
v e r s i o n 1 . 3
i s_ c u r r e n t l y _ u p g r a d i n g
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intro ::
"I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost

Greetings MUGGLES! my name's Tristan (for all those who don't know) and glad you visited my site! This is my personal page and all things written here are all my original works (well except if someone wishes their stuff to be posted here also). Now why name it The Plausible? Honestly, I haven't the foggiest idea, but if you happen to get to this site, then you've proven to be plausible. I'm fond of writing, that's probably why I made this, and reading as well. So you might notice it's more of a literary-rich content. I'll do me best to keep this updated, well if there's not much work that is, and update you with news and events that's happening in my world. So have fun and please do visit my The Plausible always. Danke Schon - Thank You - Merci - Gracias - Maraming Salamat

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news ::
Expect this June (May 30, 2005) Rain of course!!! and lots of it! Also, get ready for the return of the Batman! An all new saga, that corners on the origin of this legendary dark knight. I suppose War of the Worlds will be shown on June as well, which teamed two Hollywood icons Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg. Get ready! Prepare your umbrellas, ready the 'scarecrow' masks, be alarmed, cos all of these are going to happen in June!
Maricel. Admin Assistant

MIS in Motion (Friday, May 20, 2005). An update for you guys of what's happening in my world. Check out our pics for the day. All images are at random order, showcasing our unique qualities. Thanks to Ryan's handy-dandy video cam, I'm able to update my site. Hopefully it's gonna be a daily agenda! Harhar!!

Anyway, hope ya like it! Have fun! For violent reactions, kindly call our department. Thank you!!

Rick. Mail Administrator
Tristan. Webdev / American Idol
Ryan. Programmer
Erick. Webdev

GUNBOUND Disaster! (January 12, 2005) I am having problems with logging-in to my gunbound account. It always shows this error message after I have placed my username and password. I tried calling the Mobius office for some technical help, and they asked me to send them the .erl files from the program files folder of Gunbound. Until today, I am still waiting for any updates.

Waaaaah!!! I really miss playing this game. Ever since I installed the Gunbound Philippines installer, I haven't played nor logged on to the game. And it is really pissing me off! Anyone, gunbound enthusiasts, I summon you. Hope you could help me out. For some tips perhaps or some technical support. Thanks in advance!!

> > G u n b o u n d _P h i l i p p i n e s < <

A Quikie!!! (Wednesday, October 20, 2004) Very toxic these days. Need to rush some things here in the office. I'll try to post new movie reviews next week, and book reviews as well. From Shark Tale to Sky Captain, and some James Patterson titles. Will also try to upload some pics from home and some friends from here and outside Manila.

If you're getting bored with how the site looks like, don't worry, a better version will be uploaded SOON! So you better watch out for that!! Hopefully a flash version harhar!!! So hope you would leave a message at the tag, and please sign the guestbook! Thanks a lot! - shiek -

It's SURVIVOR once more! Last Sunday (Spetember 19, 2004) I was able to catch the first telecast of Survivor Vanuatu (Island of Fire) on Studio 23. It's still got the same intensity, same heat, and the same glory since the all stars. Another 18 castaways will outwit, outplay and outlast each other as they try to make a mark in this game. This time, it's the battle of the sexes, where men outsmart the women, and, to add more excitement, some physically-challenged members also vie for the $1M cash prize. The same old brand new survivor is happening again, so watch out survivor fans as we look forward to the new challenges coming ahead!!!

For more survivor information, please check the official site www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor9/

Philippines under fiscal crisis. You hear it everywhere, from the local news to your neighbor's woes. Hell yeah, we are on money crisis. But not so many years ago, this problem was on the verge already. I remember telling my collegues when I was still in highschool that the peso will drop 'til 60 (then was still 30+), but dang, I looked like a cheapskate clown after that. But look at what happened in the span of 5 years, peso's gone striving against the money market, inflation happens every 12 hours, and the government wants us (the ordinary citizens) to pay all their dues. Tell me what is happening here!! Please if you have the brightest suggestions, kindly share it to us. Then, if possible, we could have our voices heard to the government (without using a paper boat to relay our mourns). email it here :: tris_jay@yahoo.com Danke Schon!
movie reviews ::

White Chicks. Extremely funny, 'you could burst out in tears'. It was all set in my calendar that I'd watch this movie since I saw its first trailer. I thought it was scheduled on the 20th (of October), turned out that it started since the 3rd. Still it’s OK.

