Troopers Electronics
Wanted New Distributors
As a leading company in various fields of computer systems en computer components Troopers Electronics offers excellent distributors opportunities to well qualified companies.

Our operating companies of the group are located in the UK, Cyprus,
The Netherlands and South America

Troopers Electronics has already expanded to South American countries such as Argentinie, Brasil, Mexico, Costa Rica Panama and Chili

Troopers Electronics wants to expand a distributor network into the North
American and Asian market.

If you are interested in becomming a distributor for Troopers Electronics than please sent a complete summeray of your company ( preferably) with a Dun & Bradstreet number to the undermentioned address and we will keep all corrispondation highly confidentional.

Troopers Electronics
Attn: Int. Sales Department
Postbus 550
5600 AN Eindhoven
The Netherlands

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