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Online Dictionary
hobbit study guide ch 7
Welcome to the fabulous home page of Mrs. Booher's 8th grade reading and language arts classes!

A Jordan Floro

Mrs. B
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1. Spend quality time on written assignments. When in doubt check with a friend.

2. If you have questions, please ASK. Don't go home feeling frustrated.

Questions for this lesson:
Mrs. Booher, Watkins Middle School, Room 105
1. What is a direct object?
2. What is a verb?
3. What is an indirect object?
4. What is going on in chapter 7 of "The Hobbit"?
You are number:
All classes: Read the second half of Chapter 7 in "The Hobbit". Finished the worksheet (study guide) for that chapter. Remember, we are trying to define the vocab based on HOW IT IS USED IN THE SENTENCE, not by looking it up in the dictionary. This is called using context clues to define vocabulary. We also reviewed for the indirect object quiz that 6/7 and 8/9 will take on Wednesday.
To Find Out if Your Book is on level, use the five finger test:

1. Pick out any page in the book you are thinking about reading.
2. Hold up five fingers.
3. For every word that you come to that you don't know the meaning, put one finger down.
4. At the end of the page, count how many fingers you still have up:
a. If you have 4 or 5 fingers up, the book is too easy.
b. 3 fingers up, the book is just right.
c. 2 fingers up, the book will be a little challenging.
d. 1 fingers up, the book will be pretty challenging.
e. 0 fingers up, the book is too hard.