Honor & Betrayal  Part 39 
Email:  trujoy@gateway.net
Rating:   R (strong) V, D     
**THE FOLLOWING PART IS RATED  "R"  as it contains disturbing images & the allusion to male rape.  
2242 HOURS
Dim lights casting deep shadows against the shower head lined tiled wall,  Commander Rabb stands under the soothing spray  of water running over his body.   The last of the shampoo running off his hair, it slips down his neck and becomes diluted with the water pouring down on him from the shower head above. 
Very much alone, Harm lingers underneath the soothing spray as its pulsating droplets of water  relieves the tired, and tense muscles of his shoulders and upper back. 
In the deep shadows between the lockers that face the showers,   the shadowed silhouettes of two men are seen making their way through the locker area and  towards their unsuspecting victim.  The hissing of the shower's spray masking all other sounds,  the two men are able to walk up on Rabb and flank him as he faces the shower wall.  
Masked with black hosiery over their heads and face, they remain unidentifiable as they stand under the  dim lights overhanging the shower area.  They are wearing inmate coveralls.
As the two men stand silently observing Harm,  he finishes rinsing off the soap from his body and turns off the shower head.    Harm's vision somewhat impaired by some water in his eyes, he reaches blindly for the towel hanging on a nearby hook just to the left of the shower head.    Placing the towel over his head and drying off his face and hair,  Harm turns away from the wall of the shower to face the two men that are flanking him on either side.   Noting their masked faces and agitated demeanors, Harm quickly realizes the seriousness of his predicament.   With a facade of calmness masking the fear welling up within him, Harm defensively slips the towel off his shoulders and wraps it around his waist.
(securing the towel at his left hip)
Well..........what's this?
(as he slips out a small hand gun from the cuff of his right sleeve)
You're time of atonement, Commander! 
(somewhat unnerved by the presentation of the weapon and the man's intimidating glare)
Really!.........And just exactly what sort of transgression am I supposed to have committed? 
You're a lawyer, in the United States Navy, Commander.   The very nature of your profession gives you the power to destroy military careers and subsequently ruin the lives of decent,  and honorable people.      
Just like you, right?
Yeah!........Just like me!    
You give me too much credit.
Not credit, Commander, .......blame!   I meant to accuse not compliment.
Then I have nothing to atone for because any blame for the ruination of ones career lies squarely on the shoulders of the individual whose actions initially bring him to the seat of justice in the first place.   
Maybe so!.....But in the end,  it's the lawyering skills of the attorney that enable him to manipulate and twist the testimony of the witnesses into whatever  they want the jury to hear.     
Ultimately benefiting the client that's being represented.   
Or crucifying him if he happens to be on the opposite side! 
Unfortunately, it's how the system works.
It's all just a game to you, isn't it!
No,  not at all!......I'm simply upholding the oath I took to protect and defend my clients to the best of my ability.  And for that, I have nothing to apologize for. 
Well, I think you'll feel differently about that when we're finished here.
This first man hands off the weapon to his partner then reaches into his front lapel pocket and produces a switch blade along with a pair of handcuffs.  
(nervously sucking in a deep breath)
Ahh....look, whatever it is that you're planning here, you're sure as hell not going to get away with it!
(sarcastically as he approaches Rabb)
Oh, we fully intend to get away with it, Commander!.....I mean, do you see any witnesses? 
(feeling a sense of panic welling up in him as both men draw nearer)
 I have no doubt of who put you up to this in spite of your attempt to make it look as though it's your own  personal vendetta. 
(flicking open the switch blade and running his finger along the side of it's sharp edge)
Whatever!.....But......all you've really got are your suspicions!......Not much to go on now is it!.....As for Tate, well, don't worry about him coming to your rescue.  He's a bit  indisposed of at the moment.    So you see, except for your word, you have nothing!   (indicating with the open switchblade the video camera mounted on the ceiling across the room)   Oh and just so you know, that  video  camera over there.. .........it's been out of commission....oh, .... for about a month now!.........You know how those damn budget cuts always seem to reek havoc on maintenance and repair. 
