Chapter 38:

"Back up...just back up buddy! And let her go now!" Steven yelled as he released Val's arm from Jason's grip. "This has nothing to with YOU...BUDDY! It's between me and her." Jason said getting in Steven's face. "Oh, your sadly mistaken, it has alot to do with me...she's my sister." Steven said back into Jason's face. "Alright, guys, both of you need to calm down." Val said spreading them apart. "Aww, she's if you'll excuse us...big brother!" Jason said loudly, "We need to finish our conversation." "Well, call me crazy, but I thought Valerie tried to end it and you through a temper tantrum like a 5 year old." Steven laughed. "She's just putting up a front because you're here." Jason said pointing to Steven, "She wants me, she wants me bad." "Jesus Christ...that's enough Jason!" Val snapped, "I don't care what you have to say, so we're leaving!" "Ha, Ha...she told you." Steven said to Jason then turned back to Val, "Let's go sweetie." "Sounds good." Val smiled. "No...!" Jason screamed as he charged towards Steven and Val.

~Outside with Brian, Melissa and Nick~~

   "I wonder is she's okay? What's going on in there? Should I go in?" Brian said as he paced the front of the restaurant. "Yeah, the better hurry, I'm still hungry!" Nick said rubbing his stomach as Melly playfully hit him in the arm, "Ow! What was that for?" "For being you." Melly looked at him then at Brian, "Val's fine, Bri. She's got Steven in there and she's a strong person." "Yeah, and if they need us, we're right here for them. Just relax, man." Nick chimed in. "You guys are right." Brian said trying to relax. "Of course we are. We're always right." Melly smiled at Brian making him laugh. "I know I can always count on you two to make me laugh." He said continuing to laugh. "That's what we do best...we're two crazy corn-dogs." Nick said as he turned to look at Melly but she wasn't there. "Melly?!" He yelled. "Uhuh...over here." She said between bites of her granola bar. "I'm starving over here and there you sit on that bench eating!" Nick said walking over to her. "I come prepared." She smiled. "Prepared?" Nick asked confused. "Yeah, since when have the four of us ever gone out and nothing happened?" Melly asked him. She waited a few seconds for him to respond but got no answer. "See, so, I brought a snack." She said taking another bite. "Share some with me?" Nick said giving her a puppy dog look. "Nick, man, have some respect." Brian said laughing. "C'mon baby...just alittle." Nick pouted his lip as he sat down next to her. "No, not this time. I'm not gonna fall for your charm." Melly said turning her head away from him. "Oh yea?" He asked turning her head back and smiling. "Yeah." She smiled back. "Oh, he's got her." Brian laughed. "How about after this?" Nick asked before kissing her. "Er! Why can't I resist you?! Here you go." She said giving Nick the granola bar. "Nick, give it back!" Brian yelled like a father, "She brought it for her." "Oh, your right." Nick said as he took a giant bite, "You can have it back." "Oh, thank-you." Melly laughed, "He's such a gentlemen, isn't he?" She asked Brian. "He sure is." Brian smiled. "Hey, hey...I'll make it up to her." Nick said pulling her into his arms, "And she'll forget all about some granola bar." "Too much info. for me!" Brian said covering his ears. "So Sorry." Melly said as the door opening from the restaurant caught her eye, "Hey, here comes Val now."  "Oh, thank God. Wait! What's happening? She looks like she's yelling!" Brian said as he ran over.

~Back at the Restaurant~

   "Oh shit, Steven! Look out!" Val screamed. "I hate people that get in my way!" Jason finishing yelling as he charged at Steven causing the both of them to go through the glass window. "Oh my God, Steven, you alright?" Val yelled as she ran over to her brother. "What about me?!" Jason screamed. "Screw you!" Val yelled as Nick, Melly and Brian arrived. "You guys alright here?" Nick asked. "Yeah,  they're just great after going through a glass window." Val snapped at Nick. "Val, baby, you okay?" Brian said kneeling next to her. "Yea, honey,  I'm fine.  But Steven is cut." She said. "I'm cut too!" Jason screamed again as they all helped Steven. "Who really cares!" Melly snapped at him, "You did this!" "Melly, forget him, and call for an ambulance please." Val said holding a napkin to Steven's cut, "Tell them Officer Steven Lachean is injured." "Ok, I will right now." Melly said grabbing her cell phone. "No, no. Melissa don't." Steven yelled, "I'm fine, it's just a cut." "No, it's a nasty need to get it looked at." Val urged. "What about me?!" Jason screamed. "Shut-up!" All five of them yelled to Jason. "You'll all get your payback." Jason said struggling to stand up and walked to the curb to hale a cab. "Steven, man, you just gonna let me go?!" Nick asked, hoping he could kick his ass before he got arrested. "He's not worth it." Steven said standing up with Val and Brian's help, "He'll get his one day." "I really hate those two!" Nick said clenching a fist as Jason pulled away in a cab.  "Sweetie, calm down." Melly said grabbing his hands, "Try and forget them." "Your right, we better get Steven to the hospital." Nick said as he haled a cab. "You guys just go." Melly said opening the door to the cab, "There isn't enough room for all of us." "Thanks Mel, we'll see'ya back at the hotel for dinner." Val said to her as her, Brian, and Steven pulled away.
   "I guess we can go eat now." Nick said kissing Melly's neck from behind. "Uhuh, what do you want?" Melly turned to him and asked. "You." He simply said. "Ah, that can be later." She said as she pulled away from him and started to walk. "Hey, promise?" Nick laughed, catching up to her. "Yea, yea." Melly laughed.

