Honor & Betrayal pt 57
Author:   Gabrielle T. Stuart
Email:   trujoy@gateway.net
1936 HOURS
As Harm stands outside Lieutenant Malory's ICU,  he observes Doctor Levy carefully examining the pale figure of a man lying  in the bed before him.   Completing his examination, he  reaches for Malory's medical chart, jots down some information and then walks out of the room. 
(gazing up to see Harm)
Ahh.......Commander Rabb. 
Doctor.  (gazing toward Malory)  Any change in the Lieutenant's condition?
No I'm afraid not.   (as he places Malory's chart into the slot next to the door and turns back to Harm)   By the way, you missed your follow up appointment with me this morning. 
Oh....right!    Hey,  I'm sorry!    I guess I got so caught up in my work  I forgot all about it.
(gazing to his watch)
Well, I got a few minutes to kick around before I call it a night.  (beginning to lead Harm down the hall toward a nearby examining room)   Why don't you step over here for a moment and I'll take a quick look at you. 
(reluctantly following Levy)
Ahh......well,  there's really no need for me to take up your time, Doctor.  I mean I've been feeling fine.
Great!  Then it shouldn't take long, then.
His discontent obvious in his demeanor, Rabb follows Doctor Levy into the examining room. 
(indicating the end of the examination table)
Why don't you remove that shirt and have a seat.
Harm complies  with the Doctor's request.  Once on the table, Doctor Levi sets about his routine of examining the head wound and then the deep bruising around Harm's left eye and cheek.   
(as he flashes a light into Harm's left eye)
It's a good thing you've got such a hard head, Commander. 
Well, that does seem to be the general consensus among my acquaintances,  Sir.
I'm serious, Commander.  A slightly harder blow to that area of the skull could easily have killed you. 
(shrugging off the Doctor's words)
Just lucky I guess!
(stepping away from Harm momentarily)
Is that why you're here, Commander?.....Survivors guilt?
Excuse me?
Well,  I mean compared to Lieutenant Malory you escaped the ordeal virtually unscathed.   It'd be a perfectly normal reaction for you to  feel some sort of guilt.
(somewhat annoyed by Levy's presumptions)
Are we finished here?
Levy recognizes the anger behind Harm's tone of voice.  Taking his stethoscope, from around his neck he steps back toward Harm.
Not quite.
He carefully examines the stitches across Harm's right side  and then places the stethoscope to  Harm's chest listening carefully for a moment and then repeating his actions with the stethoscope against Harm's back.  
(stepping back from Harm)
Well, everything seems to be healing up just fine.......at least on the outside. 
(slipping off the table)
Harm slips his shirt back on and then walks toward the door.
(gazing after him)
By the way, Mrs. Malory left word  for you to meet her in the Chapel if you so desired.
(turning to face Levy)
I guess her intuition must have told her that you'd be stopping by tonight. 
Well, thanks for the information, Doctor. 
Harm turns away once again only to be stopped a second time by Doctor Levy's words.
She's facing some serious issues, Commander, .......one being whether or not she should take her husband off life support systems. 
(turning back to Levy)
And what would your outlook be on that,  Doctor?
To let him go.   But that's not my decision.  It's Mrs Malory's and she's seeking out the only one whom she feels can help her make that decision. 
And who might that be?
(taken aback by Levy's answer)
Why are you telling me all this?
Because  Mrs Malory seems to  regard you very highly, Commander,   and somehow I get the distinct impression that there's some sort of  bond developing between the two of you....if only on her part.    
Harm studies Levy's earnest expression for a long moment. 
Well, I think you're being a bit presumptuous  in your assessment of our relationship, Doctor.  I mean Mrs Malory  and I barely know one another.  But  surely you're going somewhere with this.  
Yes, I am, Commander,  and I hope that you won't be offended by it.   But I believe your compassion for Mrs. Malory  though well meaning is motivated by guilt.  That said, I think you need to realize that what Mrs. Malory really needs right now is someone who genuinely cares about  her and can give her the support and comfort she needs to see her through this crisis.  
