1015 HOURS
Commander Imes withdraws from the witness stand, her eyes wandering over to Commander Rabb as she walks passed him  toward her seat.  As she takes her seat, a long silence passes over the court room as everyone present anticipates Commander Rabb's cross examination of Colonel MacKenzie.  Both having dreaded this moment,   Harm and Mac sit uneasily in their chairs  their eyes meeting in a long intense gaze as each observes the deep anguish within  the reflection of the others eyes.    As the tension in the room becomes evident with the silence  Admiral Morrison gazes questionably from Rabb over to Brumby.   Interpreting the Admiral's expression, Brumby gazes to Rabb and attempts to gain his attention.  
(leaning over toward Rabb and whispering)
Harm.......If you can't do this, ....
(gazing irritably toward Brumby)
I've got it under control, Brumby!
His patience quickly wearing thin at Rabb's reluctance to  proceed with the Colonel's cross examination,  Admiral Morris addresses Rabb.
Commander Rabb!
Yes,  your Honor!
Am I assuming correctly in that the defense wishes to take this opportunity to cross examine the plaintiff?
(ambiguity obvious in his tone of voice)
Yes, your Honor!........The defense .... will  cross examine at this time.  
Then let's get on with it, Commander!
Yes,  your Honor!
Taking in a deep breath,  Rabb steps out into the aisle and  walks toward the witness stand.  Noting Rabb's obvious reluctance, Brumby stands and addresses the Judge.
Your Honor, may I have another moment to confer with lead counsel?
Knowing Brumby's concerns,  Rabb  gazes back to Brumby with an expression of exasperation on his face.
(irritably,  noting the tension between the two defense counselors)
Gentlemen, is there a problem here?
(irritably) / (reassuringly)
(in unison)
NO,  your Honor!
Please, your Honor, I only need a moment!
(gazing from Brumby to Rabb)
FINE!....A moment you have, Commanders!
Aggravated, Rabb walks back to the table to confront Brumby.
(angrily...under his breath)
What the hell's your problem,  Brumby?
Pointing to his left,  Brumby indicates his desire for Rabb to join him off to the side of the table out of Peterson's hearing.  Rabb reluctantly complies by following Brumby's lead and steps away from the table.
I'm not the one with the problem, here, Harm!  (he pauses momentarily attempting to choose his words carefully)  ....Look,.... meaning no disrespect to you or your abilities , but it's obvious that you're not up to this,  so why put yourself through it? 
First off, Brumby,  it's obvious you know nothing about me or my capabilities. ... Secondly, .....    I have every intention of seeing to it that the Colonel comes out of all this with at least some of her integrity  still in tact!.... Now, unless you can guarantee me that you'll at least attempt to do the same,  then I'd be my recommendation that you back the hell off!
(annoyed by Rabb's persistence)
My first priority is to my client, Commander, as should yours be!....At any rate, it's inconceivable to me how any good defense attorney could preserve the Colonel's integrity without compromising the Captain's defense.
Then stand the hell down, Brumby, and let me do my job! 
Momentarily maintaining intense eye contact with Brumby, Rabb slowly steps back  from him and then turns and walks back across the court room floor toward the witness stand.   Upon reaching Colonel MacKenzie,  he silently observes her  for a long moment taking notice of the  strength and  determination that is now so evident in the reflection of Mac's deep brown eyes.   In that strength and determination, he seemingly finds assurance that  Mac is  up to the task of facing whatever she must during his cross examination of her. 
(at length)
Colonel, could you tell the members of this court why you decided to take the stand on your own behalf?
Attempting to ease some of his tension, Mac answers his first  question with a slight note of humor in her voice.
(with a slight smile on her face)
Well, Commander, in my experience as a lawyer,  I've found that the defendant has  the right to face his or her accuser at some point during the trial proceedings!
(returning a slight smile)
Well, that's very true, Colonel.  (pausing as his smile withdraws)   But early on in these court proceedings,  the prosecution clearly stipulated  that this case would be judged solely on the evidence presented and without your testimony in court.     So, again I ask you, Colonel, why did you decide to take the stand? 
