St. Hilda’s College Meeting



Thursday, January 30, 2002 at 6:45pm

Rigby Room


Attendance of the Officers of the SHCM: Catherine Butler, Kathryn Fitzgerald, Cate Prichard,

Ali McCoomb, Christine Lee, Kelly Cousins, Lisa Crawford, Angela Freeman


Regrets: Eleanor Pachaud, Megan Jull, Margaret Bennett



1.       Call To Order- 6:50pm

Everybody welcomed to the meeting.


2.      Approval of the Agenda

Motion: Joanne Boyle

Seconded: Liz Reaney

Motion Passes


3.      Approval of the Minutes

Motion: Joanne Boyle

Seconded: Lisa Crawford

Motion Passes



4a. Head of College- Catherine Butler

i.                     The JCM committee on student governance is in its final round of solicitations for suggestions on student government. They will be meeting and discussing this last round of suggestions next week.

ii.                   Elections for various positions around college are coming up, and all nominations will open on the same day this year.

iii.                  An elections package is being created with descriptions of each position to be distributed before the elections.

iv.                 The heads will be doing events calendars every two weeks and providing them to students. If you have any additions, please give them to the heads.

v.                   Krista Johanson asked what was being done about the recent fight and resulting cancellation of the NRAC party. Cathy responded with the information that the Deans are not considering canceling future events, and the only major repercussions will be an inevitable visit from a liquor inspector due to the police report filed.


4b. Head of Arts: Kathryn Fitzgerald

i.                     First semester was a great semester!

ii.                   The Winterfest party was a great success. $900 was made in profits.

iii.                  The Community Affairs Sub-Committee is revamping the Discipline Code; please speak with Kathryn, Tiff or Andrew if you have any concerns, or questions.

iv.                 Since, Winterfest, the HofA has organized Trin goes to Einstein’s, a Super Bowl Party and a Head’s Pub. Upcoming is Conversat and the Sub-Kirk party.


4c. NRAC- Tiff Ing

i.                     The Buttery Tea went extremely well, a huge thank you to everyone who showed up and helped. They will be trying to have them more regularly and more informally.

ii.                   The NRAC party has been postponed, but will happen at a later date.

iii.                  There will be a paintballing trip in lieu of a ski trip probably on March 1st.

iv.                 NRAC is planning a one week or possibly two week Simpsons marathon showing ten episodes per day for a week.

v.                   The NRAC election day has been moved up one week to have people submit their nominations and position papers in the same week as Head of College, and have the election the following week. The Head of NRAC forum will be the same day as the Head of Arts forum but in the afternoon in the Buttery. This is to ensure that they Non-res have time to read the papers and make an informed choice.

vi.                 The Senate Community Affairs Sub-Committee is reviewing the discipline code, if you have any suggestions please e-mail Tiff at




4.d Year Reports

ii.          OT3- The problems with OT3’s bank account with Royal Bank have been resolved. The “Graditude” committee has been organizing OT3 week with an auction, a 4th year dinner and a pub. The 4th year bar is in the works for March. Go OT3!

iii.         OT4- No Report

iv.         OT5- The OT5 Roost Party went well, thank you to everyone who came out!

v.         OT6- The Christmas hot-tottie event with UAAC and The Trinity Tea Enthusiasts went well, thanks to all who came out! Christine noted that attendance was down, and vowed to ensure more first years at the next meeting. OT6 will be hosting the Conversat Coffee House, which will be non-alcoholic, as it will be followed by a Pub. They are doing “Classy Valentine’s” which is a champagne glass filled with candies, which can be bought at the Conversat table for $5.00 and will be delivered at dinner on Valentine’s day. All members of the SHCM followed this with a discussion about how bad Valentine’s day is with comments such as my boyfriend is in Manitoba (Lisa), Boourns to Valentine’s day (Krista) etc. Finally OT6 will be hosting an OT6’s girl’s slumber party on the second Friday of March.