It’s an epidemic!! Since I watched it, it has already stayed in my system and can’t escape. I must admit I’m a fan of black (as in the skin) humor. Since the early Eddie Murphy movies, I’ve loved watching comedy films whose protagonists are commonly black. Like Chris Tucker, Bernie Mac, Chris Rock, now the Wayans. With White Chicks, it’s grown to a higher level of gag. Although it still carries the same-old genre of slapstick, the Wayans delivered it as if it’s new to its audience.

Few of the most memorable scenes were the dance showdown, where the chicks burned the dance floor, dancing hip-hop despite the kinky costume and the white aesthetics they wear. Also the hilarious Swarze-negro, when he had his rendition of Vanessa Carlton’s ‘A Thousand Miles’. People around me are just so overwhelmed of the film. It may be cheezy, but what the heck, it is comedy done in good taste.

So to anyone who still hasn’t seen this movie, you’ve already missed half of your life. If you want a good laugh, that’s more than tickling your funny bones, this one is definitely for you.

The Rating :: +++++

Before Sunset. This review is sent by Jang. She really loved the first one (Before Sunrise) and here she goes sharing a piece of her mind of what she thinks about the movie.

"....Yeah yeah, so you may think this is a typical of a love story where the boy meets the girl and after several years of separation are back in each others arms. On the contrary, this is if far from being your ordinary love story. There can only be two audience types for this: those who love it and those who don’t. These are just ideal extremes which an audience will place themselves in in judging this film.

For me, this is film depicts a beautiful love story, an amazing “friendship”, a sensual union of soul by a man and a woman. The movie revolved just around Paris, Jesse and Celine. You have to vibe the out pour of thoughts, of body language and of words that transpire between the two characters and read from the line the beauty of the balance between a man and a woman. Audience will actually see how most traits of a man are featured by Jesse and how many crazy women can actually relate to Celine (as I sure did). I thought of my favorite scenes in the movie and yet I cannot pick one that will give justice to the film. I find ALL the scenes wonderful, well placed and well executed.

In the end I stepped out of the movie house with such combination of joy and sadness in my heart. I knew I want more from the film as it ends, as it only triggers what is once dormant inside every person who has long for someone they can truly have a magic connection with, and yet it satisfied my inner self also who realized that happy endings may not always the one we perceive it to be.

I guess, the meaning of the movie Before Sunset is more than what you can actually read from its title. But I can pretty much view the meaning of the title from a different perspective… that they have found each other before each of them stop believing in the reality of the existence of love and magic. The once enigmatic passion in life and love they found to each other 9 years ago has revived their hearts in another second chance meeting in Paris … before the sun sets. Au Reviour!"

The Rating :: +++++

Godsend. Before watching the movie, I had these thoughts that I might get another goosebump or some recurring nightmares! Hmm well with all the reviews and the ads pasted to its posters like "Scary as hell"... yeah it could be. Ok so here goes with the review. The movie is really catchy. It promised a plot that's so scientific, you would realize it could happen in real life. The possibility of cloning is very obviouse these days, this is probably how the movie was conceived. But to take the same traits from another perso, including its behaviour and characteristics, would be very much fictional. Anyway, the plot is good. But when you get roughly thru the middle part, you would easilly understand the gist of the story. Its accompanied music would really drive you to your wildest senses. Properly timed, and great delivery of musical scores. As for the characters, I guess I won't ahve any complaints at all. No more, no less, which is quite good. The little boy here really did well. He knows how to protray his role and could really act. There wasn't any boring scenes and cheesy lines so its definitely worth watching.

The Rating :: +++

Alien vs. Predator. Hate it!!! I realize that I'm tired of watching these kind of movies. SciFi films, the many times you watch them, the more you start hating them, are used to be the next best thing, but somehow, it's not. I don't recall watching Alien nor Predator movies before, probably that's why I couldn't appreciate that much. It carries the anemic lines, ridiculous characters, and crazy beasts challenging each other. But to be fair, its not that boring, the plot wasn't that fancy, the setting was pretty much interesting, and the battle scenes are quite moving. So if you feel like watchin' a movie this week, and you're a SciFi flick, then be sure to catch this one.

