Books for Men ...then give it to the woman! :)

Wild at Heart
By John Eldredge

Discovering the secrets of a man's soul

The Man In The Mirror By Patrick Morley

Problems men face

The Hidden Value Of A Man
By Gary Smalley

The incredible impact of a man on his family

Every Man, God's Man
By Stephen Arterburn & Kenny Lock

A man's guide to courageous faith and daily integrity

Every Woman's Desire
By Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker

A man's guide to winning the heart of a women

Every Man's Battle
By Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker

A man's guide to winning the war on Sexual Temptation one victory at a time

Every Young Man's Battle
By Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker

Every Young Man's Battle is all about how to guard your eyes and your mind every moment of every day. How to handle the guilt God's way. How to clean up your thought life. And how to develop a battle plan that really works even in the sex-drenched culture you live in.

Every Man's Marriage
By Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker

Every Man's Challenge
By Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker

How Far Are You Willing to Go for God?

Waking the Dead
By John Eldredge

The Glory of a Heart Fully Alive

Every Man's Battle
By Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker

A man's guide to winning the war on Sexual Temptation one victory at a time

Every Man's Battle
By Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker

A man's guide to winning the war on Sexual Temptation one victory at a time

Every Man's Battle
By Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker

A man's guide to winning the war on Sexual Temptation one victory at a time

Every Man's Battle
By Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker

A man's guide to winning the war on Sexual Temptation one victory at a time

Every Man's Battle
By Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker

A man's guide to winning the war on Sexual Temptation one victory at a time

Every Man's Battle
By Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker

A man's guide to winning the war on Sexual Temptation one victory at a time
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