Honor and Betrayal.......Part 47
Author:  Gabrielle T. Stuart
Email:  Trujoy@gateway.net
1400 HOURS
As the doors to the elevator slide open,  Chegwidden observes Agent Holland standing in the hallway just outside the  elevator doors.   
(surprised, and stepping back so as to allow AJ's exit)
Admiral Chegwidden!.....Good afternoon.
(obviously agitated as he steps off the elevator)
Well, you've got the afternoon part right,   Ms Holland, but I sure as hell can't say as I've found anything good about it so far!     
(noting AJ's agitated demeanor)
I'd be my guess that you ran into that mob of reporters downstairs.
Yeah!    And what's got me so damned baffled is how the hell they got wind of all this in the first place. 
You're guess is as good as mine, Admiral!
(irritably, and with determination)
Yah,  well, I have every intention of finding out who their source is and when I do.......   
(interrupting, wearing a slight smile on her face)
I'm sure you'll handle the entire matter with professionalism,  Admiral. 
AJ is momentarily annoyed by Agent Holland's interruption, but then quickly realizes the  motive behind her interjection.    Realizing that he's been taking his frustration out on her,  he takes a moment to collect himself.
(at length, sucking in a deep breath)
Exactly. ........ Unlike how I'm handling the present situation!..........My apologies for being short with you, Ms Holland.    
There's no need to apologize,  Admiral!  I understand  all too well how stressful the last three months have been for you and for everyone else involved in this!  It  seems that when we've finally begun to see a little bit of light at the end of that preverbal tunnel, something happens and somehow we find ourselves thrown back to square one.    I mean think about it!  First there was Colonel Mackenzie's rape, then the Commander Rabb's shooting.....the  trial  and now this!   
(with a note of sarcastic humor in his voice)
Kind of runs on like a damn soap opera, now, doesn't it!
To say the least!   Only there are real people's lives and careers at stake here!
(under his breath as he turns away from Holland)
Yah, .....well.....I'm afraid the blame for that one lies squarely on this man's shoulders.    
Excuse me!
Ahh.....nothing!    Just thinking out loud I'm afraid.      (quickly refocusing his thoughts as he gazes down the hall toward the ICU unit)  Look, ahh.......do you know if there's been any change in Lieutenant Malory's condition?
Not since his admission early this morning.    I just spoke with Doctor Levy,    and .....well,..... he doesn't seem to be very optimistic in that regard. 
(turning back to Holland) 
What about Commander Rabb?  Were you able to see him? 
Yes, as a matter of fact I was. 
How's he doing?
All things considered,  pretty well I think.
Were you able to get  his statement?
Yes,   although I have to admit that  he wasn't exactly cooperative.  
What do you mean?
Well, he gave me a fairly detailed description of what went down last night as far as Lieutenant Malory was concerned, but refused to go into any details regarding his own personal experience.  He said that he wanted to keep the focus on Malory as the victim. 
Chegwidden studies Holland's face for a long moment as he considers her last words.
(at length)
Well,  I'm no psychologist, Ms Holland but I'm sure that in time, the Commander will come to terms with what happened.  And,....... when he does, I'm sure he'll  want to tell his side of the story.......even if for no reason other than  nailing the bastards who did this.    Until then, we'll just have to be patient.     (he pauses for a moment as if collecting his thoughts)     Is he maintaining his ID of Master Chief Durant as one of the perpetrators? 
He is.   And I don't see anything budging him from that position, Admiral!           
(noting the perplexity in  Holland's expression)
So what's the problem, then?
The perp was masked, Admiral.  There's no way that the Commander could positively ID Durant beyond a shadow of a doubt.    I mean it may be enough to charge the Master Chief with both counts of assault and battery,  but I seriously doubt that Commander Rabb's ID  would hold up under cross examination.        
(indicating the hallway before him)
Walk with me.  (he pauses for a moment as they begin to walk toward the ICU)  What does Durant have to say about all this?
Well, he's denying it of course!   He even went as far as to express  his resentment towards you and I  for even considering him as a suspect. 
Does he have an alibi?
He not only has an alibi, but several corroborating witnesses.
Chegwidden pauses as he turns toward Holland...his eyes meeting hers.
And who are these corroborating witnesses?
Holland nods with affirmation as she observes the discouragement in AJ's expression.     He shakes his head negatively in response to Holland's gesture and  then silently walks to the observation  window outside  Malory's ICU.
(encouragingly, as she walks to AJ)
Well, I'm  guessing that neither of us has much confidence in the truth of their statements, Admiral and if they're covering for Durant,  it shouldn't be too hard to shake the truth out of at least one of them.