The Rating :: ++ 1/2

blogs ::

Total Recall. (May 30, 2005) Let's take a tour on memory lane. I'd like to browse thru some evets that happened from March (2005) 'til this date. Since i haven't updated my blog since...err January, this time I'd like to take a joyride and set a total recall. Let's begin the journey....

March, 2005
Hmm...Last March wasn't really an exciting month. So much has happened that time, and most events were quite exhausting. But to brighten most events was on March 4. Something special happened that day (err night perhaps), which I wouldn't really like to go into details. But it's one of the most memorable dates that is worth remembering. After the troubles that February brought me, March promised a call of relief. Some wounds healed, some were forgotten, but still some remained. I guess I'd call that as a partly-transitive part of my life (not entirely though), 'cos it had me think of certain things and able to accept certain changes. In a short span of time, I was able to acknowledge a new definition for acceptance, happiness, and angst.
April, 2005
This month was entirely a new joyride. All that happened promises to grow and blossom in April. I've learned to focus on my goals and set my attention to some things. All was going in the right direction, chances are, most of my focus was at work. Actually, on a side line. That's why I had to risk some time to other people, and also to myself, 'cos it caused me to work double time. Yes. it was stressful, but I realized that I could benefit from this if I continue my work well with my client. Sleeping was a luxury, and a donut for berakfast too. This was when my normal time going to office was 9-10 am and leaving around 6 or 7. This part of the year was really special for me, beacuse i get to meet someone whose dedicated enuogh time just to always be there. This was a challenging era of the year, where destitution, sorrow, contentment, and love all blend together.
May, 2005
The merry month of May? On the contrary, it's not. Although the first few weeks was all good, and going pretty well. But as the month comes to an end, everything seems to be sour and cold. The joy caused by April continued until the early days of this month, and eventually comes to a sad end. With concerns to my work, I refused the offer for some professional concerns. This was something that I felt bad about, cos I had to give my most of time for my current job, and to others just to accomplish, but alas, it turned out to be a shallow promise. My hopes were high, but it wasnt enough. In addition, the one that I thought would last a long time, arrived to a bitter ending. I find it hard to move on, until today actually, but there isn't much that I could do to keep it. It was my fault after all. But again, a new hope arrives. With this, I plan not to plunge in completely but to harvest enough courage first and strong will and determination.

GoFish Magazines. (January 19, 2005) Founded by Mr. Creative himself, Lexis, GoFish Magazines are being celebrated by fellow members at the GF Online Community today. (www.gofish.ph)

The first five are the sample 'cover of the month' issues of the said magazine. Lexis, for January exemplates his creative side with a no hold bar interview and some illicit facts about the brat guy. Rose for April, which features her funny side and some interesting facts! Tris for July and Kay for October, both share stories of their everyday affairs. Whereas, RJ, the rock dude, showcases in this special edition of the GoFish Mag Gold Edition.

Each mag chronicles the life of a GoFisher. So if you're wondering about the whys, whats, whens, and hows of your fave GoFisher...go get your greedy hands a copy of this one now!!!

My Emancipation (schism). (November 22, 2004) I am not particularly certain if I made the right decision of moving out and trying to be independent, but hopefully it's a good one.

Few months back I asked my mom if I could move out and find a place near my office. Since we reside in Bulacan, it is such a pain to deal with the pressure of commuting everyday. Honestly, it takes me 6 hours a day to brawl with the rampaging busses and cars along the streets of EDSA to our place. Well it was a tough decision to make, since I'm so used to being mollycoddle every morning. Of having my breakfast done and clothes prepared. I knew it wouldn’t be simple for me, but I realize that it is one of the things I need to experience in life. Also, I’ve considered the stressful factors that go with it (ok some hiatus needed) like the nerve-racking traffic, pricey fare, and its common oddities. But I couldn’t renounce myself that I’d absolutely miss my family, especially my little sisters (Kathy and Kristine). Smugness, I understand was part of it, because I’m quite tired of being a protégé. This way, I’d be responsible for my actions and prove that I could handle it.

