*Puts up her own concession stand and a nurses' hat and smiles. Listens to the money clank and then listens to some displeased user that has to choose between two boys. *

"Ah ha the boy next door or the boyfriend you have now? Well I'd don't know but isn't that a beautiful clanking noise. Oh listen to the beautiful noise the beautiful beautiful noise of the clanking nickel."

* The user runs away crying and Eddie throws a microphone at Mindwarp to make her snap out of it. Mindwarp drops the jar looks into the camera and takes her nurse hat off. *

"Sorry users at home. Anyway in recent updates in the twenty-four hour mark I saw Iris being a savior to all. NOT! She was complaining that users were being "SO NEGATIVE" Well that's how your suppose to be when you have no other life but the life you lead on the UBB. So thus because you are being a patronizing blubbering twit I shall take this pinata stick and hit you with it."

* Hits Iris with a pinata stick. *

"People of the UBB! It is patronizing hitting the user Iris time. Nah I am just kidding, but once more for good old time sake. "
* Hits Iris again and giggles. *

"Oh I'll never get sick of that. My favorite old user (that I use to make fun of) Lynne the Queen of misspelling back in the old Ubb days has come up in my sight of eyes. I saw her self hating thread and seeing that she was all depressed I had to go ask her why all the depression."

* Mindwarp walks up to Lynne and Eddie focuses on Lynne entering the suicide thread. *

"Oh my Lynne!"

*Mindwarp turns around and makes a squirm face into the camera. All you can hear are the screams of the tent and chainsaw noises. Mindwarp nudges to get away as fast as you can. *

"Um well rest in peace Lynne…I hope you wrote a answer for the "What do you want played at your funeral" question thread. So I hope everyone goes to that funeral of hers and show their respect!"

*Mindwarp takes a moment wipes a tear and then smiles with the microphone close to her mouth. While the cross swings around again and you can hear the Christian scream. *

"Oh great Ved's#1girl is back woopy! Haven't we seen enough of these Characters name and then # 1 girl around I mean COME ON Be Original with your names! Oh has everyone seen the thread "I can make custom avatars!"  Who really gives a fuck if you can make an avatar! I can't stand the people who brag that they have a program that I don't have! It pisses me off you know. I mean come on Marzi712 you’re avatars suck ass! Whats worse is that you don’t even promote your own, you go on some cooperate website like The-n.com and steal a Degrassi avatar because you're too ashamed to promote your own pieces of crap! I can't even pity your shameful act…"

* Shakes her head in disgrace. *

"Hey he Dot dot dot man was out and about and I found him! He thought him self so highly that he wrote a list of people's avatars he liked. I have to mention it because the Newbies that DID NOT make his list were pouting and whining that they didn't make his list. Feeling depressed and hitting rock bottom of being no-where in the UBB chain pool decided to congratulate themselves on their sucky avatars (not saying that mine is much better but meh I'm not whining). Dot Dot Dot man I congratulate you on being high thinking these days. I have seen no other egotistical thinking than the man patsy himself Moderator 1."

* Giggles as the Jebus girl swings around again. *

"Speaking of Moderator 1, I can see that he is still happy being of high authority, which he shouldn't be! He's just a fetish toy that IS can never get sick of! Now that all is said I'm sure to join the sin bin thread that little bitch created. OH I WILL NEVER BE SHUSHED! Your and egomaniac and sicken me you stupid captain obvious. I point and will forever laugh at you! PATSY THAT'S ALL YOU ARE!"

* rEiNaPrInCeSsA stop swinging and was all read in the face even hanging down, blocking Mindwarp. Mindwarp popped out to the side and smiled. *

"Well we're always here, Me, Eddie and the elves. We're even here at the festival of shame that the UBB has turned into. I salute you all and join in on the concession stands I sure am having fun!"

* Spins rEiNaPrInCeSsA cross around once more and then runs off from camera view with her chair. The camera rumbles and all you can make out is Doogie trying to stop the swinging cross. The Camera makes a fuzzy move and then transmission ends. *

                                     Stay Tune For Another News Report By Mindwarp;)
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