About Me
Name: Victoria A. J.S M. R

Birthday: February 10th 1987

Age:: 18

Location: Barrie, Ontario Canada

Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? Right now it definatly will be some kids I can't stand at my school, but that's in different grades like cough grade 10's on my bus. 

What is your favorite TV show? The Tribe, Big Brother and the Amazing Race. As well as the new show Medium.

Fave place, City or Country? New Zealand, Walt Disney World

What/who inspires you? My Music and my surroundings to make fun of;)

If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, you go? New Zealand and Hollywood

Favorite day of the  week? Anyday but Sunday

Favorite  brand of clothing? Addition Nelle or Old Navy or Penningtons new MXM line


What is your shoe  size? size 44 or size 9?? I'm confused myself

Where were you born? Kingston Ontario

Favorite Quote? When it comes to the ritual of growing up. Sometimes you smile because your happy. Othertimes you smile just because you survived.

I'm going to be eighteen in a week. I've made a new life for myself, and yet I still get sick and throw my chances away. But I always get that second chance and I will make it better this time. It's take about four months but I'm feeling okay as of the moment typing this, and that's all I can do. I almost have to be an existentialist when you think about it, and live in the moment.  I am hoping to go to the University of Rhyerson and as I spend my time here and away from my friends I forget and I think they forget me, and it's sad that we have to move apart. As much as I hate to say it but it's true except I try to hold onto the few friends on the internet. However I have had to let a person go and it has not been hard, but it's made my life easier.

I want to be a director or write screenplays, and I have two cats and a dog. I love all my pets and I love making music videos too for shows. I have about two dedicated to the tribe. I am hoping to put my music videos on the net soon.. Anyways gtg

Wicket my old kitten before she died, and on the top right is Neko my long gone kitten!!!
Isn't  he and she so cute???
New Pictures of me :P I am such a cam ho.