Mum agreed with me, and two weeks ago I was able to move to my new place in Pasay. Actually not my place, but my tita’s, since she left abroad for professional means. My first night there was extremely boring and ‘mind-numbing’, where radio was the main course of leisure and cleaning was next. I had some vertigo that night, and my emotions were very uneasy. Nevertheless, I had a good sleep after that. All was worth it; still I need to maintain the sanguine attitude. So best of luck to me and to my life ahead!

One Happy Christmas Comin up. (November 20, 2004) On December 1-28 my grandparents (Tatay and Nanay) will be staying here in the country for a visit. At last there's another good thing to look forward to. I've missed my Tatay and Nanay so much, because we havent made any contact to each other for some time now. Their last visit here was last May, 2002 when they had their Golden Wedding anniversary at the Barasoain Church in Malolos, Bulacan.

We've all made our preparations. They'll use my room in the span of their stay here, and to my tita's place as well, harhar but it's ok. So long as they'll be here. I remember when I was still in gradeschool, when they'd pamper me very much. Usually after them going to church, they'd bring me some toy for pasalubong (I recall the last toy they gave me was a machine gun). Probably this time I'd be able to repay the generosity they have given me.

This Christmas we all plan to go to Enchanted Kingdom, again. But I suppose I'd try to set a different location. Baguio perhaps. This will definitely be another happy christmas for alll of us. And I just can't wait for them to be here!!

Movie with the GoFishes. Last Friday night (October 8, 2004) I watched 'Shark Tale' with some guys from GoFish.ph (Eljay, Micx, Mike, and the other guy 'dunno his name') at Megamall. This was the first time I met them, and as expected these guys are loaded with energy. And they are all fun to be with. There's Eljay, whose very witty and makulit. But he's very good with reaching to other people, accomodating as well. And there's Mike also, now this guy is really a 'hyperfunk', as he calls himself. Talk about being funky and cool, he could really carry it. Hehe. And also good friend Mics was there.

The movie started at around 6:55 already, but on the website it's suppose to start around 6, hmm probably they haven't updated it yet. To think, I just wasted my quick walk from my office to mega because of that! Harhar. But it's all worth it, with meeting new friends! Really had fun last night, especially in watching the movie. Really entertaining, ideal for children ages 1 to 92. Afterwards, they decided to go to Libis for more of the gimik. This was unplanned actually, well not for the movie I guess. So we took a cab going to SM North to meet some of the fishes there. Contacted all those who could come, then they'd meet up somewhere near the place. But as for me, I decided to go straight home, cos it's almost a lightyear away from where they were headed. But I went with them to SM North. Then, there it's goodbye for me. Left the guys and I took a ride from there to our place. Whatta night! After some pressure from the office, at least something good came up! Really had fun last night, hope to do it again soon!

For more information about GoFish, kindly check the official site at www.GoFish.ph

Mega lunch in Megamall with Sandy. Had lunch with Sandy today (October 06, 2004) at Megamall. Wasn't really expecting it, she texted me this morning that she'd be in mega again, so there, we had lunch. Just like before, had some chit chats, lil jokes, talked about some of our friends, whew wish the day wouldn't end. And this time, she's the one who treated me!!! That's why I'm marking this on my calendar! Harharhar. So we ate at McDonalds (hahaha as always!) and ordered chicken and spag. Yum! Well we're both on tight budget so it's always McDonalds. Then right after eating, I asked her if we could have another shot at the neoprint kiosk down at the basement. So there you can see the results below.......There were 8 shots actually, but she insisted to not show the other pics. I dunno why!? Really had fun today! Hope it'll happen again next week!
journal ::

The Victims of Cool. Please take a time to read this one...Enjoy!!!

What’s the hippest radio single raving the airwaves right now? Or the movie that’s making noise in every corner of the globe? You may probably have an answer at this point. It could be Avril Lavigne’s latest single ‘Don't Tell Me’ or ‘Summer Sunshine’ by The Corrs. How about the movies, the current movie ‘Spider-man 2’ was totally awesome, and the recent ‘The Day After Tomorrow' was such a craze for most.

