Disclaimer Page for Troop 1000

Information for these pages is provided to the Page Administrator, a volunteer, by volunteers. There is no guarantee for accuracy and no promise of updating. We can not provide information from all angles. I provide no guarantees for the accuracy, timeliness or organization of any material on this site. Keep in mind I can only post what information I receive within a reasonable lead time.


These pages are intended only to provide general information about Troop 1000 and provide some links to related information. We expect that the main readers will be other Scouters, parents, and boys (including our own Scouts) interested in Troop 1000 or Scouting in general, and perhaps some youths who have access to the Internet.


We would like to have free and open communication among Scouters, Scouts, and parents. Unfortunately, as in society at large, some users of the Internet have motives that make open communication difficult. Therefore, we have to follow a few rules to protect our Scouts and our leaders.
No private home addresses will be listed, or given out in any media.
No private home phone numbers as above.
First Name and Last Name Initial will be used for all boys.
No full names of people whose name wouldn't also appear in a council newsletter or similar.


Please assume that all the standard disclaimers are valid here too. The Troop 1000 pages do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the employer(s) of any of the contributors, the owner of the Web site, any of the Scouts or adults of Troop 1000, Clinton Valley Council , or the Boy Scouts of America.


With respect to documents available from this server, neither Troop 1000 or any Contributors, makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. We do our best to provide useful information; however, we make absolutely no guarantees as to the currency, accuracy, or quality of information we publish.


We're making every effort to protect copyrights. We've noted copyrighted material that we know about, and will continue to update this information whenever we get it.

This page has borrowed from the work of Dillon Oxborrow and his  Palo Alto Troop 5 Thank you.