Hi I am Casey Marie Gibson and Welcome to my Little Corner of the House.
I am now 5 years old my favriot pass time is writing and drawing,I went on vacation after school was out can you guess where I went? I am currently spening my summer vacation with my favirot person in the world and that would be my mamaw DEBBY
School begins on Auc 7,2006 I will be in Kidergarten I am soo excited and nervous.
Who Knows what I will do when I grow up, I could be a bulider, a runner, Teacher, boy the list can go on and on and on and on! Ask me in 20 years okay . I will Know by then .
My Brother
My Mommy
My Daddy
I love books I read them all the time well with the help of my mommy  and daddy and big brother of course
last book I read was a Disney 's Princess book.
My Friends
My Fave links
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