anyone out there in Cyberland wants to sue me for using Pokémon, please be content with the knowledge that I'm not making one red cent off of my work. Enjoy!

I then realized how tired I was from worrying about my friends. I lay down on the floor of my Pokéball. There was a fold-out cot, but I had never found that to be comfortable. I listened to the humans and Meowth squabble over who got to eat the Magikarp and chuckled. I bet that worthless guppy didn't even taste good. I soon drifted off to sleep.

I dreamt of the past again. I was released from the Pokéball and found that I was in battle, face to face with a huge Scyther. It looked at me like I was it's next meal. I got very frightened and turned to Jessie.

"Come on, Ekans!" she said enthusiastically, "I know you can do it!" I swallowed hard and nodded. The Scyther's trainer called to it to try and Slash me, but I dodged it.

"Get back here, you worm!" it hissed at me. I dodged it's slashes until Jessie called to me,

"Ekans! Wrap it!" I leapt at the Scyther, but it was very fast and I couldn't get a hold of it. I thought of Jessie and grew more determined. I dashed behind the huge bug, jumped on it, and began to squease. The Scyther wriggled in my grasp, but it was too strong for me and broke free.

It's trainer told it to use Fury Attack on me, and it started to swing it's horrible sharp blades at me. After a moment it hit me square on the side of my head with the broad side of one blade, and I tumbled over the ground to Jessie's feet.

"Oh, Ekans!" she said, bending over me and looking very concerned, "I'm sorry. That Scyther is too strong." She held up my Pokéball."Here, come rest."

"No!" I said to her,"I'm fine!"

"You still want to fight?" Jessie said, surprised. I nodded. "Alright then, let's win this one Ekans!" I resumed my battle stance. "Quickly, Ekans, use Bite!" I lunged it the Scyther and sank my teeth into it's leg.

It screamed in pain and shook me off. "Now, Poison Sting!" I fired needles of venom at the Scyther, and it staggered back. It's trainer said to use a Quick Attack, and it tried, but the poison was slowing it down more and more. I dodged the attack and Jessie said, "Finish it Ekans, Rage attack!" That wasn't too hard. I tackled and bit the Scyther until it fell over. I waited to see if it would get up. It didn't. I jumped into Jessie's arms. "Oh, Ekans!" she said, "I'm so proud of you!" The other trainer recalled the fallen bug.

"You're pretty good, Jess." he said, "Welcome to our bike gang!" I sat, glowing with pride, while Jessie happily jumped around.

I slowly came out of my deep sleep. "What woke me?" I wondered, then I heard everyone outside on the raft scream again.

"No one has ever survived a Gyarados's Dragon Rage!" said the redhead kid. Dragon Rage? Gyarados? That Magikarp that James had must have evolved. First, it caused them to nearly drown and now it was going to finish the job. I wasn't going to let my friends take that! I started to slam against the wall of the Pokéball, intent on teaching that Gyarados a lesson, when I heard a huge rushing sound coming from outside. Suddenly, my Pokéball began to shake and toss. I struggled to keep my balance, and I heard Jessie, James, Meowth and the three kids all screaming. The sound got louder and louder, and my Pokéball rocked more and more violently, until it turned completely upside down. At least, I thought it was upside down, I couldn't really tell any more. The ball twisted and I fell on my head. My vision went blurry. My last thought was of Jessie as my world slowly went dark.

When I woke up, all I could feel was a throbbing pain on my head. I opened my eyes. I was on a beach, half covered in sand. I sat up and groggily tried to remember what had happened. Jessie and James were nowhere to be found. I looked to the ground and saw my Pokéball. It was opened and had a huge crack down the centre. Useless. A few tail-lengths away was another Pokéball. I slithered over and poked the button twice with the tip of my tail. Koffing came out.

"Oooooooh, head hurt!" he moaned.

"Me too." I said. "Do you know what happened?" Koffing shook his head, or shook his body, or whatever.

"Not know. Sleeping. Where Meowth?" He had a good point. I looked around. I couldn't see Meowth.

"I don't know. We should go find him." Koffing and I started off down a trail in the forest. Koffing was muttering that our masters were gone and I was about to tell him to cheer up, when I heard a rustle in the leaves. I looked over and saw Meowth, sprawled on the ground. He groaned and lifted his head.

"Where am I?" he wondered aloud, then spotted Koffing and me. "Do youse guys know where Jessie an' James are?"

"No," I told him, "We're lost."

"Abandoned!" Koffing wailed. I looked at Koffing, shocked.

"How can you say that!?" I scolded him.

"Yeah," said Meowth, "Jessie an' James wouldn't do dat!" Koffing looked more worried.

"We lose, maybe Masters get tired of losing..."

"Then let's find them and ask, then." Koffing looked a bit comforted, but not much. We all continued down the path.

After a while we met with the hat kid's Pokémon. Meowth wanted to battle them, I don't know why, but all the other Pokémon stopped him. The Bulbasaur said that they were abandoned, and I saw Koffing get worried again. I wondered why the Bulbasaur was so bitter, because all of the hat kid's other Pokémon said it wasn't true. I was getting worried about Jessie by then. I and all the other Pokémon figured that we should stick together for safety, and found a spot to camp for the night.

We set out to find food. I looked for a while in the forest and found an apple, I hate fruit, but I figured that maybe the Pikachu would want it. I was on my way back to the campsite, when I saw the Bulbasaur sitting by itself. It looked very sad. I went over and put down my apple.