The choice of these parodies of names or titles considers you to be in a particular society; considers your taste as connoisseur. Or in layman’s term, you are cool! But whatever your choice is, don’t you think we are driven by some people to consider these choices to be satisfying. People, whose congregated minds, make the words such as hip, savvy, and cool. You may not feel it, but they control you from lipids to veins, and they tell you what suites you best. They are the makers of cool, and nevertheless, we are their victims.

Some months ago, I was able to catch this feature from News Central in Studio 23 entitled “The Merchants of Cool”, thus caused me to write this article. The sentiment of the reporter was very convincing and I immediately understood where the story was leading. The most common misconception of people is the idealism of what media is telling us or feeding us, especially to teenagers. Though they may not agree, but their youthful minds, so fragile, tends to consult more on music lyrics and movie scripts than lectures from Physics or Geometry; or providing two-and-a -half hours of watching the latest movie than setting a study group for an upcoming exam. But what is really the effect of this to the victims of cool? Could this be a serious matter?

This definitely is a serious matter! We tend to lose some aspects that we need to have and to foster for ourselves. Values, proper education, daily responsibilities, these are some of the things we compromise for being sighted as cool, hip, and as trendy. Clearly, you would look ridiculous if you wouldn’t know or have heard of Simple Plan, Christina Aguilera, or Eminem, whose careers are in the pedestal and their music videos are played 24/7. With most of their lyrics promote rude attitude, bad reminiscences, mature contents, and some calls for revenge. Oh, and their accompanying videos as well, where women had to dress sexy and gold coins are over the bed with chardonnay misting the air.

But have you seen the recent commercials yet? Most of them promote that to be ‘in’ and ‘trendy’ you need to choose the right brand of jeans or soda or shampoo, not to mention even condoms. Media would provide the brightest and most-raved celebrities of endorsing best-known products here on earth. There’s Beyonce Knowles, Pink and Britney Spears for Pepsi, Penelope Cruz for Ralph Lauren, and Jennifer Lopez for Gucci; all dressed-up for the occasion making these products larger than life. Also, some disastered hip-hop kids off of the projects with beat-ridden jingles in flaunting ragged jeans and pungent -colored shirts may be attracting the eyes of your teenagers in promoting the best outfits to be worn in school.

Not only the clios, we have the film entertainment as well. Although I am a movie aficionado and a critic, it does always slide in my mind what consequences may we get with feeding our minds these forms of media. With movies that displays the heroic chronicles of Spiderman or Luke Skywalker, the heady journey of the hobbits, and the brave re-production of the biblical ‘Passion of the Christ’, are, in my opinion, certainly worth watching. I applaud to the producers of these films of brilliant concepts. But of themes that stimulates not just our eyes but our body parts as well, with a plot that’s been used and re-used a thousand times, and patched with anemic lines, are positively values-distracting, mind-corrupting, and apathetically life-changing. Nevertheless, it is of most people that decides to watch films that characterizes the true façade of society, others are in feel-good genres, and some just want to waste their time sitting inside a cinema memorizing the lines ‘til it gets into their system.

I was headed home one evening when I noticed a group of kids aged 13-14 years old flocking on a dusky corner on the side road. There were three boys and two girls in their school uniforms, exchanging stories, laughing and chatting as if they were the only people existing on earth. I’m positively certain that one girl is the girlfriend of one of the guys, where at their young age, was already practicing public display of affection. But how often could you walk around inside a mall or even in school that you wouldn’t notice that? It’s a hype, it’s being cool, and it’s everywhere. It’s making a status, a personality, an attitude. I would recall the movie ‘Cruel Intentions’, where reputation, flair, and social standards are explicitly drafted and portrayed by teenagers coveting for human desires. Along with its mature concept, where they explore sensitive issues as if it’s a child’s play, which sends message like it is good to be like them and this is what should you be to be like them. Compare it to the teenagers that I saw, what difference does it make? Well, apparently, this is being prejudice but this is what our society is suffering from. The victims of cool.

