Author:  Gabrielle T. Stuart
Email:  trujoy@gateway.net
1502 HOURS
 Walking toward the witness stand, Ms Ryerson addresses Harm in a low tone of voice.
Brilliant strategy, Commander.  You knew exactly where you wanted this to end up.
(his lips turning up in a slight grin)
You asked, I answered.
So you did, Commander, so you did!  (gazing toward Admiral Morris)  I have no further questions, your Honor.
With that, Ms Ryerson turns away and retreats to her seat at the table noting the angry glare in Captain Peterson's eyes as she takes her seat.
Congratulations on a major screw up, ma'am!  But then what can one expect from a woman.
You're disdain for women has been all too blatantly obvious to me from the beginning, Captain, only I never knew just how deeply it affected you until just now.
The angry glare in Peterson's eyes sends a chill down Ryerson's spine  as Admiral Morris's voice draws her attention back to the front of the court room.
Does the prosecution wish to cross examine this witness?
Yes, your Honor!
Harm shoots Mattoni an evil glare as he approaches the stand.
(noting Rabb's discontent)
This should only take a minute, Commander, so if you'd bare with me, I'd appreciate it.
Harm only answering Commander Mattoni with a cold hard glare in his eyes, Mattoni quickly moves on with his line of questioning.
Would you inform the members as to how the video in question came into your possession?
Through Mrs Malory.     She relinquished it into my custody  at her husband's request. 
Were either of you aware of what was on the tape?
No, not at the time.  
So you took it home with you with the full intention of reviewing it's content.
And did you?.....View it I mean.
Partly, yes.   Colonel Mackenzie forewarned me as to what to expect and so there wasn't any real need for me to view it in its entirety. 
Commander,  the integrity of Lieutenant Malory's testimony was questioned  by the defense earlier in these proceedings.  It is for that reason that I'm about to ask you the next question.  Was Lieutenant Malory  one of the rapists in this video?  
Objection, your Honor!  Since when has this trial become about Lieutenant Malory?  He's not on trial here.
No he's not, but the validity of his testimony was called into question, your Honor! 
This is highly irregular to say the least, Commander.  (he pauses for a long moment)  But given the unusual circumstances here,  I'm going to allow it!   Objection is overruled.
His eyes meeting Mrs Malory's, Harm hesitates in answering the question knowing full well the emotional pain it would cause her.   Observing the concerned look in Harm's expression, Mrs. Malory quickly realizes the truth of the matter.
Commander Rabb, will you please answer the question.
Standing, Mrs. Malory quickly walks to the back of the court room and slips out the door. 
(sighing deeply as the door closes behind Mrs Malory)
Yes!    Lieutenant Malory was the other rapist.  
An array of voices are once again heard throughout the court room.  Admiral Morris drops his gavel again demanding order.
(irritably pounding his gavel)
Quiet down!  I will not tolerate any further outbursts in this court room!  
Making Lieutenant Malory's sworn testimony to Captain Peterson's complicity in at least one other rape true and uncontestable? 
Well, true, but definitely contestable under the rigors of cross examination.
Was there reason enough for Lieutenant Malory to fear for his life?
I'd have to say yes to that.
Objection!  Hearsay.
Well, let me put it another way then.   While Lieutenant Malory was being mercilessly beaten into a coma, Commander,  was there anything that he said or did that indicated to you that he knew that Captain Peterson was in some way responsible for what was happening to him?
Flashes of memory suddenly ripping through to his consciousness, Harm is momentarily overwhelmed as he deals with the graphic images in his mind. 
(the sound of his name drawing him back to reality)
All the while they were beating on him, Malory kept bargaining for his life by promising them that he wouldn't testify against Captain Peterson. ..... He even begged me to vouch for him. 
And did you, Commander?
It wouldn't of made any difference.   It was his own admission of intention that put him at risk and  reaffirmed their belief that he had agreed to a plea bargain.  It's what finally brought on the attack. 
Was it the intention of the perpetrators to kill Lieutenant Malory?
It was. 
What about you, Commander?  What was their intention in regards to you?  
(with seemingly deep regret and a distant look in his eyes)
What difference does it  make what their intentions were,  Commander!  I'm alive and well and living with the memory of it all while Lieutenant Malory's lying in a coma fighting for his life.  
A long deadened silence passes over the entire court room as the depth of Harm's torment seems evident in his last spoken words.    Carefully studying Harm's expression, Mac fights back tears of her own as she observes her first glimpse into Harm's wounded soul.
