Battle of the Future

By Deidre

Note: All my fictional characters have Japanese names. Mai is the Japanese name for a girl. It means brightness. Keiji is a boy's name in Japan that means cautious ruler. Kuri is a girl's name that means chesnut. Aneko is a girl's name that means older sister. Taro is a name for a boy, and it's meaning is first-born male.

"Mai! Mai, where are you?!"

"Keiji!" a girl with shoulder-length lavender hair ran up to her twin, who had lavender hair cut just above his ears. "They're at it again!"

"I know! But Grandma built a time machine, and wants us to go back in time!" the seven year-old informed his sister.

"Really? Now?" Mai seemed surprised.

"I'm coming, too!" Aneko suddenly popped up, holding little Taro in her arms.

Kuri pushed her away. "Me, too!"

"No way," Keiji said as he and Mai ran over to the lab. "It's too dangerous for little kids. You three stay here."

"Little?! I'm six years old!" Kuri yelled.

"And I'm almost six!" Aneko also yelled. They both ran after the twins, Aneko still holding her little brother in her arms.

Keiji shook his head. It wasn't that he cared for their safety, it was that those two were always following him. Mai always teased him about it, saying Aneko and Kuri had crushes on him. He knew she was right, but he hated it.

"Well, that's what you get for showing off your ass with those tight pants," Mai informed him. They could practically read eachother's thoughts, and that's just what she had done.

"Oh, shut up," he snapped.

Then they reached the lab. "C'mon, Grandma wants us back as soon as possible," he said, running inside. She followed him.

"Grandma! They're doing it again!" Mai cried when she saw her grandmother. Although her grandmother should have at least looked old, she didn't. Something had happened so that on Earth, when you reached the age of thirty, you stopped aging, but somehow still lived. So Bulma and ChiChi were still as beautiful as ever.

Her grandmother nodded. "Yes, I know, dear."

CRASH! There was a huge explosion just outside. "We have to go now!" Keiji yelled. Mai and Grandmother nodded.

"Now, remember, you two," Grandma intructed. "The trip will take five minutes to get there, and five minutes to get back. You have ten minutes to get everyone on the ship before it comes back here automaticaly. If you miss it, there's no getting back until I am able to send it out again in six years. Understand?"

"Yes, Grandma." Mai nodded, then ran inside the ship, dragging her brother with her.

Suddenly Grandmother gasped. "Oh, no! I forgot to give them the instructions how to erase everyone's memories afterwards!"

"I'll take it!" two girl's voices yelled.

Grandma smiled and handed a slip of paper to Kuri. "Okay, you two. Aneko, leave Taro here." she left to the control panel to give the twins some last instructions.

Kuri and Aneko grinned and bolted inside the ship.

"Okay, you ready?" she said over an intercom.

"Ready," Keiji's voice answered.

Taro saw the door on the ship and giggled. He started to crawl on, when the door started to close. He fell to the floor... inside of the ship. He giggled again and started exploring the huge ship.

"Set it for twelve years back. Now press the orange button," Grandma's voice said.

Mai pushed it with her thumb. "Okay." Then the ship shook violently. Suddenly they seemed to be sucked through a red tunnel, and then they were floating in a dark, empty black space.

Mai grinned. "Wow! That was cool, being sucked through the tunnel at that speed!"

Keiji glared at her. "Listen, this is serious business. If you can't-"

"HI!" two voices yelled in his ear.

"Whoa!" he fell out of the chair. When he looked up, his mouth dropped open. "What? Kuri! Aneko! What are you doing here?!"

Kuri grinned. "Your grandmother gave this to us, and told us to give it to you."

"It's how to erase everyone's memories after the whole ordeal," Aneko added.

"Give it to me!" Keiji grabbed for the slip of paper. Kuri giggled and pulled it out of his reach, taunting him. "Hey! Give it to me!"

"Aneko!" Kuri ran past and shoved the paper into the five year-old's fingers.

"Give me that!" Keiji yelled, grabbing at it.

Aneko laughed and ran away with it.

"Give it to me now!" he yelled.

Mai laughed, watching the scene. Then she heard a baby's giggle next to her. She picked up Taro. "Hey, kid. You come to join the fun?" The baby smiled and kissed her wetly on the nose. She wiped at it. "Yuck. Guess you did."

"Gotcha!" Keiji pinned both the girls to the floor. "Now give me the paper!"

Kuri and Aneko grinned at him. "You have to do something for us, first," they said.

Keiji paled. "Oh, no..."

"Oh, yes. You have to kiss us, Keiji!" Aneko cried.

"No!" he yelped, scrambling away.

Kuri waved the paper in his face. "You sure?"

He sighed and kissed them quickly on the cheek. They ran around, squeeling, "Keiji gave us a kiss! Keiji gave us a kiss!"

He grabbed the paper on the floor, wiping his lips off. "Ugh. Yuck. Girls."

"What's wrong with girls?" Mai said, grinning down at him.

"Everything," he answered.

Then the ship shook violently again. "We're landing!" Mai yelled.

Keiji stood and went back to the control center. "Okay, everyone! Sit down, or else this land is gonna hurt!"

"It's so nice to have the whole group together," ChiChi said, smiling at Bulma.

Bulma laughed. "Yes, well, it is nice. Even if it means cooking ten times as much as usual."

"You can't cook anyway, woman," Vegita snorted.

"Think you can do better?" she shot back. He glared at her and yelled at Goku, telling him to get off his lazy butt and do some sparring.

Both women sighed at the same time. "Saiya-jins."

A fifteen year-old Pan watched a 25 year-old Trunks and her uncle talking about something quietly, laughing once in a while. She grinned slightly.

"Watching niichan again?"

She jumped slightly, then grinned up at the seventeen year-old Bra, her best friend. "Sorry. Can't help it."

"Hey, I can't help it that your uncle also has a nice bod," Bra laughed.

Pan also laughed. "Well, having Saiya-jin ancestors really helps."

"Yeah, and Celira is pretty hot, too," Bra said, looking at the Saiya-jin brought from the planet Vegita.

