Star Trek Trivia

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How to play

Simply answer the Star Trek trivia questions.

Questions are updated once a week.

At the end of the week, the questions are updated and the previous weeks scores are posted.

Each week after the questions are updated, the answers to the previous weeks questions will be posted. You may want to keep a copy of your answers in case there is a discrepancy in the scoring.


Player's Ranking

Last Week's Answers

1. Who is Jake Sisko's mother? 

2. Kira Nerys' rank is from what organization?
Bajoran Militia

3. Where was Odo discovered?
In the Denorios Belt

4. What establishment did Quark own?
Quark's (a bar)

5. The sentient life form within a joined Trill is know as what?

6. What was Ezri's surname before being joined?

7. Miles O'Brien's father wanted him to go to what musical institution?
Aldeberan Music Academy

8. Had Miles gone to the above mentioned institution, what instrument would he have studied?
The cello

9. Did Julian Bashir finish at the top of his class at Starfleet Medical?
No, he finished second.

10. In what episode did Worf join the crew of Deep Space Nine?
"The Way of the Warrior" first episode of Season Four