I have no further questions your Honor.
With that, Commander Mattoni steps back away from the witness stand.
(at length)
Does the Defense wish to rebut?
No you Honor.
Very well!  I'll hear closing arguments at 0900 tomorrow morning.  The witness may step down and this court is adjourned. 
1540 HOURS
Harm quickly catches up to Mrs Malory as she walks toward her car.  Meanwhile in the background, news reporters shouted there questions to Rabb and Mrs. Malory from outside the gate.  Turning around,  Helen pauses to see Harm walking briskly toward her.
(as he catches up to her)
Congratulations, Commander.    Your testimony today will probably go a long way in helping to bring in a guilty verdict where Captain Peterson's concerned.    
(shaking off her compliment)
Well,  I only have you to thank for that Mrs. Malory.
You shouldn't be so modest, Commander.   I mean isn't it the attorney that usually manipulates the course in which the testimony is to play out to the jury?
Well.....usually!  I just had an unfair advantage and defense counsel should have known better.   (observing her carefully)    Mrs. Malory, are you going to be ok?
Sure,......I'm fine.........I think!   Like I said, I'm dealing with it one moment at a time. 
Are you sure you're ok?
Commander, it's not like what came up in that court room today came  as any surprise to me.  
Then, why did you feel the need to leave the court room?
To make it easier for you to say what you had to say, Commander!  I could see you're concern....so I left.
Harm observes Mrs  Malory for a long moment noting the true sincerity in her eyes.     
You're an incredible woman, Mrs. Malory!  The Lieutenant's a very lucky man to have someone who cares so much and can forgive him for something so grievous.
(with a note of humor in her voice)
Oh now don't go painting me into some sort of saint, Commander.    I'm just  finding out that life's too short to hold onto anger.  There's just not time enough for that.   Especially not for me.    
What is it you're  trying to say?
You have enough on you're mind without worrying about me, Commander! 
As she begins to turn away, Harm gently grasps her arm and turns her back toward him.
Well, why don't you let me be the judge of that, Mrs Malory.
(hesitating for a long moment)
I saw my oncologist earlier this morning and well,.... it seems the prognosis isn't very good.     (she pauses for a long moment)    He informed me that  my cancer is no longer in remission.
Harm is momentarily shocked into silence by Mrs Malory's words as he gazes intently into her eyes noting the absence of that gleam of hope he had grown so accustomed to seeing whenever he had the opportunity to speak with her.   That gleam somehow replaced by obvious exhaustion, Harm's compassion compels him to offer her the comfort his embrace.  Wanting very much to accept the offer of his opening arms, Mrs. Malory steps back from him indicating the group of  reporters standing outside the gate. 
Thanks, but no thanks, Commander!  We have an audience.    
Harm takes a quick look over his shoulder at the reporters and then gazes back to Helen. 
I'm so sorry!      
Me too!     But hey, enough self pity for one day!   
Mrs. Malory if you need anything........
I'll give you a call, Commander!   Thank you for that.  Well,   I've got to get home to my baby.   
With that, she turns away from Harm and continues her walk toward her vehicle.    
1836 HOURS
As Harm makes the corner around the end of the row of lockers, his eyes fall upon the taped outline of  a human figure on the locker room floor.   A deep sense of anguish suddenly overwhelming him,  he struggles to hold back the tears that begin to well up in his eyes.   But as suddenly as the feelings had erupted, Harm chooses to repress them.......not wanting to think or feel anything that would interfere with his clear judgement and fortitude.  Hearing footsteps behind him, he  turns somewhat nervously toward the sound to see Mac standing only a few feet away from him.
(walking toward him)
Everyone was looking for you after court today.  Where did you disappear to?
(walking to meet her)
I had some errands to run. 
Really!  Well, there were some who wanted to congratulate you on a job well done.  You seemed to be quite successful in eliminating any reasonable doubt as to Peterson's guilt and  Imes and Mattoni are already basking in glory of their victory.  
Well, let's hope that they're not being too overconfident, Mac.   (pauses as he gazes to her curiously)   How did you find me anyway?
Just a process of elimination, Harm? 
Really!  You know me too well, Mac!
Harm walks past Mac as he heads for the door.  As he does, Mac glances down to the taped outline on the floor.
(studying the outline and then gazing to Harm)
(turning back to Mac)
None of this was your fault, so don't go putting the blame where it doesn't belong.
