Connecticut Militia

Thomas Trowbridge II
Born: 1631, Taunton, Exeter, England
Died: 1702, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Parents: Thomas Trowbridge & Elizabeth Marshall
Occupations: merchant, entrepreneur, planter, shipbuilder
Buried: Center Church Crypt, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Military Service: Lt., Connecticut Militia (may have fought in King Philip's War against the Indians)
Public Office: Treasurer, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
First Marriage: June 24, 1657, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
First Wife: Sarah Rutherford
Born: Jan.31,1642, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Died: Jan.5, 1687, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Buried: Center Church Crypt, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Second Marriage: April 2, 1689, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Second Wife: Hannah Nash
Born: July 24, 1655, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Died: Feb. 4, 1702, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Parents: John Nash and Elizabeth Tapp



(Thomas Trowbridge & Sarah Rutherford)

Sarah Trowbridge

Born: Nov 7, 1658, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Died: 1690, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut

Buried: Center Church Crypt, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut

John Trowbridge

Thomas Trowbridge III

Lydia Trowbridge

Born: June 7, 1666, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Died: unknown

Caleb Trowbridge
Born: Oct. 28, 1670, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Died: Sept. 10, 1704, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Buried: Center Church Crypt, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Note: headstone inscription reads "Mr. Caleb Trowbridge who departed
this life Septembr ye 10th Anno Do. 1704."

Daniel Trowbridge
Born: Jan. 5, 1673, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Died: unknown

Elizabeth Trowbridge
Born: June 30, 1676, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Died: unknown

Sarah Trowbridge
Born: Sept. 24, 1680, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Died: about 1690, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut

(Thomas Trowbridge & Hannah Nash)

Hannah Trowbridge

Born: Mar. 30, 1690, New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut
Died: unknown



He first arrived, with his parents, at the colony of Massachusetts Bay. With some of the Massachusetts Bay Colony laws not being favorable, the Trowbridges moved to New Haven Colony in what is now Connecticut. Thomas Trowbridge was a very enterprising man and became very successful. By 1662, he started the company, Warehouses & Warf Inc. He also timbered out land on the Common for the building of a vessel, and became a prominent merchant, trading with England, the West Indies, the Sandwich Islands and many other ports. Eventually he owned many sailing ships which sailed out of New Haven, Connecticut, and businesses were established, land was purchased, plantations, formation of companies. At New Haven, the Union Wharf Co. was established. He purchased several acres of land from the neighboring Indians. The Indians who sold the land to Thomas are on record in New Haven, Connecticut. In 1673, with the prospect of war with the Dutch, Thomas Trowbridge was appointed commissary for the New Haven Colony to fit out the troops. He was a confirmed lieutenant with the Connecticut troops and probably saw active service in King Philip's War with the Indians. He was treasurer of the town from. 1679-1680. In later years he was chosen Townsman and held office for 8 years. He acted as agent and purchased much of the land for the town, from the Indians, thus ending Indian ownership within the boundaries of the town of New Haven. Later, the Trowbridge name was considered to be the head of the West India Business in the United States.

Genealogical and Family History of the State of Connecticut: A Record of the Achievements of Her People
in the Making of a Commonwealth and the Founding of a Nation. Volume III

Thomas Trowbridge, from Taunton, England, descendant of Peter de Trowbridge; settled in Dorchester, Massachusetts, uniting with the church in 1636; went with the first settlers to New Haven and owned a house there; returned to England, 1644, leaving his property interests in trust for his children; died in Taunton, England , February, 1672. (II) Thomas Trowbridge , born in England, 1632, died in New Haven , 1689; commissary for the expedition against the Dutch, 1673; married, in New Haven, June 24, 1657, Sarah Rutherford (born 1640, died 1682), daughter of Henry Rutherford, one of the founders of New Haven colony and a man of wealth and influence. (III) John Trowbridge, born December 23, 1661, died at sea June 30, 1689; merchant, and had a large estate; married, November 19,1682, Anne Leete (born 1661, died 1747), daughter of Governor William Leete and Anne Payne , ... (IV) Anne Trowbridge , married Rev. Samuel Cooke.