Pan grinned, remembering. Celira had been wished to this time so that the Saiya-jin bloodline wouldn't run out anytime soon. Dende had told them... AFTER Celira had been wished to Earth. He was nice, had spikey black hair like all full Saiya-jins, and about twenty-two years of age. It had taken him months to get the fact that Vegita was not the Prince of Earth, and he could act normal around him.

"Poor Marron," Bra continued. Their friend Marron was twenty.

"Huh? Why?" Pan turned to her friend.

"She seems to like both Trunks and Celira. Tough choice, ne?"

Pan laughed. "For her, yes. For me, no way."

Kuri and Aneko were both clutching Keiji. "Let go!" the twin brother yelled. "Get your own seat!"

Mai laughed, holding baby Taro. "Hope you don't do that to me someday," she told the baby. He wrinkled his nose in response. She grinned playfully at him. "Hey, I'm not that bad, am I?" Taro shook his head. "I thought so," she grinned.

Then they landed amazingly softly.

"UFO!" Goten suddenly yelled.

ChiChi glared at him. "Honestly, Goten! There are no such things as..." she looked up to see a strange ship crashing down at an alarming speed. "UFO!" she screamed.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to back up to one half of the back yard of Capsule Corp.

Then it landed, not making a sound or a dent in the ground.

"What in the world?" Gohan muttered. Everyone crowded around.

CRASH! Something inside broke. "Baka!" they heard someone yell.

Then the door opened, and they could hear what was going on inside better, There were more smaller crashes, and some banging sounds. Nothing came out at first.

Then a little chubby toddler crawled out, then stood on the ground. The baby boy was wearing a light blue shirt, had spikey black hair, blue eyes, white shorts on, and little white socks. He gurgled happily when he looked at everyone.

"Whoa... babies have come to invade us!" Goten exclaimed.

Trunks smacked him upside the head. "Babies don't invade us, baka!"

Then they watched as the toddler waddled up to Bra. She stared down at it, eyes wider than a super-sized pizza. The baby smiled cutely and hugged her. Then it said something.


Everyone was silent, staring as the baby buried it's head in Bra's leg. She managed to say something. "What?"

"You baka! You were supposed to watch Taro!" a boy's voice yelled.

"Me?! You were!" a girl's voice yelled back.

"How could I?! These two little mini-teeny-boppers were crawling all over me!"

Then a little girl about six, with blond hair pulled into a ponytail on her head, and black eyes, ran out. A younger girl with blue hair in pigtails on her head also followed her, also with black eyes, shrieking. Then they stopped and looked at everyone. "Hi!"

"Who the hell are you?!" Vegita yelled.

"Ah, put a lid on it, Grandpa." the girl with pigtails snorted.


"Mommy!" she shrieked, running up to Bra and also burying her head in Bra's waist.

The girl with the ponytail grinned. "Well, since you know their mommy, you should know mine." She looked around, then ran up to Marron and hugged her tightly. "Mommy! I missed you, and I was only gone for fifteen minutes!"

Marron stared down at her. "Um... have we met?"

"Not yet," the girl giggled.

Then there was a crash, and two lavender streaks rolled out, hitting eachother. They had a mini brawl right in front of the group, yelling, "It's your fault!" and "Shut up!" at eachother.

"SHUT UP!" Vegita yelled.

The two streaks stopped, and became solid for everyone to see. A boy with lavender hair cut above his ears, and an equally heighted girl with lavender hair to her shoulder blades. They had black eyes, just like the first two girls.

Then they noticed the girls and baby hugging Marron and Bra. "You bakas!" the boy yelled. "They weren't supposed to know YET!"

"Aw, cram it, Keiji," the girl said, waving a hand at him. "They still don't know who the fathers are yet, so calm down."

"That's what I'm afraid of," Keiji mumbled. "Vegita finding out who the fathers are."

"Oh, don't worry. We'll wipe their memories of us later," she said. Then she grinned at the group. "Sorry for being so rude. We should introduce ourselves. I'm Mai. That's my twin brother, Keiji. And this," she said, walking over to the girl hugging Marron, "is Kuri. And this," she touched the two hugging Bra. "is Aneko and her baby brother Taro."

"Oh. Well-" ChiChi started.

"Save it. We already know who you all are," Keiji said.

"Cram it, bro," Mai snapped.

"We don't have time for all this! We have to get back to the future now!" Keiji yelled.

"We have eight minutes, so shut up, and we can explain a few things to them," she yelled back. Then she turned to the group. "Oh, yes, I almost forgot. My brother and I are seven, Kuri is six, Aneko is five, and Taro is two."

"Wait. I have a question," Bulma said. "You guys... our children are your parents?"

"Yep," Mai grinned widely. "We're from the future... well, your future. Our present."

"Mai!" Keiji yelled.

"Cram it," she answered. Then Kuri, Aneko, and Taro came over to her when she beckoned. She smiled, and picked up Taro. "Taro and Aneko's mother is Bra, as you should already know. Their father..."

"Oh, no, no, no..." Keiji put his head in his hands.

" Goten."

"WHAT?!" Vegita yelled. Goten's mouth dropped open, and Bra's face was slowly turning red. Trunks' eyes widened.

She grinned. "Oh, don't worry Trunks. You'll get your turn."

"That's what I'm afraid of..." he muttered.

"Momma. Dadda." Taro raised his arms up to Goten. "Dadda. Up! Up!"

Goten just stood there, his mouth still touching the ground.

"Pick him up," Mai advised.

"Uh..." Goten raised Taro in the air.

Taro laughed cutely and hugged Goten around the neck. "Dadda!"

"Um..." Goten stuttered.

Bulma was whispering angrily to Vegita, telling him this wasn't the time to kill.

Mai looked at Kuri. "Well, you know she's Marron's daughter. Her father is Celira."

Kuri grinned at Celira. "Hi, Daddy!"

Both Marron and Celira turned a deep shade of red, almost purple.

"You baka! We have to get going!" Keiji yelled at Mai.

"Shut up!" she pounced on him and they started fighting.

"Hey! You two! Stop!" Pan yelled. She ran over to get them seperated. She had some trouble, and gave Trunks a "look". "Hey, Boxer Boy. Give me a hand here."