Maybe!    But the way I see it, these so called corroborating witnesses are mere puppets on a string being manipulated and controlled by a master  puppeteer.      
(her brow narrowing with some confusion)
Are we talking about Master Sergeant Durant?  
No!  He's merely a puppet himself.  
(realizing AJ's implication)
So then you're in agreement with Commander Rabb that this wasn't just a random assault.......that Captain Peterson somehow had a hand in it.
All things considered, Miss Holland, what other conclusions could one draw?
You're talking about some rather lengthy strings, Admiral, not to mention the power that the Captain would need to manipulate and control them whenever he saw fit.     
Trust me, Ms Holland, he's very capable.
1418 HOURS
Admiral Morris enters and takes his seat on the bench.   He deliberately takes a moment to scrutinize the presence of the prosecuting attorneys and the plaintiff as well as the defense attorneys  and the accused.  
(his eyes finally resting on Mattoni)
Commander, ........do you wish to call any other witnesses on behalf of the prosecution?
Yes you're Honor.  We'd like to recall Colonel Becker to the stand.
Objection your Honor!  Colonel Becker has already given testimony in this trial.
Commander, do you have a good explanation for your desire to recall this witness?
Yes, your Honor!  Colonel Becker is acting as Lieutenant Malory's defense counsel in his upcoming courts martial,  and as such........
(irritably interrupting, his brow narrowing)
Commander Mattoni, I am painfully aware of who Lieutenant Malory is,   but wherein lies the pertinence to the case at hand?
Lieutenant Malory was to be a witness for the prosecution.     His inability to testify on his own behalf has left us with no other recourse then to ask this court to allow  Colonel Becker to testify on the Lieutenant's behalf.
Objection, your Honor!  
You're Honor, if I may!
(taking in a deep breath as he indicates with a motion of his hands for Ryerson to be patient)
Just one moment, Ms Ryerson.    (irritably turning to Imes)  Commander Imes,  perhaps you can  shed a little more light on just exactly what your co-counsel's intentions are here. 
Your Honor,   only yesterday we obtained a full statement from Lieutenant Malory in regards to Captain Peterson's complicity in two previous acts of rape..........
(standing her temper exploding)
(barely holding on to his temper)
Sustained.  The members will disregard Commander Imes's last statement.  (turning to Imes and waving all counselors forward)  Approach the bench......please!  
All four attorney's approach the bench and take their respective places in front of Admiral Morris.
What the hell is going on here?
(producing a cassette tape and transcript)
Your Honor, Lieutenant Malory gave a full account of his own complicity in two other rapes where  Captain Peterson not only took part, but initiated and then encouraged Malory and one other officer under his command to do the same.  I have in my possession a cassette recording of Malory's account which is backed by a sworn affidavit and a written transcript of the cassette recording.   
In exchange for what?.....Some sort of plea bargain I presume? 
That's not the issue here, your Honor.  What is the issue, is that in spite of the fact that Captain Peterson had repeatedly threatened Lieutenant Malory to be silent in all this, he insisted on giving his statement and requested that a transcript of said statement be made along with a sworn affidavit as proof of its authenticity.    It's obvious that Lieutenant Malory feared for his life, your  Honor, and he took these measures to insure that his story would be heard.    
Your Honor, surely you cannot even consider allowing the cassette or the transcript into evidence nor can you allow anyone to testify by proxy.  The whole idea is preposterous!  
Colonel Becker would only be testifying to the fact that he witnessed Lieutenant Malory giving his statement.  He wouldn't be acting as a proxy. 
That's not how Commander Mattoni presented this witness, Commander Imes.
Meaning no disrespect, your Honor, but I wasn't given the chance to make that point clear. 
Morris makes eye contact with Mattoni, his demeanor revealing further irritation by Mattoni's interjection.
(carefully, noting Morris's agitated demeanor)
If your Honor would consider allowing the cassette and transcript to stand as Lieutenant Malory's testimony,  the members of this court would see a far clearer picture of the defendants capabilities.
You're Honor, it would also give the prosecution an unfair advantage given that there is no way for the defense to cross examine this witness.
Does the Lieutenant's statement have any reference to Peterson's culpability in the rape against Colonel MacKenzie? 
Your Honor, the relevance of Lieutenant Malory's statement to this case will become evident to you once you have taken the time to consider it's content.   
Your Honor,  the prosecution has already stated the fact that this statement was made by Lieutenant Malory in exchange for a plea bargain.    How can we place any faith in it's truthfulness?  I strongly object to it's allowance into evidence nevertheless  allowing it  to stand in proxy as the sworn testimony of a comatose witness. 
Your objection has been duly noted, Ms Ryerson.
