Awesome Opportunities
Calender Sales
One of the fundraisers Girls Scouts do is the calander sales. These go from October 22 to December 22. Have Fun!
~Profit is 1:50 per calender no matter what style.
This section will have all the obscure announcements that might or might not have been said at the meetings. It will be updated as soon as I can after I recieve the information.
           ~ The Administrator
Make the Connection
Make the Connection is a program that gives Teen Scouts a jump start in planning their futures. If you register in this program you are invited to many activities listed on the site (see link above). You can also bring a non-Girl Scout friend to an event and recieve a "Bring a Friend Patch" so not only are you enjoying the program, ub t you are with someone you defiantly know and can talk to or get them to join.
Mrs Weis is looking for one or two girls to help her Daisy troop, preferably someone who has been through Program Aid Training, to help out at their meetings. You must be willing to commit yourself to come to come every week. They meet at Mary Williams from 6:30-7:30 every week. Their first meeting is November 7. Contact me (The Administrator) if you would like to offer help.