Florida is hot during the summer.

Corey's cute Gramma Do turned...old enough to still be his Gramma this June, so Corey, his mom and his sister flew out to Pensacola, FL for a week of basking in the cool, air-conditioned confines of her cozy home. It was a lot of fun.
The excitement on Corey's mom's face effectively captured the essence of the party. Isn't Gramma Do cute?
Because it's the best restaurant on Planet Earth, Corey ate at the Waffle House as many times as his mother would allow him. And it wasn't nearly enough.
De plane, Boss! De plane!
(Corey, Kelly and the Random Guy In The Back Row Looking At The Camera all had a great flight together.)
Corey loves his Aunt Holly.
This is Opine, Alabama, at the house where Corey's great granddad lived. Corey looks mad in this picture.
The Opine Handgun Association had its first gathering during Corey's trip. Those are co-founders Uncle Bobby and Sister Kelly.
Guns are NOT toys. Well, not really. Okay, sort of.
Kelly + revolver = scares Corey
Uncle Bobby's "shiny things"
Corey's mommy is so pretty.
This is Corey's gratuitous tough-guy picture.