As parents, what is our opinion on this? As school professors what are your responsibilities for this? Or even as normal person, what should your reaction be for this? You now know the cause, now know the actions. We are the victims of cool, but what can we do to withdraw from it?

This is what my kin and peers always tell me; ‘know yourself’, ‘live within your means’, ‘do what is good’, and ‘be thankful’. Sounds familiar? Right, but definitely effective. Start from being that and you would certainly make a change. It doesn’t really matter if you are not like them, or be like them. You just can’t please everyone, but you can please yourself. It is not being eccentric, but taking directions in piloting your life. We learn that every man is unique and different in his own terms, then it should really be. Let not D12 tell you what color of pills you should take, or which club you should go to party like it’s your birthday, know what suits you well. Now, I would say, that’s being cool.

- copyright May, 2004

Plenty in Milkyway. One of my earliest compositions...hmm the lyrics pretty much tell what it means...so hope you like it.

Dearest family, It's me again. Wanting to know more of the world and closing beyond.
Fate has been faithful to me And carried along;
Never left any mistakes Which may doubt my roads.

Remember the day When I walked away
I said I can, and thankfully I did
Thankfully I... life supported me from false guidance and together
We're plenty in Milky Way.

So how are you all now?
I wish you good health and everything with no more boundaries.
I can see you're no longer stranded with life, and I'm satisfied.
Again, I'm here asking for your support.
It's more reasonable now than it was before,
So please be here.

When I faced reality, I was so staggered.
I began to bring sadness in me but you're all there, and again
I'm grateful.

Lastly, my drifting words;
The morning never sleeps here, but try to smile while reading.
My only focus is to fight my mourning for life fulfillment.
But one day I can see me, and us all,
Singing together and seeing us plenty in milkyway.
Can't you feel the brightness?
With us all plenty in milkyway,
And I'll bring the sunny morning
Holding each ones arms, noticing
We're plenty in milkyway.

images ::

Aug 22 2004. taken months ago. Yep funny isnt it! (L-R tris, jang, james, dondon)

hehe...yep that's me! and that's jang over there. Say cheese!!!

at home 2003. (L-R cuzin lou, 2 sis kristine at kathy, and me)

at my tita's place last may or march 2004. Cheers!

Christmas party 2003 (L-R jang, dondon, me, james, loren)

December, 2001. Megamall. (L-R paul, tris, sandy, mark, liam)

2002. me and the defunct cantus phermus choir(haha!)

me and sandy. 2004
calendar ::
November 19 - 22, 2004
At my place with my friends having a celebration!!! Check-up today... Ouch!! At home with my family. Resting perhaps or cleaning some mess. Go back to office. It's work once more!
October 30 - November 2, 2004
Prepaing my things for transferring to my new place. Preparing food for tomorrow... At the Manila Memorial Park for my lil bro Jerwin John. Attending the mass also Darn!! At the office. Or I'll be on leave this day, unless needed.
October 26 - 29, 2004
Office works.. already finished the user manual, needs to finish the system stability. Probably a movie after work. In gelleria perhaps or in Fairview. Marlon (from GoFish) is inviting the fishes for some event. Hmm I guess I'd try to come. SMB Octoberfest Closing Party @ Megamall!!! harhar My lil sis (Kathy's) BIRTHDAY!!!
MSINet Training. I shall have a training on MSINet this October 11-15 2004. The course will be about Developing Microsoft ASP.NET Web Applications Using Visual Studio .NET. This is to learn ASP as a developing tool for web and other systems analysis. The five-day seminar will be held in Makati. Schedule is not sure yet. But I've included the course outline for the training. Click here to download the ASP course outline.

Secret Window. Will meet Mics again tonight (September 30, 2004) at Mega to watch Stephen King's Secret Window. Movie starts at 6pm at cinema 5.

About the movie, I think it's gonna be good, no doubt about that. This is gonna be another odd role for Johnny Depp, whose characteristics, sort of, matches to his roles on his films. I remember him with the movies, the classic, Edward Scissorhands and The Pirates of the Carribean. I hope this one would measure up to his previous works. Check out more from the official website by clicking here Secret Window.