I chose to take the stand on my own behalf, because I felt that it was in my best interest to do so.  
Why now,  Colonel?  I mean that obviously wasn't the case at the onset of the court martial.
Well, as you're well aware, Commander,  the Defense  managed to decimate the testimony of several of the Prosecution's witnesses!.....That being the case,  I felt that I was  left with  no other recourse but  to tell my own story from my point of view and in my own words.
Rabb is silent for a long moment as he realizes all too well Mac's vulnerability as she openness herself up in response to his questions.   Knowing his ability to play on that vulnerability,  he begins to feel bitterness and anger toward himself welling up within him.    The lawyer within him finally finding a voice, he hears the debasing words of his first attack on Mac's credibility spilling from his lips.   
To sort of play on the emotions of the members? 
NO, Commander!...So that they could hear the truth!
Well, Colonel, your version of the truth  was  very compelling to say the least.  I mean you certainly got my attention.  And surely any human being capable of any degree of  empathy or compassion  would  probably be shocked ....... even outraged at the atrocities that the accused allegedly committed against you. 
Allegedly only by definition of this court,  Commander!...Because it did happen just as I testified. ....I was there and I lived through every agonizing moment of it!
Oh I'm not questioning your sincerity, Colonel.  I mean perhaps in your own mind it's  the truth.  But what's puzzling me so much,  is that your version of the truth seemingly becomes more and more elaborate and embellished with the passing of time.  Why is that?  
Objection your Honor!...Counsel is badgering the witness?
Overruled.....I'll allow it!
Because of the combination of the drugs and alcohol,  my memories of that night have  been fragmented and have returned slowly and over a period of time.  It's the reason why it's taken me so long to put it all together in the first place.   
So basically,  Colonel,....... you're making this whole thing up as you go along, then!
(shocked by Rabb's question)
NOOOO!  Of course not!
Colonel, how can you be sure which ..if any of these so called fragments of memory, are the truth and which of them could possibly be figments of your imagination?
Now realizing that Harm's goal in his cross examination was to discredit the memories she had of that terrible night rather than her character, Mac's braces herself for his onslaught.
Because I'm NOT delusional, Commander!
Really!....Well, Colonel it seems to me that you've been able to recollect the events of the night in question in far greater detail than ever before.  Why even the prosecution seemed taken aback by some of the details you brought forth here this morning.   
Objection your Honor!....The opinions of the defense counsel are irrelevant and certainly have no place in this court room.
My personal opinion isn't a factor here, your Honor!  The plaintiff has just given testimony to new information that not only hadn't been previously divulged to the Defense in this case,  but  could possible be  extremely  damaging to my client.        
(gazing to Imes)
Objection overruled!..(turning to Rabb) Go on Commander,  but tread carefully.  
Yes your Honor.  (turning back to Mac)  Colonel, couldn't  these fragments of memory that you've been having possibly be figments of your own imagination?
(a determined note in her voice)
No, definitely not!
(his voice softening as he observes the anguish in her eyes)
How can you be so certain?
As I said before, Commander, I'm NOT delusional.  As fragmented as my memories  may be, I have no doubt that they're real. 
Then, Colonel, how do you explain the fact that all the physical evidence in this case points to the contrary? 
The physical evidence was either misinterpreted, or simply ignored. 
Really......(Rabb turns away from Mac and begins to pace the floor in front of the witness stand)    Well then, ....let's go over the evidence  quickly, shall we!  ......  First off, there was never any evidence of date rape drugs being involved here....  we only have your testimony and that of your physician stating the POSSIBILITY that such a drug may have been used on you by the defendant.  .....  Secondly,  there was alcohol in your system.....you claimed the Captain forced it,  Captain Peterson maintains that you willingly indulged in drinking together on the night in question.  Third, there is no real evidence of a forced sexual assault.... again medical records were found to be  inclusive and  so we only have your sworn testimony to the fact that it was rape versus a sworn affidavit from the defendant admitting he engaged in consensual sex with you on the night in question.  (gazing back to Mac)  So, basically, Colonel, it's your word against his!
