What's In A Name?

Discordianism has a proud tradition (going back to about last Thursday) of getting new members to choose their own Holy Name - like the Beatus Ffungo (no, I wasn't born a Beatus - that took years of hard work and piety, until I wised up). For what it's worth, the Principia points out that the choosing of Holy Names isn't unique to Discordians, citing the example of Pope Paul IV failing to be born of Mr. and Mrs. IV. Exactly why we do this is, like most things in Discordianism, is somewhat unclear. Some maintain that we were named after Thuddites, so changing names is the only reasonable thing to do. Others think that giving yourself a silly name can help you remember that taking yourself too seriously is a Big Sin. Then, there's the contingent that thinks it's all just a big laugh. Of course, all views are considered Doctrinally Correct.
In any case, the choosing of a name is a very powerful event, which is why we recommend doing as often as possible. Names are really just Magick Words that we associate with actual items that can trap them by defining them. Since we're going to be trapped like this anyway, there is value in doing it ourselves - it gives us more control, and it's kind of a kick. There are actually many different levels of naming, or claiming an identity:

Declaration of Existence
The simplest level of naming occurs when something is named just to show that it exists. When Jehova was talking to Moses in that whole burning bush scene, Moses asked him for some I.D. Exodus 3:14. "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." In other words, he was just saying that he existed, and that was enough for a bunch of people to follow Charlton Heston into the desert. Or something.
Declaration of Exclusion
A second level occurs when the claimed identity is used to distinguish oneself from something else, defined or not. Calling oneself a "Discordian" is a claim that excludes certain traits and beliefs, unless you're a snivling hypocritical sack of shit (a.k.a. "Those Who Disagree With Me"). This exclusionary statement of identity has been used most effectively by the great Prophet Popeye, who frequently says, "I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam!". Note how Popeye cleverly expands upon the work of Jehova, who came much earlier (c. 4500 years).
Declaration of Identity
This highest level of naming is the one performed by Discordians everywhere when they quit being John Doe and start being The Right Reverend Blotto von Crockstein. In the previous levels, the identity is hidden behind declarative statments - "I exist" and "I am unique". In this level, the true Magick of the name stands alone - no defining claims are needed. Indeed, the sense of identity can just be forming, in which case the identity is a goal, an active attempt at becoming one's own avatar. This is most clearly demonstrated in the Prophet Beavis, when he declares, "I am Cornholio!". No further explanation should be required.

So there you have it. Seize the metaphysical High Ground and give yourself a name. What the hell - give yourself some cool titles too. Most Discordians are Popes, Deacons, Freakons, or what-have-you. A "beatus" is someone who has been "beatified" by the Roman Catholic Church, which means that they figure you're in heaven and it's ok to toss your name into the hopper for sainthood. Since I am 1) not Catholic (any more), and 2) not dead (yet), I decided to beatify myself and beat the holiday rush. If you're feeling exceptionally proud of your Holy Name and want to work up an ID for it, Pope Icky Fundament at Hyperdiscordia has assembled a groovy ID-card maker. (Take a look at my card if you want.) I urge you to do it too - why be "Claude Mercier" when you can be "Absolutum Vacuum Plenum von Kaosberg, Creator of the Prolific Cosmic Void Inc. (TM), Pope of the Renegades and Anarchistic Initiates of the New Babylonian Order (RAINBO), Supreme Knight of the Order of the Great Astral Dipper (OGAD), Secret Pope Agent,and Ordinary Police Priest on weekends, of the Nina Kazawa Kabal (NKK), High Nothingness of All Known and Unknown Bullshit, Uncontested Lord of all Frog-Like Fnords aka xyz the Chaogenic Unknown God (unofficial brother-in-law of our All Hailable Eris)" (to quote an honest-to-goodness example from alt.discordia)? You have nothing to lose but your boredom.....

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