Following the seizure of the New Netherlands and the city of New Amsterdam by the English in 1664, King Charles II awarded the new territories to his brother James (later King James II), the Duke of York. The Duke divided his new holdings, keeping New Amsterdam and the area around the Hudson River, which became the city and colony of New York, and awarding the southern lands to two of his cronies, Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, who became the first Lord Proprieters of New Jersey, which Sir Cartaret named after the island of Jersey in the English Channel, where he born. Lord Berkeley and Sir Cartaret then divided their new lands, with Lord Berkeley controling the territory of West Jersey, and Sir Carteret, East Jersey. The colony would remain divided as a Proprietory Colony until 1702, when Queen Anne united the two colonies into the Royal Colony of New Jersey. To encourage settlement, Sir Cartaret sold land to New Englanders at extremely cheap prices and promised political and religious freedoms for those who purchased the land. Many of those who responded were Puritans from the New Haven Colony in Connecticut, who settled New Jersey, and founded the city of Newark in 1666. Newark has the distinction of being the third oldest incorporated city in the United States, just behind Boston, Massachusetts and New York City, New York. Thomas Trowbridge, although he and his family never settled there, got on the bandwagon, and purchased several hundred acres of property along the Raritan River in central New Jersey. There is an account in the book available through Yahoo Books called "The Puritans" by Dover Publishers, which contains an account written by Thomas' relative, Sarah Kemble Knight, on page 439 regarding a business trip with Thomas to New York, perhaps in connection to his real estate dealings in New Jersey.


The Center Church Crypt in New Haven, CT. Somewhere in this photo is the headstone of Sarah Rutherford.
This photo and the information below is from the article "A New Haven Church" which appeared in "The Connecticut Magazine".
This article is available for free online through Google Books.


Thomas Trowbridge is buried, along with his first wife, Sarah Rutherford, sons Thomas III and Caleb, and 23 other members of the Trowbridge family, in the crypt of the historic Center Church in New Haven, Connecticut. The crypt was restored through the efforts of a direct descendent, Thomas Rutherford Trowbridge, in the mid 1800s. The inscription on Thomas' headstone reads:

"Here Lyeth inter'd
The body of Thomas Trowbridge Esquire
Aged 70 Years Deceased
the 22d of August
Anno Domini

The inscription for his first wife, Sarah, whose headstone is the oldest in the crypt, reads:

"Mrs. Sarah Trowbridge, deceased January the 5th, aged 46, 1687."



Thomas Trowbridge [the father] after the death of his father came into his inheritance, being the only surviving son. He succeeded his father as the chief Trowbridge in Taunton, just as the latter had succeeded his father, and that he was a man of consequence there is shown by the prominence given him in the pedigree in the wife's family, which has been previously quoted. He wrote often to the authorities in New Haven to bring Gibbons to an account for his breach of trust, but Gibbons kept possession of the Trowbridge estates in New Haven for many years, and affairs remained thus until the sons came of age. They had continued in the mean time to pass their boyhood under the care of Sergeant Jeffrey, their father evidently being satisfied with that arrangement. They had received a good education under the instruction of Mr. Ezekiel Cheever, the famous colonial schoolmaster who taught the first school in New Haven. In the colony records it is noted that at a court held February 8, 1643-44, "Mr. Cheever desired 4-3-6 out of the estate of Mr. Trowbridge which is justly due him for teaching the children." The course of instruction to be pursued by the schoolmaster for his scholars at that time was "after they are entered and can read in the Testament; to perfect them in English; and teach them Latin tongue as they are capable, and to write." Soon after he came of age William Trowbridge endeavored to have an accounting made of his father's estate that was left in New Haven, and for this end presented to the court two letters from his father, one dated March 6, 1655, and the other, March 4, 1658, where in his father wrote that he "marvells that there is not an account of it given." This attempt to to recover from Gibbons was a failure, but finally, on Janauary 19, 1663-64, Mr. Trowbridge executed, and sent to his three sons a power of attorney, making over to them jointly and severally the property in New England wherever found, to be retained and equally divided between them, and bring the said Gibbons to account and punishment. The sons sued Gibbons for possesion, but as matters were found, a settlement could not easily be effected before Mr. Trowbridge's death, which occurred in Taunton, February 7, 1672-3. The suit was finally settled in 1680 by Gibbons "for sundry good cause best known to myself, who made a deed of the property for Thomas Trowbridge, the younger to take effect after the death of Gibbons. This deed included his house and lot, and sundry other property including "the bed and bolster I lie on."