"Yes, Mother," Trunks answered mockingly, managing to get a hold on Mai's shoulders. He pulled her away, and Pan had Keiji pinned by his shoulders on the ground.

The twins glared at each other, but the glare soon turned into a pair of evil grins.

"Will you two stop and tell us what you have to tell us?" Pan asked.

"Yes, Mom," the twins said at the same time.

Pan's eyes widened with shock. "I... shouldn't be surprised..." she muttered.

Trunks blinked. "Okay..."

Suddenly Mai pulled herself out of his grip and hugged him around the neck. "We're sorry, Dad."

Pan gasped, and started to turn a bright red. Trunks paled.

"Wait. You mean... you called Pan 'Mom", so... you called me..." he stammered.

"Yep. You're our parents," Mai smiled, making Trunks even paler, and Vegita even angrier.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" he screamed.

Gohan grabbed Trunks by the throat and started strangling him, but ChiChi had Goku pull him off before he could actually do something to cut off Trunks' air circulation.

Keiji winced. Mai saw the look on Vegita's face, and started screaming uncontrolabley.

"He's here! He's back! KEIJI!" "Mai! Mai, it's okay!" Keiji yelled, grabbing his sister away from Trunks. He shook her by the shoulders. "It's okay! Remember? We're in the past! THIS ISN'T OUR PRESENT!" he screamed.

Mai was having some trouble breathing.

Now Vegita looked confused. Bulma told him to stay that way so he wouldn't scare Mai again. He muttered he didn't want his ears to break anyway, which earned him a slap that, not surprisingly, did nothing but turn Bulma's hand slightly red.

"Mai, it's okay." Keiji said softly. "Hey. You okay now?" She nodded slowly.

Suddenly there was a loud beeping sound.

"What's that?" ChiChi asked.

"Shit!" Keji cursed. He stood up, and he and the other kids ran inside the ship, Aneko carrying Taro. Then he poked his head outside of it. "Come on!" he yelled. "You have to come with us!"

"Why?" Goku asked.

"You have to! Our future world is in danger, and if you don't help us, there won't BE an Earth!" Mai yelled.

Part 2

Goku, Vegita, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Marron, Pan, Bra, and Celira quickly boarded. Bulma, Krillin, Juuhachigou, and ChiChi stayed behind, deciding they'd just be in the way.

"Now. Would you please explain what's happening, and why we have to help?" Gohan said.

Mai nodded, becoming serious. "Yes, Grandpa."

He winced. "Please don't call me that."

"Fine. We'll call all of you by your names, and our family by what we call them," Keiji said impatiently.

"Okay. Well..." Mai started. Then she stopped. "It's kind of hard to know where to begin..."

"I'll start," Keiji cut her off. "See, for some reason, in five years, everyone will stop aging at the age of thirty. And those who are already past that age are reduced to that age, and don't grow older physicaly."

"It's a really nice place," Mai added. "And whenever we have some villian trying to take over, we kill them with the maximum of three days, but that's very rare."

"Well, four years ago, when Mai and I were three, Kuri was two, Aneko was one, and Taro wasn't even created," Keiji glanced at Goten and Bra wickedly. "Vegita and Goku reach SSJ5 for the firt time."

"Who reached it first?" Vegita asked.

Keiji flinched. "You reach it at the same time, Vegita. But, here's the bad thing."

"Bad Vegita. Bad Goku," Taro babbled.

Goten blinked. "What does he mean, 'bad'?"

"Exactly that. The evil spirits of the dead villians you have fought and killed awaken at the force they feel of your incredible powers. They enter your souls and take over," Mai explained.

"What? I'm evil again?!" Vegita yelped.

"Yes, you are." Kuri said, suddenly serious. "It also took over Goku's body and soul, and now you've destroyed some major cities in Japan, and many small ones, and urban areas. The two biggest cities we have left are Tokyo and West Capital."

The ship shook violently, and there was that sucking force, and they were floating in the dark space. "Calm down. It's a five minute travel," Keiji said.

"I'm bad?" Goku said, surprised.

"Yes, Goku. You're bad." Aneko said.

"You and Vegita team up, become partners," Keiji stated.

"What?! I team up with Kakarotto?!" Vegita hollered.

Mai trembled. "Y-yes, Vegita. Um... see... you two are indestructable. SSJ5 is very powerful, and that's the only form we ever see you in anymore. So now you've gone around, killing people. In a few more years, there won't be an Earth unless we stop your future selves. For some reason, you let us off easy and told Grandma that you wanted clones of yourselves, about ten, I think. But this process will take another year, because of your rare blood type."

"Wait. What about our future selves? Aren't we fighting?" Trunks asked.

"N-no. Bra can't, she has her hands tied with Taro." Mai said. "He's only two, remember."

"But-" Marron started.

"And Dad can't. Mom's been a little hysterical lately, so he also has his hands tied. And without Dad, Goten can't fight them, because the only way they can fight and survive is to become Gotenks." Keiji said.

Goten blinked. "But why don't I just go out and fight?"

"Mommy and I won't let you," Aneko explained. "Mommy doesn't want you to get hurt or killed. I don't, either. So I guess that kind of ties you down."


"I'm bad?" Goku repeated.

"Yes, Goku," Aneko said again.

Keiji glanced at the control panel. "We have to hurry. We'll be landing in two minutes."

"What about Celira?" Goku wondered.

Kuri's eyes filled. "Daddy... he was recently..." she stopped.

"He's dead. He died last week," Keiji said flatly.

Celira's eyes widened. "Wait a second! I died?!"

"The dragon balls aren't active just yet, but should be soon," Mai said quietly. "But you should know that when you died, Marron told me she was torn between pride for you and wanting to kill herself so she could kill you in the next world,"

Marron flushed slightly, and Celira choked a bit. "Excuse me?"

Kuri giggled. "Mommy was right! Celira WAS funny, even in the past!"

Keiji rolled his eyes.

"I'm bad?" Goku asked again.

"YES!" everyone yelled at the same time.

"So, then what?" Gohan looked at Mai.

