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This page was last updated on 08/20/99.

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Scoutmaster's Corner

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I thought I would send out a message with some of the things coming up in the Troop.

April 17 - 19 is our Sipsey wilderness backpack. This will be led by Allen D. and assisted by Frank G. and Tim D.. I need to know tomorrow how many of the boys are going on this trip.

The Boy Scouts have been asked to help with litter control at Panoply on the 24th through the 26th of April. If any of the boys would like to work, let me know. This does count for service hours for Second Class, Star, and Life. I'll announce this Monday night and also discuss this at the Troop Committee meeting on Tuesday night, April 14th, before committing our troop to help.

May 1-3 is our Camporee. It will be held at Shields Range on Redstone Arsenal. This will be a highlight for the younger boys. A callout ceremony for the Order of the Arrow will be held at Saturday night's campfire. Someone from our troop was elected and will be called out! ( it's a secret!; OA members, don't tell) The Order of the Arrow ceremonies are open for any parents, but we do try to maintain a little mystery for the boys. Tom B. is our leader for this, I am assisting.

May 9th will be our creek cleanup time for Aldridge Creek. We will meet at the Park at the north end of the strip park at 9 AM. This will coincide with a lot of other efforts to clean up waterways in our area. I need some adult help here also.

Summer camp is fast approaching. $125.00 is due by May 1. After that the price goes up to $150.00. I would like to see as many of the boys as possible go to camp this summer. There are a lot of extra activities for the older boys that have already earned a bunch of the merit badges and want some HIGH ADVENTURE! Please encourage your son to go!

If the boys still want to go on the Bike Trip this June, they need to start planning some training trips now. We will need at least two adults to go with the boys on each training trip. Training trips need to be at least 25 miles long. Please see me to volunteer to help with these.

Lastly, everyone knows that we need two deep leadership for all our activities. I was the only adult in the room for part of the meeting last Monday night. I really need one or more of the Assistant Scoutmasters or Committee Members there with me from 6:30 PM through the end of the meeting.

Please use my home email address only. (I can see it reflected on my work computer during the day so don't worry about missing me) NASA is getting a little worried about personal email on government computers.

Thanks for reading all my ramblings. Michael Vinson, please post this on our homepage as the first of the Scoutmaster's comments.

Yours in Scouting
Fred A. Berry, Jr
Scoutmaster Troop 82


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