TMS Forum
TMS Forum
About Us
Member Application
1-21-05:  We are currently undegoing a comlete change up.  Brad has left the club completely, and handed all control back over to me.  Jason Yohn has formed his own club, and most all of the Springfield members in TMS have went with him.  As far as know, i'm the only member left, as I haven't heard from the Vandalia guys for awhile.

The forum is still up and running so for anyone interested, please check it out. 

4-4-04:  Cookout at Erics house.  Springfield guys are gonna get the meat and stuff that needs refigerated.  You guys from outta town can bring some soda and stuff to snack on. Any other info is on our forum so check it out!! NEED DIRECTIONS?  You can either post it up if u need directions, or you can call me at 217-494-3180.  Later, Brad

3-7-04:  Meet at Hickory Point Mall In Decatur: PICS ARE UP!!  UNDER EACH MEMBER NAME!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!