Well, compassion motivated by whatever reason is compassion, nevertheless.  Now, do you mind telling me where I can find the chapel?
Levy shrugs off Harm's indifference and then points him in the direction of the Chapel.
Take the elevator to the top floor.  Take a right.  It'll lead you right to the chapel.
With that, Harm walks off toward the elevator. 
1952 HOURS
Dressed snugly in his overcoat, scarf, gloves and cover, Admiral Chegwidden walks out of JAG Ops main entrance and begins his long walk across the parking lot toward his vehicle.  The screeching of tires spinning on icy snow breaking the silence around him, AJ gazes up to see the rear lights of a vehicle as it jolts forward and then backward in a futile effort to move passed the low mound of packed snow behind it's rear wheels.  Picking up his pace, AJ  draws nearer to the car and is finally able to identify it as Colonel Mackenzie's red corvette.    As he reaches the driver's side of the car, he taps on the window in an attempt to gain her attention as she continues to rock the car from reverse into forward and back again.
(tapping on the window)
Startled by the Admiral's sudden appearance, Mac lets out  an abbreviated scream and then quickly recognizes the man standing outside her door.
(letting down her window)
You're never going to get this car out of here the way you're going at it, Colonel. 
Well I'm open to any suggestions you may have,..........Sir!
Got any sand or kitty litter?   (Mac nods negatively) ......salt.......(Mac nods negatively a second time)   How about a shovel? 
No Sir!  Sorry!
(sucking in a deep breath)
Well, hold on a minute while I get some sand out of the back of my car.
As the Admiral moves away  from the car, Mac opens the door and steps out.    
(beginning to walk carefully across the icy snow toward his vehicle)
It'd be my advice, Colonel, that you start carrying around some of the items I just mentioned.   (reaching his car and opening the rear door)    I mean you're not driving an SUV anymore and a sports car sure as hell isn't going to cut when it comes to snow covered roads. 
(sarcastically under her breath)
Well,  maybe if the damn parking lot had been cleared properly in the first place, I ........
Her words trail off as she notices the Admiral pause and glance back over his shoulder at her. 
Ahh.....Sorry about that Admiral.  I mean that wasn't directed at you personally or anything.   I guess I'm just a bit on edge is all.
Slightly annoyed, AJ turns back toward his vehicle and reaches into the rear cargo area.  Pulling out a small shovel and a bag of sand, he slams the door closed and returns to where Mac is standing by her car.
(dropping the bag of sand to the ground)
It falls under the category of budget cuts where excuses are concerned,  Colonel!
Excuse me, Sir?
The sloppy snow removal job you see here can be directly attributed to having to accept the lowest bidder when our contract came up for renewal last Fall.    But then this isn't about the parking lot or you're getting stuck now is it.  
(studying the Admiral's concerned expression for a long moment)
What is it with you anyway, Admiral?    I mean do you have a sixth sense of something?
Well, I prefer to call it intuition, Colonel.  But then I don't even need that to see the emotional pain that is written all over your face.   (he pauses for a long moment rubbing his gloved hands together in an effort to warm them)  Want to tell me what's going on with you?
It's not me, Admiral.  It's Commander Rabb.
Well, what's he done now?
It's not so much what he's done as much as what he's not doing, Sir.
And that would be?
Well, you know how he just up and disappeared after the court proceedings this afternoon.
Yes.  Go on.
Well, when I finally caught up with him I found him at the scene of the assault.
And that bothers you.
Well, don't you think that's a bit strange, Sir?
Mac, all sorts of things could be read into his actions if you let your imagination run away with you.  But my theory is that he  was probably there to initiate his own investigation given the fact that Agent Holland informed him just this morning that the lack of evidence from the crime scene was preventing her from bringing charges against Master Chief Durant.  
And that's my point, Admiral!  He's shut down his emotions and is dealing with it as though it all happened to someone else......not him.   It's like he's on the outside looking in instead of dealing with it as a personal issue.  I mean it happened to him, too, Admiral, not just to Lieutenant Malory.  And he's just not facing it.   
What are you suggesting here, Colonel,  that perhaps he's in need of some sort of professional counseling?