The Bourne Supremacy. On Wednesday (September 29, 2004) I'll watch The Bourne Supremacy with my friend Liam at Glorietta. I never realised that the movie would have a sequel, that's why I'm so excited to watch this one. The Bourne Identity was such a good film, and I haven't any complaints on that one. Hmm I think it promises the same impact it gave to me with the first one. Hopefully! I'm not really a Matt Damon fan, and I don't really enjoy watching his films, but I guess it's because it is a Robert Ludlum story that's why it is a must-see!

For more information about the movie, please check their website on www.thebournesupremacy.com. Or for movie schedules, check www.clickthecity.com. Enjoy watching the movie!!! Oh by the way, please do send me, if ever, your criticisms about it. Thanks again!

Godsend. Will watch a movie tonight (September 10, 2004) with Mics at Megamall. I have been waiting for this movie since I saw it on trailer a few months back. Godsend could be a promising thriller flick, hopefully! With Rob DeNiro backing-up the casts, it should be worth-watching. I wonder what plot they used this time...hmm! Can't wait to see it!

For more information about the movie, please check their website on www.godsendthemovie.com. Or for movie schedules, check www.clickthecity.com. Enjoy watching the movie!!! Oh by the way, please do send me, if ever, your criticisms about it. Thanks again!

Enchanted Kingdom. On Sunday, (September 5, 2004) I'll be going to Enchanted Kingdom with Sandy and her family. Hope to bring some friends too, but heck, their sched won't fit. Wanna bring my family as well, but yikes, I havent much savings for that! So anyone with the kindest soul who'd like to share their money blessings to us would be very much appreciated (haha kidding). Last time I went to the place, hmm didn't really enjoyed it. But probably this time, I would!
literary ::

Poetry. Made this poem last night (August 31, 2004). Hmm would be better if I won't explain much. Hope you'd like it. And would like to hear your comments. Thanks! (for more of my poems please check poetry.com)


I wonder why God chose you as my friend
When your words make me weak
A wayward child on a novelty landscape
Lying below a misty man in great aloft.
My mind is too shallow to carry its weight
And my eyes are overly brighten by your presence
Like most things are served upon you
Never have I touched, yet you have it embraced.
I wonder why He decided to let me know you
When all my woes are your laughters
When all my tragedies are your success
When all your indulgence are my loss
All your spirit are my bliss.
Could you spare me a great reason
For my hands are too humble to have you
Seven walks from this bed are taken
To perceive reality and let this escape.
Have you noticed my scars?
While each comes from some certain history
Of old pavements, scattered memories, and ambiguity
Shared by all common matter; my weakness.
I wonder why God chose you as my friend
Perhaps I need not to seek an answer
To be shrewd is to be like Him
And to be like Him is to be everything
Some severe reasons, perhaps, in time I may understand
That I have decided to accept
My indulgence I now drink from this wine.

More Poetry. Poetry is the instrument of the soul. It releases your inner-most emotions into a perfect complexity into a fine opus. I met a new friend, his name is Ily Micah. He's also in fond of writing poetry and other literary stuffs. A good guy actually, and very intellectual. I posted one of his poems here in my site. I liked it, hope you would as well.

when i love you

i love you not doubtingly
but with absolute certainty.

your love beat upon my heart
until i fell in love with you.
and now, thwe universe and everything in it
tells me to love you
and tells the same thing to us both
so that we are without excuse.

and what do i love when i love you?
not physical beauty,
or the granduer of our existence in time
or the radiance of light that pleases the eye
or the sweet melody of old familiar songs
or the fragrance of flowers and ointments and spices,
or the taste of manna or honey
or the arms we use to clasp each other.
none of these do i love when i love you.

yet, there is a kind of light
a kind of melody,
a kind of fragrance
and a kind of food
and a kind of embracing when i love you.

they are the kind of light,
and sound
and food
and love
that affect the senses of my inner man.

there is another dimension of life in which my soul
reflects a light that space itself cannot contain.
it hears melodies that never fade with time.
it inhales lovely scents that are not blown away by the win.
it eats without diminishing or consuming the supply.
it never gets separated from your embrace and never gets tired of it.

that is what i love when i love you.

Check out Mics' website at this link www.oocities.org/ily_up/soulquencher

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