The difference is that my word,  IS the truth!
As you choose to remember it, Colonel!
No, Commander, as it really happened.  (indicating Peterson)  That bastard  drugged me,  ....he forced me to drink what seemed like half a bottle of vodka and when he decided that I was under the influence of both, he raped me!  That's the truth regardless of how many affidavits the good Captain places his "John Hancock" on.
His resolve  somewhat shaken by the content of Mac's unwavering testimony, Rabb momentarily falls into silence.    
(attempting to regain his edge, he continues his barrage of  questions)
So what you're asking the members of this court  to believe then, is that a Naval officer with a career as distinguished and honorable as Captain Peterson's is not only a liar, but the kind of a man who is capable of carrying out a crime as violent and despicable as  rape.
That's exactly what I'm asking of this court!
(the tone of his voice lowering as his focus becomes solely on Mac and  the reality of where he is somehow momentarily lost to his consciousness)
Then you're asking an awful lot, Colonel.
Only if they can't accept my word as the truth.
( walking right up to the stand, his eyes steadfast on Mac's)
In rape cases,  the word of the plaintiff regardless of how compelling or true it may be, seldom outweighs the evidence or lack there of!  You know that! 
(noting the change in his demeanor)
All too well, Commander! 
(interrupting as he continues his voice lowering still)
 And as defense counsel, it's my duty to discredit any and all your testimony.  By you're agreeing to take the stand,  you've effectively opened yourself up to my ability to do just that.  
Well, trust me, Commander!  I can handle anything you've got!
Totally frustrated with where Rabb is going with his line of questioning, Brumby quickly rises to his feet in protest.
(his eyes wide with frustration)
Your Honor, may I please have a moment to confer with co-counsel?
Brumby's words stirring Rabb's consciousness back to the reality of the court room, Harm steps back from the stand and addresses Admiral Morris.
Your Honor, I see no need to confer with co-counsel at this time.
( more determined)
Your Honor, ...p l e a s e!
Having noted the strange turn in Rabb's line of questioning, Morris gazes from the agitated expression on Brumby's face back to Rabb.
Commander Rabb, given as your cross is beginning to sound more like a personal conversation between yourself and the plaintiff,  I believe it would be in your best interest to confer with your co-counsel at this time. 
Your Honor, I know.....
Commander, don't test my resolve!    
Taking in a deep breath, Rabb reluctantly turns away from the witness stand and walks toward the table where Brumby anxiously awaits Rabb.  Mac gazes to Imes and Mattoni observing their obvious relief that Rabb seemingly is beginning to falter in his cross examination.  As Rabb reaches the table, he notices Peterson's  obvious agitation and Brumby's anxious demeanor. 
WHAT is your problem now, Brumby?
Well, let's just say that I'm just  a bit concerned as what the hell you're doing up there,  Harm! 
Simple answer,  Brumby!   My job!
Well, you sure as hell could have fooled me!  I mean your line of questioning is beginning to fall short of an adequate defense and seems to be teetering between the roles of the defense and that of the prosecution. 
(leaning over the table toward Rabb)
What he's trying to say, Rabb, is that you're pussy footing around with the woman when normally your lawyering skills would dictate your going straight for the jugular.  
Knowing his  words have aggravated Rabb, Peterson leans back into his  chair with an expression of  arrogance on his face.
(sarcastically as he leans over the table toward Peterson)
What I'm doing up there... SIR.... is attempting to save your sorry ass!....You really  DON'T  want to give me any reason to change my mind....SIR!   
Observing the renewed tension between Harm and Peterson, Brumby attempts to intervene. 
A bit blunt, Harm, but to the point!...(attempting to nudge Harm back away from the table)   Look, it's obvious to me that you're not up to the task,  and I strongly feel that it's in our client's best interest for you to step down and let me finish this for you.
