Séances can be held at any time of the year but Halloween is the night when the veil between our world and the spirit world thins and you might have the best results. So, get into the Halloween spirit of ghosts and fright and plan your séance with my helpful tips and instructions below.

| | Are Séances For Real? | |

The history of séances is a long one and you can find more information about its origins on my Hallowed History page about Séances and Ouija Boards. Even in modern times, many people have claimed to have preformed successful séances and have the video recordings to prove it. There are even professional organizations like the International Society for Paranormal Research and the Society for Paranormal Investigation, Research, and Informational Training that exist to explore the possibilities of truth in the paranormal. There is also a documentary called Strictly Supernatural: Séance which examines the evidence supporting the credibility of séances. But the only way to really find out is to conduct your own séance and find out first hand.

| | Things You Will Need | |

The Location: Some people recommend that you not have the séance at your home incase the spirit you invite decides not to leave. But short of renting a hotel room-where else are you going to have it? Just make sure that it is a quiet area of your home and that there is enough space for all of your guests to be comfortable. Also make sure you wont be interrupted by a pet or a telephone.
A Round Table: Séances are usually held around a round or oval shaped table but if you do not have access to one you can clear an area for you and your guests to sit in a circle on the floor. You might also have pillows to make your guests more comfortable.
White Table Cover: To ensure that you attract "good" ghosts, place a white table cloth, sheet or piece of fabric on your table or in the center of your circle.
Candles: You should place at least three candles in the center of your table, you can use as many as you'd like on the table and around the room, just make sure the number is divisible by three. The candles in the center of your circle should be white or purple and if you are sitting on the floor, make sure you place them on a heat resistant surface.
Incense: There are three scents that are essential for holding a séance. Cinnamon helps provide warmth and energy. Frankincense helps to expand consciousness and aids in meditation. And, Sandalwood will ground participants and help them to stay focused. You may use candles with these scents instead, just make sure if they are not white or purple you keep them out of your circle.
Music: Before starting your séance, play some soothing and relaxing music to put your guests at ease. Make sure you turn off the music before you begin.
Tape or Video Recorder: You might want to record your séance. Some people have found that once they had listened or viewed their recording, they actually made contact even though they thought they had an unsuccessful séance. Sometimes quieter spirits can't be heard clearly until you listen to the recording at high volume. On the other hand, if you have a very successful experience and go to listen to your tape, you might hear only static due to the high frequencies spirits sometimes produce.
Paper and Pens: Once you've had a good night's sleep, you and your guests may find that the experience now seems rather dreamlike and rather cloudy. So, anyone who wants to might jot down his or her point of view/thoughts/interpretation/etc of the night before it escapes your head. If you plan to have séances on a regular basis, you could also keep a log of what happened at each séance.
Fresh Flowers: This is optional, but it is said that fresh flowers attract spirits. So to ensure better luck you might want to have some placed in the room you'll be having your séance.
A Medium: It is recommended to hire a professional, but if you can not afford one or simply choose not to, you may decide to act as host and medium or one of your guest may like to act as the guide. Whatever you choose, make sure that it is someone who is experienced or has attended a séance before or at the least is a believer and is in tune with their sixth sense.
A Spirit to Contact: Last, but not least, you need to decide who you will be contacting before you begin your séance. You can attempt to contact as many people as you choose but it is a good idea that it be someone you know or that someone in the group knows. You don't want to invite the spirit of someone who was a serial killer when they were alive into your house, do you?

