Hello and welcome to my special gallery. I decided to take a walk around Cloud 9 for a day. Okay not that this would happened until I'm thirty, but I did some imaginning. I took my camera around Cloud 9 for a day, and heard that the cast would have to go on special diets. these are my pictures.
Michelle Ang. Also known as Tai-san was appauled at it and started going at what was left in her teeth. I said Okkkkkaaaaayy and moved on.
Tori Spence also known as Salene was shocked. She didn't know about the diet and stood there for thirty more minutes. She then started to eat Charlie who was in the cupboard.
Jacob Tomuri also known as Luke is an idiot. He just gave this look when he heard the news. I decided to take the picture just to show his stupidity.
While passing the time. This is what Ned did. Kept asking Caleb Ross to pull his finger, while Caleb Ross was doing promotional shots. By the end of the day you found Ned in intesive care with a broken leg. So he had to be written out of the show. Hee Hee
Jaffa didn't have to worry about the diet . He is Bulimic.
There are so many ways to insult Dwayne Cameron. I captured the essence of Dwayne in this picture alone. When he heard of the diets he went into one of his Queen moments, and then stomped to his trailer. Later I snuck into his trailer and found him doing this.
Well there you have it my day at Cloud 9
Thank you and goodbye.

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