"What's wrong?" I asked it. It hadn't noticed I was there and jumped, but relaxed a little when it saw me.

"This is happening all over again..." it said sadly, "And it's all my fault..." I was confused.

"What is happening again?"

"Oh...I should explain...I was abandoned before..." the Bulbasaur said, wincing.

"That's terrible! Why?" I said. I never did understand why a human would abandon a Pokémon.

"I was given to a kid once...He trained for a few years, but then just let me go-" It choked on a sob,"-Said I was too weak...And I'm still not completely sure about Ash. The others say he risked his life for them, but I just don't know..."

"Well, I'm sure Hat Kid-"

"Ash." Bulbasaur corrected.

"-Right, Ash, didn't abandon you! Why else would all the others be lost too? What about me and Koffing and Meowth? We must just be lost." Bulbasaur seemed a bit comforted. It smiled weakly.

"Thanks..." it said, and turned away. I went to leave, then turned back.

"Are you going to be alright?" Bulbasaur looked, a bit startled.

"Yeah, I'll be back in a while. Just need to think things through..." I picked up the apple and left.

Just as I thought, Pikachu was happy to see the apple I brought, but it cut it up to share with the others. I had never met such a generous Pokémon! We all got together and shared what food we had gathered.

Meowth still wanted to fight, so we tied him up. Me and Koffing teased him a bit. He didn't take it so well. I guess being lost has gotten to him or something. Bulbasaur came back, looking a bit happier. It even brought some food on it's way. It looked at me gratefully. We all ate together.

I felt strangely happy to be in a group with new friends. Jessie and I don't meet to many other Pokémon. I never realised how much I missed the company. Then, a really big Rhydon appeared. It was roaring and scary and looked hungry. We all ran and hid in a big cave.

A few minutes later, Pikachu and Meowth came running in. I realized we had forgotten Meowth, but he didn't mind too much. I think he had finally realised that we had to work together to find our masters. The Rhydon couldn't find us and went away. We all came out, but we really didn't know what to do or where to go.

Then the Squirtle spotted a light coming from a clearing in the forest. We went over to it and found a buffet. A Slowbro was running it. It invited us over.

"Wel...come." it said "" It turned out it enjoyed cooking for any Pokémon it met in the forest, so we helped ourselves. Koffing and I sat together.

"Scared!" Koffing cried, "Where Masters?" I said

"I don't know! Do you think we'll ever see them again...?" I started to cry, I was so scared for Jessie. Then I felt a paw on my neck. I turned around,it was Pikachu.

"We'll find them! They must be here somewhere." I smiled weakly, and Koffing cheered up a little.

"Aren't you worried about your Master?" Pikachu nodded, then grinned.

"But I figure Ash can handle it. His skull is so thick, he can Headbutt any trouble he finds!" Koffing and I smiled. Pikachu was probably right.

We stayed at the buffet late into the night. I think Bulbasaur was feeling better, I saw it having a feisty argument with Squirtle. Being together lifted our spirits a bit, and we thanked the Slowbro and left to find a place to spend the night. We were all so tired we just collapsed under a tree. Before I fell asleep, I wondered if Jessie had found anyone else to search with. I just wished she wasn't alone.

I woke up that morning to find all the other Pokémon on me like a pillow. I smiled at the sight. Unfortunately, it left me with a very stiff back. We set out to find our Masters as soon as everyone woke up.

Meowth complained that we hadn't had breakfast, but I told him that if we found our Masters, they'd feed us. Meowth shrugged, and said that knowing James, he had eaten it all. We wandered through the forest for a long time. Ash's Pokémon were calling for Ash and the others. Koffing muttered,

"Gone, gone." He still didn't believe we would find them.

"We find them." I said. I was starting to get annoyed at his pessimism. We found a few other giant Pokémon, but they all seemed really mean and attacked us. Something seemed strange about them, they were almost like robots, but I was too busy slithering for my life to think of it then. After lots of running (or slithering, or whatever), we stopped to catch our breath. Then, Pikachu raised it's ears and listened.

"What is it?" the Charmander said.

"I hear something..." Pikachu's eyes widened," And it's really big! Run!" It took off along a train track and we followed. I glanced behind me and saw a lot of giant Pokémon being dragged closer and closer to us. But by what? They were all on a long rope, which was attached to a mine car,...and Jessie was inside!

All the other Pokémon and all of our Masters saw us, but the mine car was going very fast we couldn't run/float/slither fast enough. The giant Pokémon were getting closer and closer. How were they being pulled by that little cart anyways?

Well, there was no time to think of that. The car went through a loop, and that gave us enough time to get closer. Ash yelled for us to jump, and we did. I landed in Jessie's arms.

"Ekans! You're alright!" she said. I was never so happy to hear her voice. She said "But where's the furriest member of our team?" Meowth? Didn't make it. I panicked. After all that...? But then I heard a familiar voice.

"I'm right here!" I turned to see Meowth hanging on to the edge of the car. "I cat-apaulted!" he grinned. I was relieved enough to forgive him for the terrible pun. The rope broke and we were free of the giant Pokémon. The broke, so they were robots! I snuggled into Jessie's arms, we were finally together again! Then we crashed into the water. Oh well, it was then I found I could swim! Something good comes out of everything, I guess.


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