(his fear slowly becoming more evident in his demeanor and manner of speech)
Look,   what do you have to gain from all this anyway?..... Some sort of monetary reward?
1st MAN
(laughing as he gazes to his partner)
Don't flatter yourself, Rabb! ..... We're here to do a job and that's all!....(his eyes meeting Rabb's) ........But then no one said we  couldn't make it entertaining.  
With the switch blade and cuffs in hand,  the first man  approaches Rabb.   The second man follows his lead but maintains a distance of several feet as he keeps the hand gun trained on  Rabb.      As the first man  draws closer to Rabb, a tremendous sense of panic begins to envelop him as he observes the knife and then the disfigured face of the man behind the black hosiery. 
1st MAN
(standing just a few steps from Rabb)
Ok....nice and easy like,..... I want you to face the wall and put your hands behind  your head.
I'd think about this if I were you!......I mean someone....
(brandishing his weapon as he moves closer to Rabb)
He said turn around, damn it!
With great agitation and reluctance, Rabb turns slowly toward the wall and places his hands behind his head.   The two men draw closer to Rabb.  Taking the handcuffs into his right hand, the first man  quickly clasps one of the cuffs onto Rabb's  right wrist,  then draws his arm  down  behind him.  He  then pulls Harm's left arm down behind him and cuffs his left wrist.  His arms now fully restrained by the cuffs,  Rabb's expression reveals a deep sense of fear knowing he stands totally vulnerable to the potentially cruel inclinations of the two perpetrators.
Stepping slightly away from Rabb, the first man takes  hold of the towel around Rabb's hips and violently yanks it off his body.  He then takes hold of Rabb's arm and forces him to turn around and face him.   For a long moment, the man remains silent as his eyes intimidatingly drift over Rabb's body.   Walking to Rabb's right side,  he leans into Harm and presses the switchblade uncomfortably into Rabb's side. 
(almost at a whisper, his mouth to Rabb's ear)
Ever ......do it .....with a guy, Commander?
His respiration deepening with his anxiety, Rabb only returns an arrogant glare into the man's  disfigured face.  Agitated,  the man presses the tip of his blade into Harm's side allowing it to cut into his flesh.     As Harm attempts to move away from the cutting edge of the blade the 2nd man forces him back against it.
(taking pleasure in observing Harm's discomfort, as he continues to edge the blade slowly across Harm's side)
When I ask a question, I expect an answer, Commander! 
(laughing cynically as he places his weapon against  Harm's forehead)
You better answer him, Rabb, or things could get real ugly! 
The blade cutting a deep wound across his side, the resulting pain becomes intolerable. 
(contemptuously, as the discomfort forces his answer)
With Harm's answer, the man slowly lightens up on the pressure he's exerting on the blade as he continues to move the blade across Harm's side.  
Good!   (removing the switchblade from Harm's side and places it back against  his chin)  Then it'll be a new experience for you then! 
Laughing cynically into Harm's face, the man slowly backs away and observes the contemptuous glare in his victim's eyes.    
A scuffling of footsteps from across the locker room draws the man's attention away from Harm.   Both perpetrators gazing in the direction of the sounds, the 2nd man quickly moves across the floor his gun aimed and ready to fire in their defense.   At length, two men emerge from the shadows.     One of the men is Malory, the other the man is dressed in an SP uniform.  Before coming into the light, he quickly conceals his identify by placing black hosiery over his head and and then pulls out his weapon from his hip holster.    As Malory observes Harm's predicament and the men with weapons trained on him, he glances over his shoulder to the SP who had escorted him from his cell.  Observing the mask and gun, fear and confusion immediately grip Malory as the SP throws Malory up against the lockers.  Twisting his arms behind his back, he secures Malory's wrists with a set of handcuffs.
(putting the gun to the back of Malory's neck and whispering into his ear)
Divulge my identify to Rabb, and you'll both be dead men!.....Understood? 
