Team Rocket World Wide Version 3.0
Author: Bluemew676 Rating: PG

Sudden Sadness

AUTHORS NOTE-- you will not understand this story if you don't read this. This is when the Pokemon and Digimon characters have united as one digi/poke world.


The characters are all 11 years old.


Matt walked into the elevator with Misty and Sora.

"Matt, are you ready for the test tomorrow?" asked Misty, her blue eyes in a smirking position.

"Yes, I am and this is my stop." said Matt. The elevator door opened and he walked out. He ran out of the school, toward home. He got out his key and opened the front door. Just as the key went in the lock, Matt got all drowsy and weary.

He collapsed on the front steps.

Jessie was on her way home from school, but didn't notice Matt. She just walked right by.

When Matt's dad came home, at about 5:00, he parked his car in the back yard and came in through the back door. When Matt's dad didn't find Matt, he assumed Matt went to Ash's house to do the math homework.

Meanwhile, Matt slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a few times, and checked his own pulse.His heart was beating fine, But Matt was having a hard time breathig. Gasping for breath, Matt opened the front door and collapsed on the floor agian.

His dad ran in the room. "Matt,Matt,can you hear me? Matt, get up." Matt opened his eyes and gasped for air. Matt's dad called the ambulance and Matt was rushed to the hospital.

The next day at school, Misty wasn't surprised Matt wasn't at school. "Stupid Matt. I knew he didn't know anything about the test. He was so scared,he probably stayed home." She told Mimi and Sora,who fully agreed.

Meanwhile, Matt was lying in a hospital bed with a machine breathing for him. His dad waited for the docters to tell him the bad news. A docter came out and said.

"I'm very sorry about your son. He has a rare breathing problem and may not live to be 13 years old. It has spread to his brain and we don't know how much longer the machine can breathe for him." Matt's dad nodded.

Misty called Matt's house and got Matt's mom on the phone. When Misty heard the news,she rushed to the hospital and Matt's dad told her what happened. Tears filled Misty's eyes as she realized she was so wrong to say Matt was afraid to fail the test. A doctor came in the room and frowned.

"Sir,I'm sorry. We did everything we could. We lost him." Sobbing, Misty ran home. Almost Matt's whole class came to his funeral except one. Misty locked herself in her room and sobbed all day. How could she call a dying person stupid. The next day,she rode her bike to the cemertery and placed a red rose on Matt's grave.

"Sorry,Matt. Just wanted to tell you, I failed the test." she said, and smiled.

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