* Current Version 0.725*


Unofficial Trillian Update Page


* CNET has now served over 2,011,992 Trillian downloads! *

Current Trillian News & "AOL vs. Trillian" News Articles:

~ 2/21/02 (4:10PM-EST)
- What everyone has been waiting for! Cerulean Studios has released Trillian v0.725! Get it HERE! Here is the official release info:

- Trillian v0.725 Released -

This latest release fixes the recent AOL outage and a few other things. We've also improved auto-update a bit more; we can now trigger download notifications on a per-DLL basis. 

Going forward, Cerulean Studios is committed to maintaining interoperability across all major IM networks. We will continue to work hard and pursue the necessary avenues to keep this a reality. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you out there supporting us! Many of you have gone out of your way to express your enthusiasm and support for Trillian; it is without doubt you folks who keep the ball rolling. Thanks.
- The Cerulean Studios Team

View Archived News Reports

Part Of Your Trillian Not Working? Click Here.

PC World February 22nd, 02 "IM Interoperability Stalled, AOL Battles Trillian"
Kuro5hin February 15th, 02 "AOL-AIM Battle Takes A Twist"
VIAHardware February 15th, 02 "The AIM/Trillian War Continues..."
PC World February 15th, 02 "AOL Spikes Trillian Users"
BetaNews February 15th, 02 "Again, AOL Says 'Goodbye' to Trillian Users"
BuzzCut February 6th, 02 "AOL Shuts Out Instant-Messaging Competition -- Don't Take It Lying Down"
ASPnews February 5th, 02 "Weekly Review: AOL Keeps IM to Itself"
ZDNet February 1st, 02 "Why AOL Has The Right To Turn Away A Million Trillians"
ZDNet Radio February 1st, 02 Radio Interview With Werndorfer From ZDNet! (from above) - WMP or Real
Plastic January 31st, 02 "AOL Acting Like Microsoft"
CNET January 30th, 02 "AOL Blocks Instant Messaging Startup"

View Archived Articles

Official Trillian-v0.725 Download Links:

CNET (Main Site) Download Trillian-v0.725
Kalamazoo, MI, USA (Mirror) Download Trillian-v0.725
Canada (Mirror) Download Trillian-v0.725
Gloucester, United Kingdom (Mirror) Download Trillian-v0.725
United Kingdom (Mirror) Download Trillian-v0.725
Argentina (Mirror) Download Trillian-v0.725


* Note From Webmaster *

Hey everyone, I'm just dropping a little note of support for Trillian here. We all probably downloaded
Trillian expecting just an alright program, and it being Freeware, why not? I think a lot of 
us though were surprised by how much we're actually getting from Trillian.
Even when AIM servers filtered us, free fixes were available right away. There is a whole group of us waiting in the
channel just in case something happens, so we can help troubleshoot. For as much software as we all use, I think we can part with
a few dollars to go to Trillian. Donate now. There are a lot of people fighting this battle, and now is when they could really use your help.

* Hope You Enjoy The Page - It's Part Of My Donation *

Trillian Links

~ Cerulean Studios: Official Trillian Webpage

~ Trillian Users Group

~ Trillian Media Campaign

~ Trillian Scripters - IRC Scripting

~ Trillian Civillians - Tips & Tricks

~ DeviantART - Trillian Skins

~ DREAD's Skinning Reference Guide

This site is an UNOFFICIAL Trillian Update fan site, and has no affiliation with Cerulean Studios.
The Trillian Client and Trillian Logo are both properties of Cerulean Studios.

This information was compiled from reports on the IRC  #Trillian channel.

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