Malory nods affirmatively  as the SP yanks him away from the lockers and pushes him forward toward the others. 
(addressing the SP)
About time you get him here!
Observing Harm standing bound and unclad, Lieutenant Malory is consumed by fear and confusion.  
(his eyes meeting Harm's)
Damn it,  what  the hell is going on here?
(with malice in his tone of voice)
A hard lesson in life, Lieutenant! 
Fearing the kind of violence that is about to befall both Malory and himself, Harm attempts to reason with the perpetrators.
And so will the consequences be if you insist on going through with this! 
Responding to Rabb's words the first man walks toward Harm repeatedly tightening his hands into fists and then flexing them open.
Well, why don't you just let us worry about that, hun, Commander!   (continuing to flex his hands into fists, he pauses for a long moment observing Rabb's demeanor)  Now if it were up to me, I'd get my piece of you right here and right now!.....But, ....unfortunately it's not!.....You see, it's Malory that's going to get the brunt of all this!.....As for you, well.......you get to watch!   Now, are you getting the full picture here yet or what?    
Yah!......I get the picture!
Good!......  (stepping back from Rabb)  Now, step forward out of the shower!
With great reluctance, Rabb complies.  Once outside the shower the second man comes forward.
(his eyes meeting Harm's)
Get down on your knees, Commander!  (smiles)   It's a good place to be for one who's seeking atonement.   
Rabb remains unresponsive as he gazes with animosity at the man holding the weapon on him.
(shouting irritably)
What?  Are you deaf?   I said get down on your knees........NOW!
Rabb reluctantly complies.   Once his knees meet the hard cold tiles of the locker room floor, the 2nd man moves out of Rabb's line of sight.  His eyes meeting Malory's, Harm observes the profound terror evident in Malory's expression.     His inability to render Malory any assistance, Rabb's own fear slowly turns to frustration and then anger.   
As two of the perpetrators turn their attention on Malory, the SP makes his way down toward the end of the long row of lockers to the door.  Once there, he secures the dead bolt lock and returns to the far end of the lockers where he posts himself as sentry only a few feet from the doorway.  
(walking to Malory)
Lieutenant,   I don't think I have any need to explain to you why you're in this predicament,  now do I. 
(with great anxiety in his voice)
I don't know what you're talking about! 
1st MAN
(pressing his switchblade against Malory's face)
Sure you do!
(swallowing nervously)
Look,  if Peterson put you up to this,  you can tell him..........
Fearing that Malory's about to give up information regarding his testimony against Peterson, Harm quickly interrupts.
(admonishing,  as he tries to dissuade Malory)
As Malory turns to Harm,   Harm shakes his head negatively warning Malory to be silent. 
Annoyed by Malory's hesitance and Rabb's interruption, the 1st man strikes Malory across the face with the back of his hand.
(recovering from the blow, his face stinging with pain)
Oh come on, man! .......Don't do this!
The first man strikes Malory once again....this time backhanding him across the lower jaw it's force casting Malory backwards into the lockers behind him.   Frightened and in pain, the young Lieutenant regains his balance wiping the seeping blood from his split lower lip against his shoulder sleeve.  
Ok......Ok, damn it!....I don't need this grief!   You can tell Peterson I got the message, alright!   So just back the hell off!   
The 1st Man grabs hold of Malory's shirt yanks him a couple of feet from the lockers and then forcefully throws him back against the lockers once again.  Gripping hold of his clothes, the 1st man tightly pins Malory against the lockers.   Frantically looking over the man's shoulder to Harm,  he cries out for help.
(his eyes wide with fear as he's pinned against the locker)  
Help me out here, man!........Tell them I'm not gonna  testify!........God, just tell them anything!
The 1st man drives his fist into Malory's stomach and then releases him.  The wind being temporarily knocked out of him, Malory falls to his knees, his  hand pressing against  his stomach as he deals with the pain. 
