Who Wants to be a Latinumaire?

Next Game - To Be Announced

Top 10 Winners

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Simply put, this is played the same way as the TV show, Who Wants to be a Millionaire? If you are unfamiliar with the show, read on.
The game takes place in the chat room. A date will be announced and everyone present may participate if they choose.
A 'fast fingered" question will be asked, the first person to answer it correctly will be the contestant in the "hot seat"
All questions from that point will be directed to that person. They will remain in the hot seat until they get an incorrect answer or they win 1 million bars of gold pressed latinum.
Each contestant gets three "life lines". Phone a friend, 50/50, and ask the audience.
Phone a friend - You may ask a person in the audience for assistance or you may have 2 minutes to look up the answer. In either case, you have two minutes.
50/50 - The 50/50 will remove two of the incorrect answers leaving a correct answer and an incorrect answer.
Ask the audience - The audience is asked to type the letter of the answer they think is correct.
The moderator of the game is the sole judge of anything that may come into question. One of the major disputes is who answers a fast fingered question first. Some computers are faster than others so the moderator will tell the contestants whose answer was first.
There is no talking during the game. Only the contestant and the host may speak. Audience members may applaud and cheer between questions. This should be kept to a minimum. There are also commercial breaks. Everyone is allowed to speak during commercials.


Players Name Date Amount Won
No one Not yet Nothing


Game based on television show. For entertainment purposes only. No actual prize is given to contestants