"Oh. Well, that's pretty much it. We had to bring you to the future so you could help us get Vegita and Goku back to normal. Grandma has many gravitational machines for us to

train in. One for Vegita, one for Goku, one for Celira, another for Goten, and the last one for Trunks." Mai said.

"Wait-" Goten started.

"No, you wait!" Keiji snapped. "Vegita will be training me, Goku and Gohan are gonna be training, Goten is gonna teach Bra how to fight, Celira's gonna help Marron, and Pan's gonna help Trunks get back into fighting shape!"

"What?! What do you mean, 'Get back'?" Trunks yelled.

Keiji sighed, exasperated. "One other small reason you don't fight is because you're too busy with work and haven't trained in a couple years,"

Mai giggled. "Actually, Grandma let you off and took over again, since she's young again, and she feels so much more healthy." She whispered something in Keiji's ear, and they both giggled.

"Hey! No secrets!" Pan said.

Mai and Keiji exchanged glances, and they giggled again.

Then the ship shook dangerously, and they were being sucked through the red tunnel.

"Everyone, sit down!" Keiji yelled, running up to the control pannel. Everyone sat down somewhere, and they all watched as Keiji pushed buttons and flipped switches. Then the ship shot down towards the earth...

And landed gently.

Everyone still watched as he flipped a switch next to a speaker. "Grandma."

"Keiji! You made it back! I was getting worried," a familiar voice said through the speaker. "Wait. Did you get everyone?"

"Yes, Grandma. They're here, and I think Vegita is getting restless. His eye's doing that twitching thing at Goku." Keiji replied.

"Well, come on out then."

"Okay. Which button opens the door?"

"The black one that has a 'D' on it." the voice answered.

Keiji pressed the button, and the door slid out till it touched the floor of the lab.

"Mommy!" Aneko yelled, running out with Taro in her arms.

"Aneko! I told you to leave Taro behind!" Mirai Bulma scolded.

"I'm sorry, Grandma. But he crawled on when we weren't looking." Aneko answered.

Kuri also ran out, followed by Mai. Keiji just rolled his eyes and walked out. Everyone else just watched at the entrance of the ship.

"Aneko, did you and Kuri give Keiji the note?" Mirai Bra asked gently.

Kuri and Aneko exchanged grins, and they nodded.

"Mommy, Keiji gave me a kiss!" Kuri announced cutely.

"Hey! They blackmailed me!" Keiji yelled, turning red. Kuri and Aneko giggled.

"Let me get your parents," MBulma smiled, walking over to the stairway. Then she yelled, "TRUNKS! Mai and Keiji are back!"

Nothing happened.

MBulma sighed with frustration. She walked over to an intercom, flipped a couple switches, and spoke into it. "Trunks! Get your ass down here! Mai and Keiji are back."

Nothing happened at first, but then a voice replied, "Yes, Mom. I'll be right down."

"Well, why didn't you answer when I yelled up the stairs?" MBulma asked crossly.

"Um... Pan got hysterical again... about... you know."

"Why? She's only been in it for six months. She has a whole three more!" MBulma exclaimed.

"I have absolutely no idea. But she's calm, now. I'll bring her down." MTrunks said through the speaker.

"Okay. Oh, and they completed the mission, too."

"Really? That's perfect. We'll be right down."

MBulma turned it off and turned to the others. "Sorry about that."

"Mom's freaking out again?" Mai asked.

"Don't worry. I don't know why she's so upset," MBulma said.

Keiji had a thoughtful look on his face. "Maybe... maybe it's influence."

"What?" Mai gave her brother a strange look.

"You know the spirits that took over Grandpa Vegita and Grandpa Goku's souls? Maybe... maybe it's doing something to Mom," Keiji tried to explain his thoughts.

Mai shuddered. "Keiji, don't think those things. Please. It's too scary."

"Whimp," he muttered.

"You can tell Keiji's descended from Vegita," Goten whispered to Bra.

She nodded. "And that Mai is from Pan's side."

Kuri looked up at Mirai Marron. "Mommy, is there gonna be a big fight?"

"Yes, hon," MMarron answered gently.

"Is... are Keiji and Mai gonna fight?"

"I don't know."

Then MTrunks entered, with MPan next to him. "Sorry about that,"

"Dad!" Mai yelled, running up to him and hugging his waist. "Dad, we saw you in the past! Mom was right, you got embarassed too easily."

MPan smiled. "He still does,"

Keiji grinned up at MPan. "Mom, you're okay?"

"Yes, Keiji. I'll be fine."

The twins rested a hand on MPan's stomach. "It kicked!" Mai squeeled.

"What did?" Goten asked.

"The baby!" Mai answered.

Trunks paled again, and passed out.

"Weird," Keiji muttered. MTrunks blinked.

Pan sighed, and looked at her future self. They exchanged knowing smiles.

"Well, what are we waiting for?!" Vegita yelled. "You wanted us to help save your world, so when do we start the training?"

"Impatient," MBulma grinned, tossing Vegita, Goku, Pan, Goten, and Celira capsules. "These are the gravitational machines. They're highly upgraded than the ones from your time. I'm sure Keiji told you who's going to train who."

"But I wanna fight!" Mai protested. "Keiji gets all the fun! I want to fight, too! Let me train with Vegita and Keiji!"

"Mai, the last time you looked at Vegita, you almost died," Keiji snorted.

She glared at him. "I'm not scared anymore. Why should you get all the fun?"

"I don't go easy," Vegita warned.

"Give me your hardest training skills! I just wanna fight, so I'll go any length to do so! It's my world, too!"

MPan shrugged. "Why not?"

"Pan-" MTrunks started.

"Hush! Let her. She needs to learn how to protect herself. Even Marron had to learn that."

MTrunks shrugged. "Okay. Mai, be careful."

She giggled. "I will, Dad!"

MBulma tossed them Saiya-jin-like suits. "Train in these. Vegita's right about one thing, they help you move faster and easier."

Trunks woke up. "Was it...?" He saw the twins and groaned. "No, it's real..."

Pan rolled her eyes and jerked him to a standing position. "Come on, Underwear Boy. We have to get training. Or," she added. "You could stay behind with our future selves."