Annoyed by what he interprets as cowardliness on the Lieutenant's part,    the SP comes forward carrying a role of duct tape.   As he reaches Malory, he rips off a piece of tape and slaps it across Malory's lips.
(sarcastically, with an exaggerated hoarseness in his voice)
God,  I hate a whiner! 
Catching a certain familiarity in the man's tone and words,  Rabb shoots a quick glance at the SP whose face is concealed behind the black hosiery.  Seemingly recognizing him, he quickly turns away not wanting to reveal his suspicions to any of his perpetrators. 
(sharply, as he steps away from Malory)
Now........get on with it!
At the SP's command, both perpetrators move in on Malory each taking turns repeatedly kicking him over his entire body.  With each blow,  Malory groans in torment as he tries desperately to protect himself by curling himself into a fetal position.     As the beating becomes increasingly more violent, Harm gazes on in horror.   
(angrily protesting)
You're gonna kill him, damn it!     
Irritated by Rabb's outburst, the SP rips off a second piece of duct tape as he approaches Rabb. 
(standing over Rabb, a strip of duct tape in hand)
Why, Commander,   I do believe that's the point of all this! 
Shocked by the man's revelation, Harm stares up into the disfigured face behind the hosiery.  
(earnestly, as Malory continues to cry out in anguish)
Look, if you let him go now, there won't be any charges brought against you or your two accomplices........I can guarantee you that!.....But if you insist on going through with this, I  promise you, ...you will all have hell to pay! 
(laughing as he harshly slaps the duct tape across Rabb's mouth)
Still litigating are you, Rabb!  Well, this isn't a court room and I'm not a juror to be easily swayed by your persuasiveness.   Besides, the Lieutenant's been tried, convicted and sentenced.  I'm here to carry out that sentence.         
The SP continues to stare down upon Rabb in silence for a long moment as if anticipating some sort of reaction.  At length, he turns his attention back to the situation at hand. 
  Rabb's inability to assist Malory gnawing at his very being, Rabb's anger intensifies as the two men pull Malory up onto his knees pushing and shoving him and  then striking the helpless man several times across his face with clinched fists.    The 2nd man then produces a metal coat hanger from one of the lockers and once manipulating the wire into a V shape,  he begins to thrash his victim with it.   Unable to cope with the horror that's taking place before him, Harm casts his eyes to the floor in an attempt to visually block it out of his mind.  But as the sounds of Malory's muffled groans and of the thrashing and kicking continue, Harm is unable to escape the emotionally tormenting scene taking place before him.
2348 HOURS
Mac gathers up some of the paper work she had been working on and slips it into her briefcase.  Unbeknown to her, the Admiral has noticed her presence from across the bullpen and stands in bewilderment at the long hours his junior officer often kept in spite her leave status.
As she collects her coat from a nearby chair, AJ makes his way across the bullpen to her office.  Startled by the  movement she observes  out of the corner of her eye, Mac gazes up to see the Admiral standing just outside the door of her office.
(noting her alarm)
I'm sorry, Colonel,   I didn't mean to startle you!
(catching her breathe)
No....it's ok!.......I just didn't realize you were still here, Sir!....I mean I didn't see your car out front...so....
It's at the shop!.....Regular maintenance,....nothing more!   May I ask what you're doing here so late?
Just keeping up with some of my paper work, Sir!....You know, .......(smiling)........just regular maintenance....nothing important!
The Admiral laughs gently along with Mac.
What about you, Admiral? 
Well,.... with both you and  Commander Rabb on ....well.......leave of sorts,  I'm afraid that the case load among the remaining qualified staff has become a bit cumbersome to say the least.     So, in an effort to relieve some of that burden, I've had to step in and pick up some of the slack. 
I'm sorry, Sir!......I...
No need to apologize, Colonel! ....Well, not you anyway!....Now the Commander,......well, that's another story! (noticing a concerned look pass over her face)  Anyway,.....what I'm really concerned about is  how you're  holding up through all this? 
(with exaggerated confidence)
Fine, Sir!