(at length)
Look,  I know where I'm going with this, so trust me on this one, will you?!
Brumby observes Rabb for a long moment noting the sincerity in his expression and manages to regain some confidence in Rabb's ability.
Ok!....I just hope you're not making a mistake about this because it could have dyer consequences for everyone. 
(agitated by the delay)   
Gentlemen, can we please get on with this?!
Yes, your Honor!  (turning to Rabb)  You're sure?
I'm handling it, Brumby!
(annoyed by Brumby's decision he lashes out angrily at Rabb)
 Well that's great, Rabb!  And that being the case, I expect to see you quickly and effectively discredit the testimony of that bitch so we can get this court martial over and I can get on with my life!
Enraged by Peterson's words, Harm gazes sharply toward Peterson.
You son of a bitch!
(Noting Harm's outrage, Brumby attempts to intervene)
His anger enveloping all his physical and emotional being, Rabb explodes in an uncontrollable moment of rage.  Without any further thought as to who or where he was or what he was doing, Rabb reaches across the table, grabs hold of the lapel of Peterson's tunic and with tightened fists  he yanks him out of his chair onto his feet.   Drawing his right arm back and drawing his hand into a tight fist, Rabb drives it forward towards Peterson's face.  Quickly stepping in to intervene, Brumby   firmly grabs hold of Rabb's forearm and effectively restrains his attempt  to strike Peterson.
(frantically whispering into Rabb's face)
Damn it, Harm.....what the hell are yah doing, mate?!   
His attention totally focused on  Peterson and his rage so intense,  Rabb is momentarily unaware of the commotion going on in the court room around him as a result of his actions.    Mac sits on the witness stand totally taken aback by Rabb's actions,  Imes and Mattoni are on their feet unsure as to whether or not they should intervene.    All present are tensely observing the events as the court room theatrics unfold before them.   Admiral Morris is beside himself as he witnesses Rabb's violent actions and attempts to gain order in the court room by repeatedly slamming down the gavel.
I'll have order in this court.....ORDER!!!  Commander Rabb.....I'm ordering you to  stand down!  ...(slamming down the gavel again)    .....Master at Arms!
Already on there way,  the two marine SP's make their way down the aisle of the court room toward Rabb.
(his eyes locked onto Peterson's and his voice indicative of a command)
Let go of my arm, Brumby!
Come on, Harm, you don't want to do this!  Hell, he's hardly worth getting court martialed over!
(his eye fixed on Rabb's)
I'd say it's a bit too late to worry about that, Brumby.    I mean the man's already in the act of assaulting a senior officer!
He's right, Harm.....come on....don't make things any worse than they already are! 
The intense gaze between Rabb and Peterson is broken when Rabb takes notice of the two SP's approaching him. 
(his left hand still firmly grasping Peterson's lapel, he relaxes his right arm against the pressure of Brumby's hold on him)
I guess you're right about that!
Confident that Harm is standing down, Brumby releases his grip on Rabb's forearm as the SP's draw nearer. 
(roughly releasing Peterson with a bit of a shove as the SP's approach him)
That being the case, ...  aahh......what the hell........
With those words, Rabb raises his right fist and strikes Peterson across his jaw sending the man tripping over the leg of his chair and stumbling backwards into the court room railing behind him.  The SP's now upon him,   Rabb surrenders  to them without resistance.  Taking hold of his arms,  they  place them behind his back and restrain their movement by placing a set of handcuffs on his wrists.   As he is lead front and center, feelings of humiliation begin to well up in Harm at the indignation of it all.     As he passes  by Imes and Mattoni, he immediately takes note of their shocked and concerned expressions.   Helping Peterson to his feet, Brumby shakes his head in disbelief as he observes Peterson's bloody lip.    
Well, Captain, like I  said.....loyalty to his friends is right up there alongside duty to his country!.....Looks like you loose, sir!