Trunks opened his mouth to answer, then remembered the scene before he passed out. "Okay, okay. Let's get going."

"There's plenty of room for all the machines out back," MBulma said, pointing down the hall.

"Thanks. Bye." Pan waved and ran out, dragging poor Trunks along with her.

"Well, I guess we better be training, Gohan," Goku said cheerfully, following Pan's choice of path.

"If he touches my daughter, I swear I'll-" Gohan muttered, picking up the suits.

"Um..." Goten glanced at Bra. "Uh... guess we better get going, too."

Bra grinned widely and, like Pan, pulled Goten down the hall to the backyard.

Before Celira could say anything, Marron told him to grab the outfits and follow her. He shrugged and did so.

Vegita glared down at the twins. "I don't go easy, hardly any breaks, no time-outs, no crying, no whining, and no showing any weakness. Got it?"

"Yes." Mai and Keiji replied simultaniously, following him down the hallways.

Then the training began.

"Really, Pan," Trunks muttered, covering his eyes.

She snorted. "It's not like you haven't seen a girl nude before, Trunks. Like those girlfriends of yours."

He flushed a dark red. "Pan-"

"Oh, shut up. It's not like we're related or anything." Then she grinned wickedly while pulling on the suit. "What, you afraid of what might happen if you see me?"

This caused Trunks to turn another shade of red.

"So, the almighty Trunks is scared of seeing Gohan's daughter," Pan mused, slipping her left arm into it's tight spandex sleeve.

"I am not!" Trunks removed his hand from his eyes and glared at her.

She chuckled. "Sure, And that's why you took your hand away just now, when I'm almost done." She pulled the collar-line up and stood.

Trunks shook his head and started to pull his on. Then he noticed that she was watching him. "Do you mind?" he asked, turning pink.

"No, not at all," she grinned.

He groaned, knowing nothing would stop her, and proceded to get ready to train.

Gohan punched at his father, and Goku swerved and kicked him in the gut. Gohan glared and grabbed his father's ankle, tightened his grip, and threw him across the gravitational room. Goku twisted, making himself land sideways on the wall on his feet. He stayed that way for a split second, then pushed himself off, ramming into his son.

Gohan pulled himself up, grinning. "Kami, I'm falling way behind, huh, Dad?"

Goku grinned back. "Let's just do a few more warm-ups before we get to the actual training. Like the idea?"

"Yeah. That's fine."

They got down into their positions and started their warm-up sparring again.

"Goten, get over it," Bra sighed, looking at the still blushing demi-Saiya-jin.

"Well, you could've warned me before just stripping down like that!" Goten stammered.

She glared at him. "Oh, please! We had to get right to work, so quit reminscing about it and start teaching me to fight!"

"I wasn't reminscing about it!" he yelled.

She grinned at him wickedly. "Maybe you were thinking up your own to-be memories."

That made him turn white, then red. "What?! No!"

"Oh, so you WERE thinking about it," Bra teased, putting a hand on her hip. "Tell me, Goten-kun, how do I look it this?" she gestured to the tight Saiya-jin like outfit. It was a blue, skin-tight spandes suit, with black slanting down on the upper legs, right knee, left foot, slanted black over the toe of the boot, over the top on the left one, on the shoulder and wrist of the left arm, tilted on the middle right, on the top left of the chest, and the bottom right on the stomach.

He glanced at her, looking quickly up and down. Then he looked at her again, but slower this time. He blushed. "Uh..."

"So... I take it you do..." she grinned.

He backed away a few steps. "Uh... the first thing you need to know is..."

"What?" she grinned.

"Never let your gaurd down!" he rammed a shoulder into her. She doubled over, crying out.

"Sorry. But this is serious business. We don't have time for this," Goten explained.

She shrugged, starightening out. "Sure. Okay. Just start telling me what to do."

Now he felt guilty. Knowing Bra, she was going to hardly speak to him until the whole ordeal was over.

"Well?" she asked impatiently.

"Sorry. Okay. First; never let your gaurd down. Second..."

"Never underestimate your opponent. Better to overestimate a bit." Celira said, while kicking and punching Marron, missing just barely on purpose. First he had to help her get the agility part down until he could start hitting at her faster.

Marron ducked under a flying fist. "But... what if I overestimate him too much? Then I won't want to fight so I won't die."

"Fight no matter what. We'll protect you." he replied.

She grinned. "I think I like fighting. Wish my mother would have let me learn to fight when I was little. You're lucky." She dodged a kick aimed for her ribs.

"Not really. It was harsh training up there. Only the best could defend the Royal Family," Celira said grimly. "Now quit thinking about that and focus, or you're going to get hurt."

"Mai! Pay attention!" Keiji yelled.

Mai grinned at him. "I am." Then she lunged at him, and punched in across the face. He hissed and kicked her in her right leg, tripping her. She stopped her fall, and kicked him in the back. That angered her brother, and he appeared behind her, clenched his fists together, and brought them down on her head. She yelled out, twisted around, and was greeted by Keiji's knee in her face.

"Stop." Vegita ordered, glaring at them. "That was pathetic. You're not giving it all out on eachother. Forget you're siblings!" With that, he punched them both in the gut. "Now, do it right this time!"

Part 2

"They're here!" Mai screamed.

Keiji cursed. "But... we're still not ready!"

Vegita rolled his eyes. "Oh, shut up already! Just go out and fight."

Keiji glared out the door. "He's right. We've been training for weeks, and I should be ready by now."

Mai nodded. "Okay. Let's go." she ran out the door.

"Mai! You idiot! Come back here!" Keiji yelled, running after her.

"What?" Pan stopped midway in the training, and Trunks' fist slammed into her stomach. "Hey!" she yelled.

"What?" Trunks asked, confused.

"I felt something."


"I don't know- oh, shit!" her eyes widened, and she ran out.

"What? Wait! Pan, what the hell are you doing?!" Trunks yelled.

She stopped and turned around. "It's time to fight. I can feel it."

Now he understood. "Then they must be here."

She rolled her eyes. "No duh, Trunks. Come on!" she said, taking off to the battle feild.

"I guess... it's time." Trunks said to himself, following her.


