Theodore Roosevelt Council
Jewish Committee on Scouting

The TRC JCoS is a group of dedicated Jewish Scouters working together to ensure that the 12th point of the Scout law is an integral part of every Jewish Scout's experience. We provide a full range of programming, including continuing education to supplement a Scout's work on the Ner Tamid and Etz Chaim awards.  Other services and activities are listed, below.  The Committee meets monthly, on Monday evenings at 7:30, at the Theodore Roosevelt Council Service Center.  The dates for upcoming meetings are listed.  Join us at our next meeting. 

Chapel Dedication at Schiff Scout Reservation

JCoS Scouting Activities:
     Ner Tamid Classes
     Etz Chaim Classes
     Ten Commandments Hike
     Scout Shabbat
     All-Faith Retreat
     Lab B'Omer Bonfire & Family Picnic
     Annual Awards Breakfast
Calendar of Upcoming Events:

Activities and Calendar will be linked to pertinent information.

Visit the JCoS site

Click here for a list of Committee members and their email addresses

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