The Best Halloween EVER! by MonStoppable
Series: Kim Possible | | Season: AU | | Rating: G | | Genres: Suspense/Action/Adventure
Synopsis: Ron's twin sister is having some trouble on Halloween in this alternate reality fic.

Candy, Russian Butts, and Chihuahuas by Meghan-the-Melancholy
Series: Gilmore Girls | | Season: 4 | | Rating: PG-13 | | Genres: Humor/Romance
Synopsis: Taylor is preparing Stars Hollow for his 1st annual Halloween Spooktacular Festival. Lorelai plans to enter the Miss Halloween Spooktacular contest whose prize is 2 tickets to see Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas.

For Want Of A Sheet by Peter Meilinger
Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer | | Season: 2 | | Rating: R | | Genres: Drama
Synopsis: What if Willow hadn't covered up her lady of the night costume?
Warning: Rated R for sexual content and language.

Fright Night by Spice of Life
Series: All Grown Up | | Season: 1? | | Rating: PG | | Genres: Humor/Horror
Synopsis: Dil has trouble figuring out who he wants to be for Halloween.

One Hell of a Halloween by Drake Tepes
Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer | | Season: 2 | | Rating: PG-13 | | Genres: Mystery
Synopsis: What if Xander chose another costume for Halloween season 2? This choice leads to one hellacious night in Sunnydale.

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