Prince of Egypt

video review

The Prince of Egypt
By Sara B.

There was a country named Egypt that had poverty, slaves, and pharaohs. The slaves were whipped and had no freedom.

The movie starts out revealing the slaves being whipped and put to work . The workmen of the pharoah were commanded (due to over-population), the pharoah told the men to take the babies from the women.

Take them to the river and put them with the alligators. One mother ran with her baby, put him in a basket, and send him down the river singing her a last lullaby. The sister followed the basket and made a prayer especially for him to return some day.

Then it shows the wife of the pharoah and his son in the water as the basket flows to her. She picks it up and says, come Rameses, let’s show your father your new brother.

The movie shows Moses {Val Kilmer} the hero and Rameses causing trouble in the town and competing. He meets a woman in the castle, one he likes but she doesn’t like him. The guards take her to his room but she escapes. She leaves the guards tied up . He goes to find her but lets her escape.

One of the slaves begins to talk to the Moses as he began to return from chasing that girl. She said my name is Miriam (Sandra Bullock). I’m your sister, she says as her husband tries to stop her. Moses began to leave as she began to sing a lullaby his mother sang. He said that is absurd. Then she said calmly, ask the man you call father.

Not wanting to hear or confess that he is not a prince he ran to look at the stone tablets to see if she was right. He was overwhelmed for it was true. He ran from his home out to the desert .

When a wind storm occurred, he got stuck. A camel found Moses; the camel tried to eat his hair. The camel took him to a small civilization. He met the girl the guards gave him. Her name was Tzipporah (Michelle Pfeiffer). He lived among those people for a while.

Moses and Tzipporah fell in love and got married. Moses became the sheep shephard. One day a sheep went into a cave. When he went to retreive him, he saw a light. Like a human he followed the light. Then someone began to talk. It was God.

God said, “Take your shoes off for you are on holy ground. I want my people free and I want you to be my deliverer. The staff you hold in your hand is power.”

Moses told his wife Tzipporah, and she said I’m going with you. They began their journey to Egypt. When he arrived Moses found out that Rameses had become pharaoh and he had a son. When Moses asked Rameses to free the Hebrews he said, no, I will not be the weakest link in this family.

That is when the plagues began. The first plague Moses placed the staff on the ground, and frogs and locusts appeared. The people began to panic. That was the first plague.

Moses aproached Rameses again at the river and asked him again. He still said, NO. Moses placed the staff in the river, and it turned the river to blood (plague 2). Once again he aproached and asked if he would liberate his people. NO!

Then god released the 3rd plague. Moses was to take blood and smear it on the doorway of the Hebrew’s to spare them, and God would take the breathe of life away from the Egyptians. God did the plague, and Rameses’ son was killed.

When Moses came to see Rameses he was covering his son with a blanket. Moses said, “You could have saved him.”

“Go take your people with you .” Moses told his people they were free and they said, “Let’s follow Moses. God sent us a deliver.’’

They walked until he met an ocean. Rameses starts to attempt to stop Moses. God starts to talk to Moses, “Place your staff in the ocean and it will work wonders .“

Moses did as he was told. The water began to rise and fire from the Heavens stopped Rameses and his men from reaching Moses.

The river spread and the people were able to cross the ocean. Then Rameses’ men were killed, and the Hebrews were saved.

The End

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