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Field Band
Tristans Corner

Welcome to Tristan's Corner! This is my own little portion of the web dedicated to my friends and I! Now for some SHOUTOUTS!

Andi-You've been a great friend and you've always been there for me.

Sara-You may be a blonde, but I still LYLAS!

Ashlee-You're always there for a few laughs and a lot of flag tripping! LUV YA!

Samantha-Hope you finally find the right man in your life!

Justinchrono-Have fun in the real world! (whats that like again?)

Sir Brandon-Hope to actually see ya in the REAL WORLD!

Bluerose13x-Keep getting those smithing levels!

David-Stop flooding my chat rooms!


Pictures of Andrew in the RuneScape Pics section!

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Website News

11/02/01-New Message Boards
I added a new link to my new message boards that I have been trying. I am looking for moderators if I get a reasonable amount of traffic.

11/02/01-New G/F!
Last night at our Halloween Dance for Field band, I finally found the one. Ashlee. I added pics in the IRL page.

10/08/01-4 New Pictures
I added 4 new pictures to the RuneScape section. Rsguide, Default, and one of an extremely high fighter. You gotta see it!

10/04/01-New RuneScape Theme
I finally created a new RuneScape desktop theme! With sounds and a brand new Background! Still can't get the icons quite right though. Maybe people can send some icons to me via email. Click HERE to get the new theme!

10/02/01-New picture added
As I was rummaging through my files of pictures from RuneScape, I found one of a Black Knight Rally I had on ice mountain. I also added more pages to the website, so you have less loading time.

10/02/01-Farewell to Justinchrono
Justinchrono is leaving (again) and hopefully he will go all the way. I'll be uploading a tribute to Justinchrono shortly. Hope to see ya again, man.

09/30/01-Stars and Stripes added
I finally added a waving United States flag to this page to show my own patriotism and love for this free country. As a trite expression as it is, God Bless America. Next update should contain background music!

09/26/01-New Chat Forum added!
I added a new chat forum that is a lot better than the old one, and it should bring more users here. Hopefully, I'll get my own little Board Troll Kingdom on my message board! Have Fun!

09/26/01-News History Added
I finally uploaded the news section which will appear right here! Everytime I do something with the site, you'll know about it, so come back here every once in a while. I'll soon add a few new and improved chat forums, and hopefully get a domain name and it will hopefully be paid for via ad clicks (hopefully).

09/23/01-New server transfer
After using for sometime, I ran into a bandwidth error. So I changed servers to a more reliable Geocities server. I also added the Field Band picture section and added a pic to the IRL pics. The site was disabled for an hour after I got done with the file transfers because of too many files uploaded at once. Today is also my birthday! I got 2 new cymbals for my drum set, including a Sabian 16" Metal Crash and a 20" Rock Ride.