No Sir, that wasn't my inference at all.   I  mean I know the sort of stigma something like that would create on his service record. 
Then let it go, Colonel.  You've known the Commander for three years now and as such you should realize that he's never been one to easily open up and share his feelings.  Hell, his testimony in that court room today was the clearest insight into that man as I've ever seen.  You can't expect him to change overnight.........even under the circumstances.  I mean at this point in time, he's probably still in shock and is feeling quite numb.  It's all part of the process, Mac.  Surely you know that from your own experience.   Just give him time!  He's proven his mettle time and again so I have no doubt that he will come through this crises and probably be the better for it.  Trust me on this one, Colonel! 
Meaning not disrespect, Admiral,   but what  if you're wrong?
Then I'll deal with it, Colonel.  In the meantime,  I think it's in both of your best interests to just give it a rest. 
(sighing deeply)
Yes Sir, you're probably right.
AJ observes her for a long moment hoping that his words have at least eased her concerns.  
Well, it's damn cold out here, Colonel, so lets see about getting you out of this mess.
With that, he stoops down to the bag of sand at this feet and breaks open the plastic bag. 
2010 HOURS
Upon entering the chapel, Harm's gazes down the center aisle to see Mrs. Malory kneeling at the railing at the foot of the altar.  His eyes momentarily drifting across the alter area, he observes the stained glass windows depicting scenes of the crucifixion, the intricate design of the marble alter and then the crucifix itself as it hangs suspended with nearly invisible wiring from the ceiling just above the altar.  Not wanting to disturb Mrs. Malory's vigil, Harm steps into the nearest pew, and seats himself on the wooden bench.   A sense of uneasiness seemingly coming over him, he lifts one of the bibles from the slot in front of him and quickly begins to thumb through it.  Stopping randomly to just read anything to keep him busy, the page opens and his eyes quickly glance down the page to the following verse...........
............."Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"...........
The words piercing his very being,  Harm gazes up toward the front of the chapel and for a long moment observes Mrs. Malory as she continues to kneel at the altar.    His eyes drifting up toward the crucifix above the altar he carefully studies the depiction of the crucified Christ.    His thoughts suddenly interrupted by the sensation of a hand being pressed against his shoulder, Harm gazes up somewhat startled to see a Naval officer bearing the rank of Commander and the chevrons of a chaplain standing in the aisle beside him. 
(noting the shocked look on Harm's face)
My apologies.  I didn't mean to startle you.
(quickly standing to greet the man)
Oh.....no problem. 
(officering Harm his hand in greeting)
I'm Father Hennings. 
(accepting his in greeting)
Commander Rabb.
Oh, yes!  Mrs Malory has mentioned you.  She said you might be dropping by this evening. 
Well, I guess Mrs Malory is quite intuitive, Father.  (gazing toward Mrs. Malory)  Do you know if she'll be much longer?
I really don't know, Commander.  I mean how long should one be in prayer when one is asking for a miracle?
(smiling slightly)
I don't know.   How long would God expect one to keep asking?
I've asked God that question, .......but I can't say as I've ever really received an answer. 
Well, the next time you're asking Him about anything, why don't you ask him where He was the other night when Mrs. Malory's husband was beaten into a coma. 
Well, one could turn that around and argue that it was God that brought you through the fire relatively unscathed, Commander.
Is that how this works?  You refuse to blame God for the bad things that happen, yet when something good happens then it's considered divine intervention.   
It's all in your perception, Commander.  I certainly can't explain why things happen as they do.  All I know is that as individuals,  we each  have a free will to choose the rules by which we want to live our lives.    It's in that choice that we become who we are.    Evil exists because there are those who have chosen that path.  But God doesn't create evil......human beings do.  And call it by whatever name you wish........but something beyond the realm of human understanding caused those men to not only choose to allow you to live but completely blinded them to the fact that Lieutenant Malory although at deaths door.........was in actuality,  still alive. 
Harm gazes to the front of the church and observes Mrs. Malory for a long moment.  
