Order of the Arrow Updates
David Grey  - Brotherhood
Jason DeSanti - Brotherhood
Cory Millard - Brotherhood
Joseph Olin - Ordeal
Layne Watson - Brotherhood

SM-Dave Grey - Brotherhood
ASM-Tim DeSanti - Brotherhood
Homepage Newsletter Photos   Roster  Tribute
October 2 O/A Meeting. @ Roundtable

October 10 Ordeal.
Heard Scout

October 10 Webelos Woods.
Need Scouts for Camp fire

November 1 Scout-O-Rama

November 6 O/A Meeting. @ Roundtable

November 7 CONCLAVE.
Las Vegas, Nevada

December 4 O/A Meeting. @ Roundtable

December 6 Advancement Day.
Gary needs help in the Store

Words from your O/A rep

You guy's do a GREAT job with the younger Scouts, KEEP up the good work.

Need to see more of you at the O/A Meetings at roundtable