Who said I was, Mac?
(walking toward Harm)
You did!  On the stand today! 
(in protest)
I did not, Mac!
Mac reaches Harm and gazes up to meet the confused look in his eyes.
You opened up your soul to everyone in that court room, Harm, and you never even realized it.
Mac, don't go getting melodramatic on me, okay!  I just stated the facts.
With that, he quickly turns away and walks out the door leaving Mac totally baffled as to his mindset.   Following close on his heels, Mac attempts to catch up with him in the hallway outside the locker room.
Harm, wait!
Ignoring her plea, he continues walking at his brisk pace with Mac finally catching up to him.
(taking his arm and stopping him)
Damn it!   Why is it so hard for men to deal with their emotions anyway?
What emotions, Mac!  Do you see me getting emotional about anything here?....Well I mean,  other than the fact that you're beginning to annoy me a little.
No, that's just it!   You're locking it all away and not dealing with it.   And excuse me for caring about you, by the way.
(gazing up and down the hallway as he lowers his voice)
Look, Mac, I appreciate the fact that you do care!  Thank you very much for that!  But you really need to give this thing a rest, ok!   I mean every time we've been together lately you've done nothing but carry on about how I should deal with my feelings.  Let me deal with them, Mac!  In my own time and in my own way!  Trust in me enough to do that much, will you?  
Mac observes Harm for a long moment noting the desperation in his eyes. 
I trust you, Harm.....with my life if need be!.....  I always have and I probably always will.   But this has never been an issue of trust but one of caring and concern from someone who feels totally responsible for everything's that happened to you. 
Mac...you're not responsible for any of this!
I saw you put your honor and your reputation on the line for me today in front of God and country without even so much as a second thought.   
(holding up his hand gesturing her to stop)
No Mac, what I did was take something negative and successfully manipulate it into something positive.  It had nothing to do with honor or courage or chivalry or whatever else your mind wants conjure up it as being.  So let it go Mac.......just let it go!    
He again turns away and heads off down the hallway.
(calling after him)
Why are you pushing me away, Harm?
(turning back to her)
Because you are feeling so guilty, Mac!    And the only purpose my being close to you right now is going to serve is to deepen those feelings of guilt.   We both need time to heal Mac.   And letting go for a while is the best thing we can do for one another.
Mac is silent for a long moment as she considers Harm's words. 
(fighting back the sensation of tears as they begin to well up in  her eyes)
I can do that, Harm!   If that's what you want!  
Harm walks to Mac and gazes into her eyes for a long moment  recognizing not only her concern in  their reflection, but her fear and confusion as well. 
(as he gently strokes her cheek)
We will get through this, Mac!  I promise you that.        
(as tears begin to well up in her eyes)
Well, I hope so, Harm, for both of our sakes!   
With that, Mac smiles gently and then walks off down the hallway.   As Harm gazes after her, his thoughts are interrupted when he hears the sound of crumpling paper coming from behind him.  As he turns around in the direction from which the sound came, he observes Durant standing in a doorway a short distance down the hall.
(leaning against the door jam as he tosses the crumpled up paper into a nearby trash can)
Well, Sir, I must say you sure look as though you're having a good afternoon.
Durant's obvious disrespect immediately irritating Harm, he walks to the Master Sergeant and meets him face to face.
(in a manner indicative of a command)
Master Sergeant,....... you will come to attention before this senior officer! 
Reluctantly, Durant's posture straightens to the proper stance before Commander Rabb.
And just so we're clear, Master Sergeant Durant........if you ever again address me with anything less than your utmost respect, I will have your ass up on so many charges your head will spin.   You got that, Master Sergeant?
Sir, yes Sir!
Good!  And while I've got your attention, there's something else I want to make clear.  Lieutenant Malory's case will be solved and depending on whether he lives or dies will determine what charges are brought against you.  But one things for certain,  your courts martial will have my undivided attention and I will use whatever influence I have to see to it that you're punished to the full extent of the law.     Now, are we understanding one another?
Extremely agitated  Durant begins to grind his lower jaw as his eyes remain locked on Harm's.
(at length)
Sir, yes Sir.
(stepping back from Durant)
As you were, Master Sergeant.
With the Commander's words, Durant's posture relaxes and with one last contemptuous glare over his shoulder, he walks off down the hallway. 
            ***************** TO BE CONTINUED *****************