Well, Father, for Mrs. Malory's sake, I sincerely hope that God is listening to her plea.  She has more to loose then anyone I've ever known and  short of a miracle,  there's nothing that any of us can do to help her.     
I've known Mrs. Malory for over a year, Commander.   She's a woman of tremendous courage and deep faith and I believe she has the fortitude to come through all this regardless of circumstances.   
Well, I sincerely hope you're right.   (gazing to his watch)  Well........  it's getting late!  I better get going.
I'll let Mrs. Malory know you stopped by.
No need, really.  I'll try and stop by tomorrow.  Nice to meet you, Father.
With that, they shake hands once again and with one final gaze toward Mrs. Malory, Harm walks out of the chapel. 
0810 HOURS
Standing at the window gazing out, Admiral Chegwidden hears a knock come upon his door. 
(as he gazes over his shoulder)
The door of the office opens to reveal Harm.
Do you have a moment, Admiral?
(stepping away from the window)
Certainly.  I  wanted to have a few words with you myself anyway, Commander.  Come in.......have a seat.
(a look of dread quickly passing over his face)
Yes Sir.
Observing Harm as he approaches,  Admiral Chegwidden slips into his own chair behind the desk.   As Harm takes a seat in one of the leather chairs, there is a long moment of awkward silence as the two men exchanged glances.
Well,   I guess I needn't have to tell you that your testimony yesterday afternoon sent such a shock wave through JAG Ops that I'm amazed that the damn building is still standing on its foundation.       
(anxiously,  trying to determine the Admiral's mood)
Sorry about that, Admiral!........I.......
Don't apologize, Commander.  That wasn't  meant to be a  reprimand.  Consider it more  a...... compliment.   After all, Ms Ryerson had you between a rock and a hard place and you very tactfully wormed your way out of it.  Over all, I'd say  you  handled yourself  brilliantly. 
(overwhelmed by the Admiral's words)
Well thank you Sir!
Well, don't thank me too soon, Commander, as  I'm sure there will be repercussions.   You opened up your soul in that court room  yesterday giving many a person a glimpse into a very personal side of you........ especially in regards to your relationship with Colonel Mackenzie.   There's going to be talk, Commander,   and lots of it.  So be prepared.  
Well, talks cheap, Admiral.  At any rate,  I think it's been worth the price....especially if Peterson gets his just reward.  
Well I hope you'll keep that in mind the next time you find yourself at the receiving end of someone's snide remark or perhaps notice that you've come under the scrutiny of a group of females lollygaging in the hallway.     
(laughing gently)
Well Sir,  I'll surely try!
Good.  And know that I've given the same sort of speech to Colonel Mackenzie.  Now.......what is it you wanted to talk about?
Harm quickly refocuses his thoughts to the issue he wants to address.
It concerns Lieutenant Malory's courts martial, Admiral.
How is he doing by the way?
There's been no change, Sir!   (as he begins to feel his throat tighten with emotion)   His neurologist seems to think that it's best if they take him off life support systems and .....ahh........just let him go.
(with empathy)
Well, I'm sure that Doctor Levy wouldn't recommend taking such measures unless he was sure that there wasn't anything else that could done.
No Sir, I'm sure he wouldn't.   (he pauses shifting restlessly in his chair)    Admiral,...........even with the prognosis as it is, I wanted to make a request that I'm hoping you will take under advisement and approve.
What is it,  Commander.
I want to officially step down as the prosecuting attorney in the Malory courts martial. 
(leaning back into his chair)
Well, I can't say as I'm surprised, Commander.  In light of the assault, I'd say a serious conflict of interest has emerged and that you're removing yourself from the case probably would be in everyone's best interest.  
Thank you, Admiral.  
No problem, Commander.    I think you should know that as of yesterday afternoon, Admiral Morris ordered a  change of venue for said court martial so if it ever comes to trial, it will be out of our hands. 
I guess the Admiral didn't want a repeat of the Peterson fiasco.
Well, I can't say as I blame there.    Well, unless you have something else to discuss, Commander, you're dismissed. 
Thank you Sir.
                **************  TO BE CONTINUED ***********