4e. Divinity Report

i.                     On February 2nd 2003 the Divinity class is presenting the Vagina monologues in the GIT. There is an evening and matinee performance. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased from the divinity office. (Larkin 3rd floor).

ii.                   ATS accreditation took place in December. The college has received a verbal report saying that it is accredited for five more years, up to ten years if the wider college can sort out their finances.

iii.                  There is a motion pending regarding the switching of the altars in the chapel. The switch is scheduled to take place after reading week. It will be for a trial period; Comments or concerns may be directed to the chaplain after reading week.

iv.                 Just a reminder that all students are welcome to attend any chapel services. Service times are posted outside the chapel.


4f. House Committee: 

i.                     There was a meeting on Wednesday 15th of January at 8am.

ii.                   Bill Chisholm is working on making the heating system better!

iii.                  Victoria talked to Mr. Chisholm about the Sub-Kirk wall. He still claims that there have been new additions to the wall, however she checked personally and sees none. He is more than happy to have a meeting with the HofC, Dean and the girls to go over the situation.

iv.                 Anyone with any requests regarding maintenance etc. should speak to Victoria Hughes Room 258 or e-mail her or speak to the floor rep. E-mail:

4g. Food Rep

i.                     If anyone has any suggestions regarding food they may speak/e-mail Margaret.


4h. SHAA

i.                     SHAA is design competition for Trin Wear this year. They are hoping that some artists at Trin will design the new logo/crest to be displayed on some of the Trin wear. The winning designer will receive a free t-shirt with the logo on it. They are hoping the “logo” will demonstrate the creative and traditional ideas that Trin embodies. Entries should be placed in the “Application” envelope in the Postress’s lodge as soon as possible.

ii.                   Trin Wear will hopefully be out by mid-end of March, if anyone has any suggestions for the types of clothing he or she just has to let SHAA know.

iii.                  Krista Johanson asked, “Will the rugby shirt change?” Angela says yes, they want to vary the colours.

iv.                 Angela says they are looking into girl’s underwear that says “Trinity” across the front. Kelly Cousins says that’s a great idea unless it says, “Trin, Trin your Daddy got you in!”



4i. SAC

i.                     No report.


4j. TCDS

i.                     TCDS is going well, the winter play, Woody Allen’s Death, is up and running smoothly. Everyone please come out, it’s running in the GIT on January 29, 30,31 and February 1,5,6,7. Tickets are $5 for students and $8 for non-students.

ii.                   The TCDS is seeking proposals for both the spring play and the Frosh play. The Frosh play is a short play written and direction by the Frosh class and will be performed before the Iggy’s at the end of the year. Please contact Graham Scott or Eleanor if you are interested.


4k. SHCM Treasurer

i.                     There is still not cheque for the levy for the HofC and HofA.

ii.                   The SHCM account is empty.

iii.                  OT4 Rocks!!!!


4l. LIT

i.                     No report.


5) Sub-Kirk Party Loan

i.                     Each member of Sub-Kirk collected $20, and thus do not need a loan.


6) Postering Rules

i.                     Any posters posted around St. Hilda’s are the jurisdiction of the SHCM. It was noted that it is not really enforceable. A motion was presented:


Motion: Cathy Butler

Second: Liz Reaney


If any individual is found to have torn down or defaced any poster without express permission from the Head of College, Head of Arts of parties concerned will face disciplinary consequences. This motion is not applicable to expired posters.

            Motion Passes




a)      Victoria Hughes asked, when will the wing-house photos for the yearbook be taken? Liz Reaney replied that photos will be taken on February 3 in the order of South, Main, No-Name, Kirk, Massey


b)      The yearbook will be finished as of February 12, 2003. If you have any pictures of anything, please get them to Liz Reaney as quickly as possible.



Motion to adjourn: Krista Johanson

Seconded: Joanne Boyle



Meeting adjourned 7:25pm.