She sat up sleepily. "Huh? Wha- hey!" Celira grabbed her wrist and dragged her outside. "What the hell?"

"You're training's about to pay off," he replied, not looking at her.

"What the... oh." she nodded. "Okay. I'm ready."

"Good," he said shortly. "Come on. Pan and Trunks are already there, and I think the twins are, too."

"Trunks?" she grinned to herself. Maybe Pan would be his future... uh... mate, in Saiya-jin terms... but that didn't mean she had to stop liking him. She wondered if her future self was still in love with Trunks.

Celira glanced back at her, and felt a twinge of jealousy. It was obvious Marron liked Trunks. When he had found out that someday in the future he would be with Marron, he'd felt an odd sort of happiness. He'd always sort of liked her, and since they'd begun to train, he had begun to like her more. But it seemed that she'd begun to like Trunks the more she wasn't around him. Damn it, he thought angrily.

Gohan and Goku looked up simultaniously, and grinned. They knew the battle for the future would start soon.

Goku was ecstatic. Here he was, ready to fight his future self, a much stronger future self. His Saiya-jin blood stirred hungrily, ready for the feirce battle that would soon start.

Gohan felt some of the Saiya-jin hunger his father did, but he was also worried. About Pan. About the twins. Especially Mai. She seemed to be the type to jump into something whenever her head told her to. That could be their downfall. But something told him that no matter what, Mai would be the cause of their winning... and he somehow knew they would win.

Goten looked up. "What?"

Bra barely glanced at him. "It's time. The others are gathering to the battle grounds."

He shrugged. The last few weeks had been miserable. Bra had been giving him the cold shoulder, and only spoke to him when forced. The last time he'd seen Trunks, about two weeks ago, he'd told him how his sister was acting towards him.

"Did you do something to piss her off?" Trunks had asked.

"Kinda," he'd admitted.

"Well, you know Bra. She won't speak to you in a decent manner until this whole thing is over and we can all relax." Trunks had told him.

"Are you coming or what?" she snapped.

He glared at her. "Grow up, Bra. You're seventeen, and you've been acting like a kid since I hit you. So just shut up, and I'll do whatever I want." he flew out.

Bra stood there, stunned. What? Have I really been acting that childish? She remembered the past few weeks, and felt her face flush with guilt. I should apologize. He probably feels worse than I do. She too flew out, ready to fight.

And ready to face Goten.

MGoku laughed evily. "So, Vegita, it looks like those brats of yours have come to fight."

"Seems so." MVegita blinked, then scowled deeper.

"What's up with you?" MGoku.

"It can't be them. You're out there too, Kakarotto."

"What?" MGoku looked closer, then yelled, "That bitch!"

MVegita realized it also. "Damn it! We shouldn't have let her live! She created a time machine and brought back our past selves!"

"ARGH!" MGoku screamed, ready to fly off.

"Kakarotto! Stop!"

He turned, his face filled with anger. "Why? I have to kill that baka!"

MVegita shook his head. "No. Let's deal with ourselves, first. Our past selves. Then we can destroy her."

MGoku gritted his teeth. "Yes, Vegita no Ouji."

"Better. Now," MVegita smirked. "Let's go and beat the crap out of them." He flew off, with MGoku close behind.

"There!" Mai yelled, pointing.

Keiji turned and glared as MVegita and MGoku made their way towards them. "Okay. Mai, remember, don't lose your head."

Mai cracked her knuckles anxiously. "What? And miss my chance? Well, I guess I won't just jump and try to kill, then."

Vegita snorted. "That would be a smart idea."

Keiji snickered.

"Keiji-" Pan started.

"Shut up. You're not my mother," he tossed over his shoulder.

"How about you shut up?" Mai suggested.

"Why don't you stay out of it?" Keiji snapped.

"Why don't you go admire your pictures of Kuri?" Mai smirked.

Keiji turned red. "I do not like Kuri, so shut up already!" he yelled.

Mai rolled her eyes and laughed. "You look just like Dad when your blushing."

"I am not blushing!" he screamed.

"Shut up! Both of you!" Vegita yelled.

MVegita and MGoku landed right in front of them. Pan looked up, and the sight gave her cold chills. "No... Grandpa..." she whispered.

MGoku glared at her. "So. The past self of my grandaughter. Exactly how tainted with human blood are you? You shouldn't even be considered a Saiya-jin."

Pan saw red. "For your information, I like being mostly human," she said heatedly.

"Yes, you must also like being mostly flat," MVegita snickered.

Pan turned red and crossed her arms over her chest. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Trunks looking at her, one eyebrow raised, which made her blush even more.

"And what about that pathetic human?" MGoku pointed to Marron.

"Pathetic?!" Marron shouted.

MVegita nodded. "Yes. Quite weak, she is. What a shame. Looks like we have no competition today, Kakarotto."

"Huh?" Goku looked up, and saw MVegita. "Oh. Hi! You're the one we have to kill, aren't you?" he asked cheerfully.

MVegita blinked. "Kakarotto?"

"What?" both Gokus said at the same time.

"Not you!" Vegita yelled at MGoku.

"Huh?" Goku scratched his head.

Celira sweatdropped, then looked at MVegita, and scowled. "Hmph. Some royal Saiya-jin prince."

MVegita glared at him, then looked slightly surprised. "Celira? How the hell...?"

"Dragon balls," Bra said simply. "Now your very rare bloodline can continue. Guess you never stuck around long enough to actually see Marron and Celira together, ne? Always training, tousan?" she spat.

MVegita looked momentarily surprised, then scowled deeply at his past daughter. "I will have no one speak to me that way," he hissed.

Vegita turned SSJ4 and faced his counter self. "I think my daughter has every right to speak to someone like you in that manner," he said cooly.

MVegita looked at his other self, then snickered. "Don't tell me you STILL haven't reached Super Saiya-jin 5 yet."

"There's a Super Saiya-jin 5?" Goku looked surprised.

"Yes, Goku. We explained that on the way here, remember?" Mai said.

"You did?"

"Yes, Goku."

"Oh. Oh! I remember now." Goku grinned.

Mai slowly made her way up to MVegita. "G... grandpa? We... we want to save you," she said softly.

