<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/trish6978/distant_dreams_bruce_deboer.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Allow me to introduce you to my Borka Family
Michael and Elizabeth Dols Borka
Seated in the middle is
John Borka, my great grandfather.
If anyone knows the identity of the others please let me know. It was probably taken in the Cologne or Waconia, Minnesota area.
Click photos to enlarge
John and Bertha Dresow Borka and 7 of their 13 children. There children were:  Leonard, Joseph,  Anne, Elizabeth, John, Henry, Herman, Frank, Theresa, Agnes, Herbert, and Eugene. I know from seeing another copy of the photo that one child is missing. There was also a baby that died at birth in 1885. If anyone can help me identify the children, I'd appreciate it. I believe Anne is between John and Bertha and Elizabeth (my grandmother) is on the other side of Bertha. 
Borka Home
Borka Children: Far right, Elizabeth
L to R: The woman on the left is unknown, Theresa, Bertha and Agnes Borka (Ess). If anyone can help me identify the woman on the left holding the cane, I'd appreciate it.--thanks
Bertha Dresow Borka
Bertha and ??
On Sunday, August 1, 1920, John, Bertha and their childen were on their way to church in this horse drawn buggy. The horse became frightened and started galloping, throwing the family out of the buggy. John struck his head with enough force to cause a blood clot; a doctor was summoned from town and his aim was to get John to the hospital, but John died before reaching there. Bertha received cracked ribs and one of their sons received minor injuries.
Midi "Distant Dreams" is used by permission and is copyright 2004 Bruce DeBoer
Joseph Borka