  ~~Later that Day~~
~Brian, Val and Steven~

   "Jeez, I never knew an emergency room would make you wait for that long!" Val yelled as the left the hospital. "Yeah, and you would think they would help me because I am a police officer." Steven chuckled, "But at least I only needed 6 stitches." "Yes, thank God for that." Brian said, "You guys could have really gotten hurt. Those guys are nothing but trouble! "You can say that again...but at least Ethan's behind bars." Val sighed. "Jason should join him after assaulting a police officer." Brian said. "You're right. I guess I was in too much pain." Steven looked at Val, "I'll get him the next time he comes near you." Thank-you. You're the best!" She exclaimed as she hugged him. "Hey now, what about me?" Brian pouted like Nick. "Aww, can't forget you baby. I Love You." She said kissing Brian. "Love you too."  Brian smiled. "So, what's up with the ring on my sister's finger?" Steven asked the happy couple. "Well, uhm, Ya see..." Val started to say but was stopped when Steven's pager went off. "Ah, saved by the bell. It's the station, I need to call them." Steven said walking to the pay phone.
   "Whew, he was looking at me funny." Brian sighed, "He thinks we're engaged." "I know, we'll just tell him the truth and it will all be okay." Val said hugging her man.
   "Officer Steven Lachean returning a page." Steven told the receptionist at the station. "Just a minute, I'll connect you to the chief." She said. "Chief Mulder here." the chief answered. "Afternoon sir, Steven Lachean, returning your page." Steven said. "Oh yes, Steven, you know that case you've been watching over?" the chief asked. "Yes, regarding Ethan Dwiggins?" Steven questioned. "That's the one." Chief Mulder said. "I'm even more interested in it now. You see, my sister and her friends are the witnesses. Her boyfriend even was even the one Mr. Dwiggins tried to kill." Steven said excitedly. "Well, son, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you." the chief paused before continuing, "Ethan was released on $50,000 bail, a short while ago." "What?!" Steven yelled. "I know this must be hard for you...knowing her sister is involved...but all we can do is look out for your sister and friends. Chief Mulder stated. "Who bailed him out?" Steven asked pissed. "He's mother. She just showed up here with a check and once the judge sets bail, we can't stop it." Chief Mulder explained. "I understand." Steven said looking back a Brian and Val, "I'm gonna look watch over these sister deserves to be happy." "Good idea. Take the rest of the afternoon off and notify your sister. We can talk more in the morning." the chief said. "Thank-you, Sir." Steven said hanging up.
   "Hey buddy, why so gloom?" Brian asked as Steven walked back over to them. "Ah, I'm afraid I've got some bad news." Steven looked up at them, "Ethan posted bail this afternoon." "Oh My God! No! How?" Val cried. "His mother paid the $50,000." Steven explained. "Shit, now we gotta watch our backs until the trial." Brian said grabbing Val tighter. "Don't worry, I'll be checking on you guys every hour and of Ethan or Jason try anything...they'll be arrested again." Steven re-assured them. "Thanks man." Brian said shaking his hand. "Damn, we better  tell Melissa and Nick. Ethan might go to her first!" Val yelled. "Why her?" Steven asked confused. "Ethan likes her alot, he's been trying to break her and Nick up since we meet them." Brian explained. "Alright, where are they?" Steven asked. "They were gonna meet us back at the hotel for dinner." Val answered. "Well, let's get over there and call from the cell as we go." Brian said. "Let me try them." Val said dialing her phone as the 3 of them left the hospital parking lot in a hurry.

   ~~At the Hotel~~
   ~Melly and Nick~

   "It's later." Nick devilishly smiled over at Melly, who was watching TV. "Yea, so it is." Melly laughed as Nick picked her up. The two began to get comfortable and kiss when the phone rang. "Ah, go away!" Nick yelled at it. "Maybe we should get answer it, baby." Melly said. "Nah, they can leave a message." Nick said continuing to kiss her body.

~Back with Val, Steven, and Brian~

   "I swear if those two are on that couch making out and ignoring the phone...I'm gonna kill them myself!" Val yelled as she hung up after the 15th ring.  "Don't worry, we'll be there in alittle bit." Brian assured her. "Yeah, nothing can happen in that little bit of time." Steven said.

~Ethan and his Mom~

   "Ah, here we are...the Crowne Plaza. It's good to be free." Ethan exclaimed as he climbed out of the cab. "Son, is this where we've been staying before jail?" his mom asked. "Yes and this is where my future wife is right now." Ethan turned to his mom, "I know you're gonna love her." "I'm sure I will son. But why didn't you call her when we left the police station and tell her you got out?" his mom questioned. "Because she hates me and is engaged to Mr. Backstreet Boys himself." Ethan yelled. "We'll just make sure that all changes...because nonone makes my baby unhappy. Let's go surprise her." his mom said as they made their way to the hotel lobby.

~Back to Nick & Melly~

   "See, I told you it would stop." Nick said looking down at Melly and smiled, "Where were we? Ah, here." He said kissing her again.  The two were getting into it when there was a knock at the door. "Nick, baby, someone's here." Melly said trying to push him off of her. "So, let 'em knock." Nick said ignoring her. "Nick, please, it could be Val." Melly said as Nick rolled over to let her up. "I'll be right back." Melly said running to the door.
   "Well, hello there beautiful. Miss me?" Ethan said as Melly opened the door. "Oh my, Oh my God! What are you doing here?" Melly said scared. "Don't be scared, sweetie." Ethan said running his hand down her face, "I wouldn't hurt you." "Damn right you wouldn't!" Nick said pushing him away from Melly, "Because I'd kill you." "Oh, Nicky boy, so good of you to join us." Ethan smiled at him as Nick felt his blood boil over, "Now the fun can begin."


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Chapter 39