"To all Christian people in whom this present writing shall come greeting: Know ye that I Thomas Trowbridge of Taunton in ye county of Somerset. Gent doe hereby make ordaine, constitute and depute and in my place and stead put my three sons Thomas Trowbridge and William Trowbridge of New Haven, and James Trowbridge of Dorchester in ye Bay in New England in ye ports of America beyond ye seas, to be my true and lawfull attornies, jointly, and severally for me and to my name to aske, sue for, and chattles whatsover, which I left in trust in New England aftersaid with Henry Gibbons, sometimes my servant, or doe otherwise belongs unto me and upon detaining thereof or of any particular parcell therof, to are or any particuar parcell theroff, to arrest, attach, call to an account, sue implead and imprison ye said Henry Gibbons, and all and every other person and persons whatsover in whose lands, custody, or possession of my estate, houses, lotts, goods, eattel and chattels whatsoever are or have or hath beene in any way or course of law or equity. And ye same suit or suits to persecute and issue to judgement, sentence and final execution, until recovery shall be had off my said estate, houses, lotts, goods, cattle and chattels whatsoever with all costs and deamages to be had for detaining the same. And upon receipt thereof or of so much thereof as my said attourneys or any or eyther of them shall agree for and accept by way of composition, the said person of persons soe by my said atturnies or any or eyther of them said atturneyes or any or eyther of them sued or imprisoned, out of prison to release an d is charge and also to make seale and deliver acquittances releases or other sufficient discharge to and for the same or any part therof, and I doe hereby given and grant unto my said attornies, jointly and severally, my full and whole power and authority in and around the premises and by the afore said or any other lawful waies and means whatever to get in and recover my said estate, houses, lotts, goods, cattle and chattles whatsover in as full and ample manner in every respect to all intents considerations and purposes as allowing and confirming whatsover my said attornies or any or either of them sall lawfully doe or cause to be done in ye premises by virtue of these presents, and I do alsoe hereby order and appoint that all and whatsover of my said este, houses lott goods cattle or chattels whatsover shall be recovered and received by my said attornies or any or either of them shall be kept and enjoyed by my three sons Thomas William and James equally divided between them to their own use and behoff without any account to be rendered unto me for ye same. In whitness thereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale, the nineteenth day of January in ye fourteenth year of ye reign of King Charles the second et Anno gr. deus. 1663.
Thom. Trowridge, [Seale]
Sealed and delivered in ye
presence of Henry Chase Notary Publick. Robert Chase, John Chambers
The above written is a true record of the originel composed therewith and
recorded ye 26th day of February, 1683. By John Nash, recorder"
{New Haven Land Records, vol 1, p. 202]


"To all people to whom the present writing shall come greeting. I Henry Gibbons of New Haven in New England husbandman bring greeting. Know ye that I the said Henry Gibbons for and in considertion of sundry good causes and reasons (best known to myself) have given, granted, conveyed made over. And by these presents doo give, grant convey & make over unto Thomas Trowbridge of Newhaven, merchant, in New England afore said merchant as follows viz: Imrints my houses home-loft & yard, scituate lying 7 being in the towne of New haven afore said, bounded on ye South with the house & home lott now belonging unto Nathan Andrews, on the West by ye home lotts now belonging unto John Winston & Wm. Johnson on the NMorth with a homelott belonging unto Allen Ball and on the East with the streets or highway. Also foure acres of meadow lyeing by the old ferry & three acres & a half of upland lying in the suburbs quarter alsoe in ye town of New haven afores did as the bed & bolster I lye on. To have & to hold after my decease all & singular, the houses land mew and be as aforesaid to the afore said Thomas Trowbridge his heirs, executors, administrators, or assignees for ever to his & their power use and hehoof, thereof & there with to doe & dispose at his will and please. In witnesse whereoff I have here unto sett my hand & seal dated at Newhaven this fifth day of February in the yeare of our Lord, one thousand six hundred and eighty.
his (=) marke
Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of us, John Nash, William Gibbons (his mark)} Henry Gibbons
appeared in New haven this 5th of February 1680 & acknowledged the above written deed to be his voluntary
act according to the law. Jn Nash Assistant" [New Haven Land Records, vol. 1, p. 162]

Gibbons died in 1686, and as his brother William Gibbons refused to take out letters of administration, Thomas Trowbridge was appointed administrator, and as the said Henry Gibbons had no children, the matter was concluded.
