The Shumate & Lewis Families

Spencer will be 9 in December.
He likes to draw pictures and is a huge fan of reading and writing. He has a hard time choosing between Scooby Doo and Spiderman. He likes to run and play basketball and he loves to wrestle with his Uncle Greg. His favorite food is Pizza. His favorite color is orange. Spencer is also a drummer with the Native American Drum, Wolf Creek, and a member of the Munsee Delaware Nation USA.
Above, Spencer with cousin Rashid, playing outside the Wheeler Family reunion in July 2006 & Spencer with best friend, Elza.

Our family. . . .

Tricia at work. . . .
Tricia's brothers and sisters. . . . .

This is the most recent picture of all of us together. There are two brothers missing, Scott and Leslie, but the rest of us are here including a neice and nephew. With 10 children, there is quite a culmination of grandchildren. I believe the number now reaches 18 and doesn't include great grandchildren of which Connor should make 7 and Rashid would make 8.

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An Ode to Fathers . . .

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