Note: The crossovers that you find here are only TV show crossovers, any crossovers that are a TV show and a movie are found within the show's fiction list. To be considered a crossover, the story has to contain characters themselves from another show, i.e. the What If Xander wore another costume stories are all in the BtVS since it was still Xander but with a different personality.

Halloween Hellraiser by Patrick Moore
Series: Beavis & Butthead / Daria | | Season: ? / ? | | Rating: PG | | Genres: Humor
Synopsis: While everyone prepares for the Halloween dance at Lawndale High, Daria remembers Halloween's past.

Halloween in Vegas by reset313
Series: Angel / Buffy the Vampire Slayer | | Season: 4 / 7 | | Rating: PG-13 | | Genres: General
Synopsis: Lorene tells the story of Halloween events with Angel, Gunn and Xander.

The Halloween Visitor by Rob Morris
Series: Bewitched / Forever Knight | | Season: NA | | Rating: PG | | Genres: General
Synopsis: Darrin encounters a strange visitor on Halloween night.

An X-Halloween by Susan
Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / X-Files | | Season: 2 / 5 | | Rating: PG | | Genres: Action/Adventure/Romance
Synopsis: Mulder and Scully travel to Sunnydale to "unofficially" investigate the events of Halloween 1997 with the Scoobie gang's help.

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