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Get to know TrickyG

Quotes Gotta Love'em

TrickyG's Favorite Sites

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Get to know TrickyG

The New York Times says:
"TrickyG is a real hip guy. He's always down for whatever."

GQ said:
"He is possibly one of the most fly guys still kickin' it. A real ladies man."

His friends say:
"You can count on him in a tight spot. He's smart, sophisticated, and unique. He's always thinking of cool stuff to do."

Times magazine declares:
"Man of the Year!"

Random Guy Stopped on the Street:
"Who the hell is TrickyG?"

I am approximately 5'11", with brown/blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a well built body. I enjoys slow walks on the beach under a moonlit sky, while listening to the waves gently crash against the sandy beach. I am also a great listener (sorry ladies I'm taken. I've already got a great girl.) I must mention that since coming to school at West Virginia University I have been giving some other nick names. Last year 2002 I was dubbed Burlap and most recently I have been dubbed Juice (that's a different story).

Other random facts: As I mentioned I am attending WVU and I am majoring in Mechanical and Aerospace engineering. I love the water and most all things that have to do with it. Hence, I love fish. Some of my favorite things are listed on this page with various links provided. So, please take time to get to know TrickyG. Enjoy!

Quotes Gotta Love'em

These are some quotes from movies, random people, and myself. Enjoy.

"My head is like a jigsaw puzzle. I just haven't put all the pieces together yet." ~TrickyG~
"It is better to be happy then to be sad." ~TrickyG~
"Oh well, we can't be smart all the time." ~TrickyG~
"Folks don't be fooled by the dashed line." ~Dr. Keopke~
"First we get the jobs, then we get the khakis, then we get the chicks!" ~Baseketball~
"Strange things are afoot at the circle K." ~Bill and Ted~
"Never fell in love, until I fell in love with you. Never knew what a good time was, till I had a good time with you." ~Rancid~
"The heart has reasons that reason does not know." ~Pascal~

Tricky G's Favorite Sites

Some of my favorite sites to visit are:

Featured Site:

This site is for a program called waste. Popular Science magazine says:"A new privacy-centric communicatoin tool opens the file-sharing floodgates once again." It's really cool. I'll try to get more info on it soon. But for now this is the site. My recommendation is that if you dont know alot about computers get someone who does to help you set it up. Once you acess the site, go to SourceForge waste site fomr there you are on your own. It's cutting edge if you're up to it it has a big payoff. Enjoy.

These are some websites for the school's that my friends and I attend:

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Created By- Alex Gray
Last update- 9/03/02