Admiral Morris accepts the transcript and cassette tape from Imes and briefly examines the  sworn affidavit stapled to the front of the transcript.  
(at length)
If Lieutenant Malory was in fear for his life and subsequently took the sort of measures that he did to assure that his story would be heard, then I feel it to be my obligation to at least consider what is in this transcript.  Therefore,  I am going to adjourn this court for the weekend so that I have the necessary time to review just exactly what this man had to say.     But, I can assure you Commanders that unless there is some sort of specific reference to the Colonel's rape,   this evidence will be thrown out.   Understood! 
(in unison)
Yes, your Honor!  
I hope I won't be wasting my time!  (glancing up to the court room in front of him) This court is adjourned until 0900 hours Monday. 
He then slams down his gavel, stands and quickly exits the court room.   
Obviously agitated, Ryerson returns to the defense table.
(her teeth clenched angrily as she speaks)
I thought you told me that there wouldn't be anymore surprises!
Malory's lying!.......Anyway,  what are you worried about?   Malory's testimony.....in person or otherwise will be seriously scrutinized just for the fact that the man's facing his own court martial on murder charges.  He's hardly a reliable witness, wouldn't you agree, Ms Ryerson?
I took this case because I believed in your innocence, Captain! 
Correction,  Ms Ryerson........you took this case because it was high profile and you were certain you could win!  My guilt or innocence was never an issue with you.
On the opposite side of the court room, Imes and Mattoni  escort Mac out of the court room and into the adjacent hallway.
(as they continue to walk down the hallway)
I'd really appreciate it if someone would  fill me in on just exactly what is on that tape?
Mac,  we never had a chance to inform you of this new witness nor his involvement with Peterson.  Now, well, it's questionable as to whether or not Admiral Morris is going to allow any of it into evidence.    That being the case, I see no sense in getting your hopes up by sharing any of this information with you right now.   
Totally flustered, Mac pauses and turns to Imes and Mattoni. 
No!    Wait a minute!   I'm sorry, but I won't accept that kind of reasoning!   Lieutenant Malory is obviously the smoking gun that Harm mentioned to me the other night, but refused to get into specifics for pretty much the same reasons that you're giving me right now!  Well, no more!   I want to know exactly what Lieutenant Malory's culpability is in all this regardless of Admiral Morris's decision.   
Imes and Mattoni gaze to one another and with a nod on Mattoni's part and a raised eyebrows on Imes's part, they mutually agree to Mac's request.
1925 HOURS
Still dressed in Marine green, Mac enters Harm's room to find an empty bed.  Concern immediately evident in her expression, she quickly leaves the room and makes her way to the nurses station.
(as she approaches the nurses station)
Excuse me!
A middle aged woman gazes up from her pc to meet the anxious expression on Mac's face.
Yes!  Can I help you?
I hope so.  I'm looking for Commander Rabb.  He's not in his room.
Yes, I know!    The Commander felt the need to stretch his legs a bit. 
Stretch his legs!?  The man has a concussion and you just let him walk off on his own?
Well, he's been doing very well, Colonel, otherwise I can assure you that we wouldn't have  allowed him out of bed.
No, I guess not!   Sorry!
(smiling pleasantly)
No problem.  Besides, he wasn't exactly alone.   He was in the company of two enlisted men.........a Petty Officer Tiner and Gunnery Sergeant Galendez.     You'll probably find all three of them in the waiting lounge down at the end of the hallway.  
With that, Mac starts  walking down the hallway in the direction that the nurse had indicated.  Drawing closer to the lounge, she hears laughter permeating from the lounge's open door.  Her pace picks up as she approaches the doorway.    Upon entering she finds Harm sitting on one of the chairs dressed in a bathrobe and slippers and appearing somewhat fatigued but smiling.  Beside him on the sofa is Gunnery Sergeant Galendez and Petty Officer Tiner.   Tiner and Galendez immediately come to attention.
(in unison)
(with a slight grin)
Hey, Mac!
(addressing the two enlisted men)
As you were, gentlemen! 
The two men relax as Mac makes her way into the room.
Harm!......You're looking a bit more...... chipper than when I saw you last! 
Oh, I'm holding my own, Mac!  You?
I'm fine, thanks!    But I'm not so sure all this excitement is very good for you.
(immediately taking Mac's cue)
Ahh.....well, ma'am,....Sir, we were just about ready to call it a night,  anyway!  (turning to Rabb)  You take it easy, Sir!  It'll be good to see you back on board on Monday morning.
Thanks Gunny! 
Thanks for dropping by, Tiner! 
My privilege, Sir!
With that, the two enlisted men quickly exit the room.  Harm and Mac's eyes meet........Mac noting Harm's raised eyebrow.