Colonel, this is your commanding officer you're talking to here!  So, I'd appreciate an honest answer.
Honestly, Admiral,  I really am doing pretty well, ....all things considered, Sir!
(drilling her)
Regrets, Sir?.........No, Sir!
(searching her eyes)
No guilt? 
His eyes seemingly piercing through  the tough Marine facade, Mac opens up to him.
(at length)
I guess there's some, Sir!
Colonel, you're not continuing to hold yourself responsible for the Commander's dilemma, now, are you?
Well, Sir,   Harm wouldn't be in the predicament he's in if .........
He hadn't of been so damn hot headed as to strike a senior officer in a court of law!  He's admitted as much and has accepted the consequences!  You certainly have nothing to feel guilty about!
Yes, Sir!.......And believe me, I've told myself that a thousand times, but .........
There's no buts about it, Colonel!  However,..... regardless of what I have to say about it, you're the one that needs to come to terms with your own feelings.  If you choose to continue to wallow in your own self-pity......which by the way is what you're doing,.... then that's your prerogative!  However, in the process, you're doing yourself a tremendous disservice  and you're negating  the very thing that the Commander was attempting to do for you in that court room in the first place......namely defending your name's sake.
Mac's mouth drops open as she attempts to digest her Commanding Officer's admonition.
At that moment the phone on Mac's desk rings startling them.  
(indicating the phone as it rings a second time)
I guess I better get that.
The Admiral nods his approval as Mac lifts the phone off the receiver half way through its third ring.   As she places it to her ear, AJ  turns away and walks out of Mac's office.
(speaking into the phone)
Colonel Mackenzie.  (she pauses for a long moment waiting for a response)  Hello!...........Hello!
The Admiral gazes back to Mac, obviously curious as to who was on the other end of the line.   As Mac is about to remove the phone from her ear, a man's voice finally comes over the receiver.
(with exaggerated hoarseness)
Colonel Mackenzie!
Yes, this is Colonel Mackenzie.  Can I help you?
I tried to call you at home, ma'am, but you weren't there so I called your office instead.......and here you are!
(her brow narrowing with confusion)
Who is this?
(in a calm, but threatening tone)
It's time for you to realize, Colonel, that if you persist in your attempts to crucify an innocent man, well.......it could possibly put some of the people you care about at risk. 
Shaken by the man's threat, Mac leans against the desk for support. 
(her eyes meeting AJ's)
Immediately noticing Mac's distress, the Admiral  walks hastily to the nearest desk, carefully lifts the phone off the receiver and places it to his ear.
You wouldn't want that, now, would you, Colonel?!
(attempting to repress the fear welling up in her)
No, of course not!
Good!.....Then you know what to do to prevent that from happening now,  don't you Colonel?
Mac is silent for a long moment as she considers the man's words.
You want me to drop the charges against Captain Peterson.
It's not just me personally, Colonel.     There are those who question the veracity of you're word  and believe the man to be innocent.  
Well  you're wrong!
I'm not here to argue with you, Colonel.  Just to admonish ...........and as a demonstration of my resolve, I have your lawyer friend here with me at this very moment. 
(her eyes frantically searching the Admiral's)
What are you talking about?
And what I want you to do for him right now is to give him a few words of encouragement. ..... You see, momentarily, he's going to become a victim of the same sort of depravity that you've accused the good Captain of.
(her eyes widening with fear)
Oh God!.........
Anger evident in AJ's expression, he continues to listen in on the conversation.
Cellphone to his ear, the  SP stands over Harm as  he is forced to continue to kneel on the cold , hard surface of the locker room floor.   Obvious signs of abuse evidenced by Harm's badly bruised left eye and the blood seeping down his chin from a swollen and split lower lip,  Harm's eyes remain transfixed on Malory as his battered body lay in a pool of blood only a few feet away.     
