This is my site
Well as you know, this is a website, but the kick to it is its all about me! I am April. I am 24 and I live in Lansing, Mi. I have lived here all my life and don't really plan on leaving. I graduated in 2000 from Everett High School, and I graduated from Baker College last spring with an associates in Small Business Management.

So two days after christmas 2004, I found out I'm pregnant. What a way to end the best year of my life.
I went in for my ultrasound, and they measured the size of the baby, and put me at a due date of Aug. 12th. So I get to be pregnant in the hot months this summer. Yuck.

And I still can't believe there is no Hockey this year ... damn NHL players ... just quit whining over how much money you make and suck it up.
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This be Me!
Name: April...aka Babysqueaks
Now that's an old picture!