Dali in 1971
This is Dali during his stay in the US from 1940-48
Year unknown
"The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad!" -Dali
Swans Reflecting Elephants (1937)
Metamorphisis of Narcissus 1937
"The only difference between the Surrealists and me is that I am a Surrealist." -Dali
Persistence of Memory (1931) A metaphysical image of time devouring itself & everything else, too...
"I am not the clown. But in it's naivety, this monstrously cynical society does not see who is simply putting on a serious act the better to hide his madness. I cannot say it often enough: I am not mad..." -Dali
"Oh Salvador, now you know the truth; that if you act the genius, you will be one!" -Dali
Fried Eggs on the Plate without the Plate (1932)
{pre-natal images linked with intra-uterine universe}
Dali was on the cover of Time magazine in 1936.

Dali wrote a screenplay for the Marx Bros in 1937.

Dali met his wife, Gala, in the summer of 1929. They were together until she passed away in 1982. Dali died of heart failure on January 23rd, 1989.
Funny Facts:

Dali once arrived at the Sorbonne in a Rolls-Royce full of cauliflower.

He once undertook a whole lecture in a diving suit.

He appeared at public events wearing a tuxedo adorned with imitation flies.

On his first arrival in New York in 1934, he approached journalists waving an eight-foot-long stick of bread that the ship's baker had prepared specially for him. 
Go to page 2 to see more of Dali's work!!