(speaking into the phone)
Say something encouraging to your Commander, Colonel.   (Leaning toward Harm and placing the cellphone to his ear.)   Hey Rabb, say hello to your Colonel friend..... just to sort of let her know your still alive and well!  (he laughs)
Both exhaustion and discomfort obvious in his demeanor,  Harm remains unresponsive to the SP's request as he seemingly tunes out everything around him.    Standing immediately behind Harm, the other two perpetrators feverishly await further orders from their leader.
Over the receiver, Harm hears Mac's voice.
Harm!.............. Harm?     If you're there, answer me!
The sound of Mac's voice refocusing his attention,  Harm presses his face into the receiver being held to his ear desperately hoping to hear her voice a second time.  
Harm!........Are you ok?
His eyes closing, Harm remains silent for a long moment absorbing all he could from the very sound of her voice.  
Harm!.....Say something to me......please! 
(at length)
Mac.........(swallowing nervously)     Promise me ....
His words trail off as the 2nd man comes forward into Harm's sight and repeatedly slaps the wire coat hanger against his own hand in an attempt to further intimidate Harm.
What Harm? ....................Harm, ..... promise you what?
Promise me..... that whatever happens here tonight, ...........you won't give in to them!
The SP quickly removes the phone from Rabb's ear then harshly strikes Harm across the face with the back of his hand.   The blow so intense,  Harm is violently knocked to the floor. 
Her expression filled with fear, Mac hears a click and then the dreaded sound of the dial tone.   Her eyes lifting to meet the Admiral's, she places the phone onto the receiver.  His expression revealing deep concern, Chegwidden immediately redials the phone sitting on the desk before him in a frantic and desperate attempt to alert the proper authorities.
A switchblade  pressed upward into his chin, Rabb is forced to look upward into the face of his perpetrator.   Standing just behind Rabb with the coat hanger wire still in hand, the 2nd man gazes on with enthusiasm.  The SP stands alone away from the group closely observing Rabb's demeanor as Rabb  faces the impending abuse.   
(forcing Rabb's head up with the blade's sharp tip his eyes intimidatingly staring down into Rabb's)
Now, Commander,  you can make things a whole lot easier on yourself by cooperating with me here, or you can choose to be stubborn and get more of the same sort of treatment as your friend Malory over there did!  It's all up to you.  
Refusing to be intimidated,  Rabb only returns a contemptuous glare.   Smiling, the man removes the switchblade from Rabb's chin, and  begins to open the crotch of his coveralls. 
1st MAN
You know how it's done, Commander!
Fully aware of the consequences that would  befall him should he refuse to perform the degrading act being demanded of him, Rabb  conceals his fear behind a mask of contempt as he stares up into the face of the man standing over him.
(with contempt)
(angrily flexing his hands into fists)
You are an arrogant SOB, aren't yah!
(laughing slightly as he slaps the coat hanger against his own hand)
Well, I guess he wants it the hard way, Sir!
As the second man raises his arm to strike Harm across the back with the coat hanger,  the SP comes forward and intervenes by grabbing hold of his arm and preventing the blow.
Ok!........That's enough.
1st MAN
What?....What'd yah mean?
Your jobs finished here!
The hell it is!
Look, you fool, the phone call's been made....so how long do you think it's gonna take before all hell breaks loose around here! 
1st MAN
(furiously indicating Rabb)
Damn you!.......You promised me a piece of this one!
(pushing him away from Rabb)
Well not this time!  Now get the hell outahere!
Reluctantly, the first man backs off and both he and his companion  hastily leave the room.  Turning his attention back to Rabb  he silently observes him for a long moment. 
My orders were to test your mettle, Commander!    I think I did that and then some!  What'd yah think?
You sonofabitch!
Now don't go making me wish I should of let him at you, Rabb!  I doubt you'd of liked what he had in store for you. 
(gazing to Malory)
What about the Lieutenant? 
At that moment, sirens suddenly pierce the silence of the room around them.
He was to be terminated.   
Without any further hesitation, the SP raises his weapon above Rabb's head and then sharply strikes him across the forehead rendering Harm unconscious.  
**************  TO BE CONTINUED  **************