| | Things to Know | |

  • There is no length of time for a séance, this is all up to you and your group.
  • You might want to say a brief prayer or request for protection before begining your séance, just in case. You can pray to what ever God you affiliate with, say a chant and ask for only positive spirits, or ask your spirit guide or deceased loved ones for protection. Which ever is right for you or your guests.
  • You might prefer to use and Ouija Board during your seance for easier communication.
  • You do not have to hold hands through the entire séance, hand holding does not increase the possibility of communicating and it will get annoying if you have a long séance.
  • It is a good idea that the spirit that you decide to contact is someone who has passed recently. Spirits who have lived on the other side for more than a couple of decades may not want to be bothered and if you do-they might get angry.
  • Sometimes a spirit may come that you did not expect. Thank them and tell them to move on.
  • Not all spirits are human, you may decide to contact a pet that has passed on. They will speak to you through imagery.
  • Most spirits want to let their loved ones know that they are ok on the other side or they want to clear up unfinished business.
  • Some spirits will want to discuss their death.
  • Spirits can have a range of emotions. You might encounter a spirit who is funny, sad, angry, etc.
  • Dysfunctional people (and teenagers) will attract dysfunctional spirits.
  • Spirits may come alone or they might bring others with them.
  • Not all spirits will come when called, some are busy on the other side and others simply choose not to come.

| | Séance Instructions | |

Once everyone has used the restroom, turned off their cell phones, is finished chatting and are peacefully seated around the table, it is a good idea to charge the candles. Have each participant hold each candle in their hands, tell them to visualize the symbolic power emanating from it and enforce it with positive energy. Once everyone has held each candle, return them to their designated place and light them. Now you may turn off the lights, this is not a requirement but it adds to the experience.

Now, begin by joining hands with the people on either side of you and close your eyes. If you have chosen to say a prayer, say it now. Then the Medium should lead the group in a relaxation exercise. Instruct them to breathe in slowly though their noses...and exhale slowly out of their mouths. Keep your minds blank, remain calm and tune into your senses. Do this for a few minutes.

Next, the medium should ask everyone to repeat this chant until you receive an answer:
"Our beloved [name of spirit], we ask that you commune with us and move among us."

The answer may come in many forms. There could be a sudden increase or decrease in temperature, participants can experience a slight ache in the area that caused the spirit's death, you might hear a rapping or other noise, the table could slightly lift from the floor or you could smell a certain scent (perfume, cigar, food).

If you go a while with no respnse, the medium can say:
"If you are with usm [name of spirit], please rap once."

Once you have received confirmation that you are actually speaking with the dead, make sure you know who it is that you are speaking with by establishing a one rap for yes and two raps for no communication system. Try to only ask yes or no questions that the spirit you've invited will know the answer to. Don't ask more than one question at a time and don't have random bursts of questions either. Also, never taunt or tease a spirit, they don't take jokes very well so save any playful banter for the living.

Once you have finished your questioning, end the séance by thanking the spirit for attending and then tell it to go in peace. If you are still holding hands, now is the time to release your grasps, if you are not still holding hands, stand to break the circle. Then extinguish all candles and turn on the lights.

| | What If? | |

There are many reasons why if you have no luck contacting any spirit. Someone in your group didn't really believe, the spirit(s) decided not to make the journey, you did and just didn't realize it, you weren't patient enough or it simply wasn't in the cards. In any of these instances, don't just simply give up. Many people have found that this is something that gets easier with practice. So try again until you are truly convinced it is not for real.

If you've ended your séance and have a participant who is unconscious, don't panic. Make sure they are breathing and allow them to wake up on their own. Séances are known to hypnotize people and put them in a trance or deep sleep. Once the person is awake, they might have a message.

If the spirit you've contacted gives you creepy or violent messages or knocks furniture over or throws your belongings around the room, ask them politely to leave. If they persist, quickly tell them to go in peace, break the circle by releasing hand or standing up and turn on the lights.

If your medium decides to invite the ghost into his or her body to answer questions in more detail, be sure to have an anchor who can tell the spirit to go in peace in the instance that the medium can not handle it. A sign of trouble would be spastic movements.

Be sure you tell the spirit to go in peace, if you do not tell them goodbye, they will take it as an invitation to stay. If you wind up with a ghost or multipule ghosts haunting your house after your séance, you will have to learn to live with them, read up on how to perform an exorcism on your house or move.

DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to be any kind of expert in séances. I have simply used information found on various different pages from the internet and collected it all here. I take no responsibility if you have unsatisfactory results with your séance.

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