MGoku laughed. MVegita just scowled at her. "What the hell do you mean, 'save you'?"

Mai touched MVegita's arm. "Grandpa..." she said softly. Then she shut her eyes momentarily.

MVegita's eyes seemed to flicker. He shut his eyes tight. "Get out..." he said coldly. He seemed to be having some kind of inner struggle. Suddenly something seemed to be shoved it's way out of his ki.

Mai opened her eyes and smiled. "Grandpa!"

MVegita looked down at her. "Get everyone out." he said quietly. "Get Bulma and my daughter out of here. Tell them..." his eyes seemed to flicker again.

Mai's eyes widened. "No!" she cried. "Grandpa! FIGHT it!" she cried.

MVegita's eyes turned cold and hostile again. "Brat!" he yelled, slamming his fist at the sobbing girl. She was knocked back several feet.

"Mai! What were you doing?!" Pan exclaimed, rushing over to help her up.

"I don't get it... it almost worked..." Mai whispered, tears filling her eyes.

"Huh?" Questions filled Pan's face.

"I almost helped Grandpa drive the evil spirits out. It should have worked." She clenched her fists. "It should have WORKED!" she screamed, a tear falling down her cheek.

"Shh," Pan said. "Don't think about it. We have to fight, remember?"

Mai shook her head. "I can't fight," she said softly.

Pan sighed.

Vegita and Goku were rapidly attacking their counter selves in SSJ4 form.

MGoku chuckled and punched Goku back, making a crater. Goku sat up, scowling.

"Father!" Gohan yelled.

"Just stay back, Gohan!" Goku yelled.

"Just stay back, Gohan," MGoku mimicked.

Both Gokus launched at eachother.

Keiji frowned at his sister. "That was dumb," he said harshly. She didn't look at him.

"It should have worked," she told him quietly.

"You knew it wouldn't work," he scoffed.

"But it almost did," she whispered, fighting tears.

He frowned at her. "Baby," he muttered, turning back to watch for his chance to jump to the fight. He didn't see the tears streaming down Mai's face.

Mai felt the hot tears of frustration, sadness, and the knowing that she had failed falling. She saw them land on the fround, making drops that looked like rain.

An explosion sounded, and she looked up and gasped. Right where Goku was lying was a huge crator. MGoku was laughing.

"Goku-san!" she cried. She was going to run out and help him, but Trunks held her back. Keiji ran out instead, and started attacking MGoku furiously, but very skillfully. Training with Vegita had sharpened his skills, speed, and power.

But MGoku was still stronger and much more experienced. He slammed a fist in Keiji's back, making her twim cough up a pretty good amount of blood.

Mai gasped. "Keiji!" she yelled. Trunks grabbed her by the shoulders and shook his head, telling her to stay put.

Then she looked up in time to see MGoku power up a huge energy blast. She stared in horror. This blast would kill Keiji! She had to do something!

He launched it at Keiji...

Keiji, feeling his battered body protest as he stood, saw an enormous ki blast head for him. He was panting. He didn't have the strength to move...

"KEIJI!" a voice screamed. Before he could look, someone slammed into him, hard, and he was knocked back roughly. Then he heard a scream of pain rip through the air.

He managed to raise his head to see who had gotten hit with the blast. As the bright light died down, a body was lying in the dirt, bloody and almost dead.

He knew who it was.

"No..." he whispered, crawling slowly over to the body. Then he saw the face clearly. "Oh, no, no, no..." he whispered again, his voice trembling.

Mai grinned faintly up at him. "Hi," she said weakly.

"What'd you do that for?" he whispered, half angry and half scared.

Her smile grew a bit. "Because you're my brother, and I love you," she whispered, tears filling her eyes.

Keiji remembered they're conversation a few minutes ago, and felt flooded with guilt. "I'm a terrible brother," he mumbled.

She shook her head. "No. You're the best brother a twin could have," she said faintly, but sternly, her smile dissapeared.

"Mai..." he choked. He wasn't used to expressing these emotions. "I'm sorry..."

She smiled up at him, very faintly this time. "I already forgave you," she whispered. Blood trickled out from her mouth. Her soft, fine hair fell in her face as her head turned on the side. Her breathing slowed.

Then it stopped.

Keiji's breathing was irregular. He just knelt by his sister, not able to grasp the fact that she was dead. Then suddenly his face hardened. He stood up quickly, and didn't even remember moving at stand. His fists were clenched at his sides. He glared up at MGoku. "You..." he breathed, his breath coming quicker and more irregular. "You... you..." His black eyes hardened with anger, loathing.

"You killed my sister," he whispered angrily, trembling with hatred.

MGoku laughed. "Your sister was stupid. Sacrificing her life for a brother that never cared about her."

Keiji felt his aura forming, like flames licking his skin. He powered up to SSJ. "You KILLED her!" he yelled. Squeezing his eyes shut tight, he felt anger stir within him. Pure anger and hatred. No one had the right to take his sister away from him! No one! Especially not a relative that had turned evil.

"YOU KILLED MY SISTER!" he screamed, his power raging out of control. "YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLED MAI! YOU KILLED HER!" he screamed hystericaly. He turned Super Saiya-jin 2, SSJ 3, SSJ 4...

"Whoa... no way..." Marron whispered.

"YOU KILLED HER!" Keiji's cry must have carried to the other end of the world. He burst into Super Saiya-jin 5.

"No way!" MVegita yelled.

Vegita just smirked. "That kid's definetely descended from me."

Then there was a huge explosion of light and power, and dust and rocks flew everywhere. When the dust cleared...

Celira gasped. "There's... no way..." he stammered.

"Whoa..." Marron breathed.

Goku and Vegita were equally surprised, but able to say more.

"Wow! So there IS something past Super Saiya-jin 5!" Goku exclaimed weakly.

"No way!" MVegita yelled, undoubtedly angry.

Keiji stood there, glaring at MGoku. His muscles had largened quite a bit. It was like SSJ5, but there were strands of lavender in each spike. His tail was lavender, with a golden tip. His eyes had gone from black, not the ordinary SSJ green, but to a strange mix of green, blue, and purple.

