Monday 21st February 2000
Gorky's Zygotic Mynci, the ickle Welsh band, were a bone of contention between the girls. Caroline was a HUGE fan but had never seen them, Sharon had accidentally seen them twice. In fact she discovered them as the support band to Teenage Fanclub in Sheffield. They played the Patio Song, Sharon swooned.
The Mynci 2000 tour brought them to Edinburgh the day after Caroline moved there. Cue Operation Ticket Aquisition which found Sharon on the phone in Aberdeen, Caroline on the phone in Stirling and a mad run around Edinburgh on the day Caroline moved.
The venue, called 'The Attic' proved even more difficult to find than the tickets. Namely because it didn't actually exist, or at least it wasn't signed in any way. In fact it was merely an attic part of a pub on Cowgate. Having circled the street several times and witnessed a pregnant skeleton run past them (a man in a skeleton suit carrying the head part looked like a pregnant skeleton, guess you had to be there), they finally decided it was the place with the queue of people outside because nothing else was open.
The, erm attic part of the pub is closed off while a sound check is going on. So the girls pick a spot to stand opposite the harrassed looking bouncer. He gets so fed up of people trying to push past him or hassling him about when it will open, that when it does open, the girls, having quietly behaved themselves, are the first allowed up. The much coveted front of the stage is theirs. It's a ridiculously small stage with a ridiculously large amount of instruments, and shortly, a ridiculously large number of small Welsh people.
Gorky's, bless 'em, have issued everyone with a ridiculous programme complete with fake adverts (eg: Music Box - Where Music Comes Alive. Nightclasses available in Ninja Training and Millinary). The first part of the show they play all the slow yummy songs we all love. The second part of the show they play all the fast insane songs we all love. We being the girls and the man next to them who instigates a ludicrous dance routing during Spanish Dance Troupe which the girls enter fully into the spirit of, leaving the violinist Megan looking terribly bemused.
Affection for this band cannot be over-stated. They really are adorable. Seeing them live, is such good fun. Although there is always the small worry that Euros will concuss himself on his keyboard during one of the more vigorous songs. They could easily have given up after record company traumas but thankfully they bounced back. Long may they continue.
To enter into the spirit of the band, the girls acquire 2 unopened litre cartons of orange juice from the front of the stage and walk through Edinburgh to Caroline's flat juggling them. It's amazing how many people give you a wide berth late at night when you are carrying orange juice. You should try it one day.
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