Still seated on the witness stand, Mac is overwhelmed by the events that have just taken place.  Feeling responsible for his dilemma, her eyes meet Harm's  with empathy  as he is brought  before Admiral Morris.
You know,  Commander, just when I thought I'd seen the last of your sort of court room theatrics,  you've once again managed to prove me wrong.  Only this time,  you've truly managed to outdo yourself in the disruption of my courtroom.    
My deepest apologies, your Honor!....I never....
Too little, too late, Commander!....And for reasons I need not explain here, I'm holding you in contempt of court and this time I can promise you that you're looking at some brig time!....That is unless you're willing to apologize to  Captain Peterson for your outrageous behavior here just now!
Rabb carefully considers the Admiral's offer of atonement for a long moment. 
(with deep sincerity)
Your Honor,  my actions here just now were appalling and inexcusable at best,  and for  that, I do apologize to you, and to the members of this court!.....I lost control and I'm willing to face the consequences.   (sucking in a deep breath) To that end, Sir,...... I have no one else to apologize to nor anything else to apologize for.   
(angrily shouting as he wipes some blood from the corner of his mouth)
Apology or not, your Honor, I'm demanding that assault charges be brought against Commander Rabb!
(annoyed by Peterson's  outburst)
This is my court room, Captain and you would do you well to keep quiet!  (gazing back to Rabb)  Commander Rabb, is this really how you wish to leave it?
While I appreciate the Admiral's offer of atonement, Sir, I'm certain that I cannot accept his conditions!          
Very well!.....(addressing the SP's)  Master Sergeant,  escort Commander Rabb out of this court room.  
While one of the SP's escort Rabb to the side entrance of the court room, the other returns to the rear entrance of the court room. 
(gazing to Mac)
As for these proceedings,   I will be ordering this court into recess until Thursday morning at 1000 hours.  Colonel Mackenzie,  you may  step down from the witness stand. 
Mac responds immediately and returns to her seat as the Admiral continues his speech.
Commander Brumby, as your lead counsel is obviously going to be unavoidably detained and subsequently removed from this case,  I trust that two days will give you sufficient time to get Captain Peterson's defense in order.
Yes, your Honor!  And I'd like to reserve the right to recall Colonel Mackenzie at such time as this court martial resumes, your Honor.
So noted!  And I trust that I will not see any repeats of the theatrics that I've witnessed here today.  
Definitely not,  your Honor!
(slamming down the gavel)
This court is dismissed!
With those words, Admiral Morris stands and walks out of the court room.  As Mac stands along with Imes and Mattoni, her eyes meet Peterson's.  The second SP coming forward and cuffing Peterson, Mac slowly makes her way across the aisle to face Peterson.  Imes follows close behind.
(smiling as Mac approaches)
Well,  Sarah, it looks like  Commander Rabb couldn't take the heat after all!
The SP begins to lead Peterson away, bMac orders him to stop.
No,...... wait! 
The SP pauses, his hand firmly grasping Captain Peterson's arm.
Colonel, ....I don't think this is a good idea!
I'm ok!   (gazing to Peterson a cold glare radiating out of his eyes as he gazes upon her)   Commander Rabb probably would have gotten you off, Captain!  So why did you provoke him like that?
(a strange tone in his voice)
Every man has at least one weakness Sarah!.....I guess I must have found his!
With those words, the SP escorts Peterson away leaving Mac totally bewildered by his comment.  She gazes to Brumby is search of an answer.
The Captain gambled on the Commander putting his honor and duty as a Naval officer ahead of loyalty to his friends.  When push came to shove, ..........the Commander chose the latter.  So, my guess is that from the Captain's point of view, Harm's choosing loyalty over honor and duty became his weakness.  (pauses for a moment considering his own words)  I guess in a warped sort of a way, the Captain's right on that count!    I mean it's gotten Harm in a hell of a mess now, hasn't it!  
Mac is taken aback by Brumby's words as Brumby takes up his briefcase and walks out of the court room.  
***************************    TO BE CONTINUED   **********************