(with amusement)
You sure know how to clear a room fast! 
Well, you look exhausted, Harm and  you probably shouldn't be out of bed!   (gazing back at the open door through which Tiner and Gunny had disappeared)  Back on board on Monday?!  He was kidding, right?
Not at all, Mac!    Admiral Chegwidden dropped by earlier today and  informed me that Admiral Morris has issued orders for my release from the brig.  
Yah, I'm aware of that!    But what about that head of yours?  Don't you need some time to recuperate?   
I'm being discharged tomorrow morning, Mac!  And Doctor Levy told me that as long as I take it easy, I can return to duty on Monday morning.
Yah, right!   And how badly did you have to twist his arm to get him to agree to that one?
I didn't!
Harm, this is me you're talking to, remember!
Why I'd be willing to bet that Doctor Levy  isn't even aware of your intentions, now is he?
Mac, can we talk about something else here?
I knew it! 
(beginning to stand)
Mac, give me a break here, ok! 
Once on his feet, a feeling of dizziness comes over him,  and  Harm's quickly reaches out for Mac's shoulder in an effort to steady himself.
(taking hold of his extended right arm to steady his balance and grasping his left arm)
Hey.......are you ok?
Yah.......I'm fine!   Everything just got a little woozy there for a moment. 
There, see,  you're not fine!   You need to get off your feet. 
Mac, ....I'm ok now,  honest! 
Well, you'll be even better once we get you back to your room and into bed.   
(through a grin and in a deep, comical voice)
(smiling with amusement)
Funny, Harm!  .......And you know,  that reminds me.  Should I give your mom............
(threatening as his smile quickly vanishes)
Don't you dare call her,   Mac!  There's no need to get her all upset!
Then behave yourself and sit back down while I try and find a wheelchair.
(in protest)
I don't need a wheelchair.   I walked down here .........
Sit, or,  I'll take it that you're not going to take very good care of yourself and have no other recourse but to make that phone call, Harm!
Harm reluctantly releases the grasp he has on Mac's shoulder and slowly sits back down in the chair.
(in a tone indicative of a command)
(amused by Mac's insistence)
Yes ma'am!
Mac quickly disappears through the doorway of the room.   Amused by Mac's persistence, Harm's eyes remain on the open doorway in anticipation of Mac's return.  At length,  she enters the room pushing a wheelchair. 
(as she enters)
Here we are!
Great!.......You should be a nurse, Mac, you'd be good at it!    Although I'll have to admit that you need to work on that bedside manner of yours!  
(pausing with the wheelchair directly in front of him)
Just get in the wheelchair, Harm! 
Harm stands and slips into the wheelchair
Mac gives the wheelchair a sudden jerk forward then hastily pushes it out of the waiting room lounge and into the hallway.
(under his breath as they head off down the hallway)
Well, nothing like a little whiplash to add to my injuries!
(pretending not to hear his complaint)
Excuse me?
Nothing!.........So, you want to fill me in on how things went  in court today?  
Well, for starters,  the request from Imes and Mattoni  for a continuance based on Malory's inability to testify was declined.
Not surprising considering the circumstances.
But then so was Ryerson's petition for a mistrial.
So she went for it, then?
She sure did!  On the grounds of inadequate defense.  No surprise  there either, I suppose.    But, ........you'll be pleased to hear that Admiral Morris not only supported the integrity of your defense but he thoroughly backed you to the hilt. 
Really!  Well then,  I guess my defense of Captain Peterson wasn't exactly without merit.   
You'll get no argument from me there!  Although your cross of this particular plaintiff wasn't quite up to par. 
Harm's lips part in a slight smile as Mac pushes the wheel chair into Harm's room.  
Here we are!
With that, Harm steps out of the chair and sits on the side of  the bed.  
(removing his slippers)
How was the new evidence received by the court?
Reluctantly, but in the end, Admiral Morris allowed it in.     And.......Landry's testimony went fine.
Why do I hear a but in there somewhere?
Well, once Ryerson went to work on him it didn't take much for her to create a certain amount of reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury.
Well, we all expected as much, Mac. 
But that's the problem here, Harm!  There is reasonable doubt.  You were right in thinking that there just wasn't enough evidence to get a conviction. 
That's why we need Malory's testimony, Mac!  It'll drive the nails into Peterson's coffin.
Imes and Mattoni filled me in on all of that, Harm!  But Malory's in a coma,  remember?
We've got his statement, Mac and.....
Morris probably won't allow it into evidence.
You don't know that for sure!
Harm, arguing pattern of behavior on Peterson's part won't hold up!  You know that!   And  previous offenses are inadmissible.  
*****************    to be continued   ********************