Tri-States: A return to common sense.

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The TSC is many things; no one word can describe us or what we are. We are a little bit militia because we are loosely organized and heavily armed. We are a little bit survivalist because we are ready to defend our beliefs and help others in time of need. We are a little bit libertarian because of our strongly held beliefs that every American should accept personal responsibility for what they do and stop this endless whining and complaining.

Many of us don't like the dismal state this nation is in right now. Many people have stopped voting in national elections because they believe their vote is meaningless: there isn't fifteen cents worth of difference between the two major parties. In many instances, they're right. When the national elections come around, I dutifully cast my vote, all the while knowing full well that very little, if anything, is going to change in our nation's capital. And, much to no one's surprise, instead of getting better, it's getting worse in Washington.

So, what can we do? Well, the first thing we can do is organize. We can get ready for the storm that is threatening to overtake this nation. I can't predict when the skies will turn dark and that storm will strike in it's full fury, but I sense it's coming.

The anti-gunners are working feverishly to take our guns from us. The liberals have allowed morals to sink to all time lows. Discipline in schools is practically non-existent. Parents can't spank their children for fear they'll be arrested for child abuse. The list of lost personal rights is long and totally depressing.

I don't have all the answers to the problems facing this nation, but I do know that without lawful organization,we'll just keep sliding backwards until we have no rights left.- WWJ