He turned to MGoku, his face cold. "Time to die," he said quietly.

Part 3

"There's no damn way!" MGoku yelled.

MVegita looked slightly worried, but mostly pissed off. Damn! How did that brat... how could he be stronger than me?! A kid is stronger than me!

Keiji glared at them both with merciless hatred. "You killed Mai," he whispered, trembling. "Now I have to kill you."

MGoku burst out laughing. "Vegita, did you hear that?" he gasped. "I kid thinks he's gonna beat us! Ha!"

MVegita said nothing.

Everything was blazing fire to him. Now his gaze was fixed on his grandparents... no, his enemies. They were his enemies now. Now a relative killed his sister. He levitated up, silently inviting MGoku to fight.

MGoku seemed to accept, and levitated next to him. "You may have the power, kid," he sneered. "But you don't have the training or experience."

"I have the spirit and memory of my sister," he replied quietly.

MGoku laughed again. "Her spirit? Ha!"

Whoa, Goku-san has really been possesed, ne, Keiji?


Yep. Hey, I see you reached a new level! Awesome! Now, let's kicks some ass! Mai's voice reverbrated around in his head.

What do you mean, "let's"?

Hey, I'm just gonna help, she said innocently.

Keiji snorted. The last time you helped, you got killed.

Hey, I'm already dead, what can happen? He could almost feel her smiling.

Mai, that's not funny, he said angrily.

I think it is, she laughed. Suddenly she became serious. Keiji, you have to win. Please.

I'm going to. he said, confident.

Then she laughed and faded from his mind.

"No! Mai, come back!" he yelled out loud.

MGoku stared at him for a second, the burst out in laughter.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you," Keiji said quietly. Then he screamed, "Because now you're going to be defeated for good!"

Trunks stared at his future son is disbeleif. "This is... too weird... he even surpassed Son Goku-san..." he murmured.

"Keiji..." Pan said softly.

Marron frowned, not really paying attention to what was going on. Why do Pan and Trunks have to be together? Doesn't Trunks understand I like him? Why would he choose her over me? She mentaly slapped herself, horrified. She'd never thought such hateful things before... Pan was her friend... what was she thinking?

"Brat," MGoku snorted. "Let's just get this over with."

"Can't beleive I was thinking the exact same thing," Keiji replied icily.

MGoku laughed. "You kill me, kid."

Keiji cracked his knuckles. "You have no idea, do you? I'm stronger than you. I'm Super Saiya-jin 6. You haven't even come close. I'm overpowering you."

"Are we gonna talk or fight, chibi?!"

The next thing MGoku knew, he had a gash across his face. He felt warm blood oozing from his cut. "How...?"

"Miss me?" Keiji smirked, then kicked him across the head from behind. Not waiting for his grandfather to recover, he delivered a harsh blow to the back of his neck. MGoku made a strangled sound. Keiji delivered a round-house kick to his face, then grabbed his wrist and broke it with ease. MGoku screamed in pain, his vision swarming in red. Keiji screamed, too, only his was one of fury. He clamped his fists together and slammed them into the other's back. There was a cracking sound as bones shattered. MGoku fell to the ground, unconcious.

Keiji turned to MVegita, eyes as cold as early winter morning. His spiked, lavender streaked hair tousled slightly as the wind played with it. "Do you surrender? I really don't want to hurt you."

MVegita snorted. "I never surrender."

Then the kid did something that surprised him. Keiji hugged his grandfather.

MVegita froze. "What.. what are you doing?!" he yelled.

"Grandfather..." Keiji whispered, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes.

"Get off, you little-"

MVegita broke off as hot tears stained his suit. He stared down in disbeleif as the boy cried silently.

"I know your good... you were never evil..." Keiji sobbed.

"Brat..." MVegita's protest came out in a soft whisper. He was frightened. Keiji was frightened. He'd never cried before. But this was... overwhelming.

MVegita looked down at him. Softly, he said, "Mai is with you." Keiji nodded.

"Then..." MVegita's voice hardened. "I must... fight this..."

"You can..." Keiji murmured.

Then he passed out.

When he awoke, he saw the anxious face of his mother. "Mom?" he mumbled.

MPan smiled. "You'll be fine, Keiji. Oh, I'm so proud of you!" she embraced her son.

Keiji shot up. "Mai!" he yelled.

To his surprise, Mai leaned over him. She was still wearing her black and red spandex armor. "Mornin, bro." she grinned.

"How...?" Keiji was confused.

Mai giggled. "You slept quite awhile. Three days. I was revived while you were sleepin'."

"I... wait! What about-"

"Hi!" MGoku's cheerful voice rang through the room.

"Grandpa Goku-san!" Keiji yelped.

MGoku scratched the back of his head. "Never knew being evil was so confusing. Heck, I didn't even know there was something past SSJ5!" His arm was healed, and he was standing fine. Keiji figured he must have eaten a senzu. There wasn't a mark.

"That's cuz you're an idiot, Kakarotto," MVegita said crossly.

"Where... did everyone..." Keiji stopped.

Mai looked sad. "Sorry. We erased their memories without you and sent them back. They don't remember a thing."

Keiji shrugged. "I'm just... glad that it's all over."

"I know." Pan hugged her son. Then she beamed. "But... come take a look at the brother that was born while you were training."


"Hai." Mai grinned. "His name is Chiko."

Pan carried in a child, not much more than a year old. "Chiko, this is your big brother Keiji." she said pleasently.

Keiji was amazed. Chiko had really tousled hair, sticking out in all directions. Short, black hair. His eyes were a liquid black, and he had dark skin, just like his sister and himself.

"He's... awesome..." Keiji said in awe.

Mai watched as her brother studied Chiko. She grinned to herself. Keiji had changed. Alot. He was still stubborn and cold... but Mai suspected he'd be open much more than he used to be. She smiled, then hugged her brother in a tight embrace. To everyone's shock, after a few seconds, he hugged her back. Quick, but affectionate.

Mai grinned. "You've changed," she said softly. She was surprised at the shakeyness in her voice.

"Hai," he agreed.

"Everything has."

~the end~

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