Riding in the Woods
Written by: Bra and Pan
Authors' Notes: This is a comedy/romance written by extremely hopeless romantics. * Note from Bra the author * This story is backwards. In real life the author Pan has only been on one horse and it was being guided. I’ve been riding for a year or so and am good at riding.)

It’s an average summer day at Capsule Corp..... Wait.... did I say average? There’s never an average day while talking about Saiya-jins. That brings us to where we are at the moment. Goten, Trunks, and Pan are sitting around a tree and Bra is above them in the tree. The three on the ground are talking when Bra swings down and hangs upside-down in front of them. Goten breaks out laughing and Trunks comments dryly on how interesting her shirt looks from that angle. (personal brother/sister joke) Bra begins to blush and yell. Pan looks completely confused. Pan says to Goten, “Do you have the slightest idea what they’re talking about?” Goten looks over at them and shakes his head no, with wide eyes. Pan, aggravated, says, “ Can we please do something?” Trunks replies, “There are a lot of things we can do, but it depends on what we want to do.” Pan asks, “Can we go horseback riding?” Immediately Bra shouts, “No. Absolutely not. Nope. NO.” Goten and Trunks both yell, “YES. We’re going.” Pan jumps up with excitement and yells, “ YES!.” Bra says, “You can go, but I’ll stay right here thank you very much.” Everyone yells, “Oh no you don’t!”, and they end up dragging her to the stables. At the stables... A little kid walks past them and says, “Eww.... mommy..... what’s that icky smell?” They don’t hear the mother’s reply. Trunks just smiles. Pan looks excited. The stable master leads them to the stalls and tells them to choose a horse. Pan chooses a black horse with a white star and stalking. Trunks chooses a chestnut with a white blaze down it’s forehead and Goten chooses a chestnut with four stalkings. Bra doesn’t choose a horse so the stable master chooses for her. He chooses a dapple gray mare. On the trail, Trunks rides beside Pan, trying to scare her stallion into a fast gallop. She gets angry at him and actually does scare his poor mare into a fast gallop. Unprepared, Trunks almost falls off as his mare runs him into a low-hanging tree branch. Pan makes Cole come to a stop with a soft “whoa” and starts laughing at Trunks’ pained face. He had a huge red mark going straight across his face from the branch, and when Bra and Goten ride up, they notice and start laughing too. Pan dismounts and helps Trunks up, then whistles for his mare. The mare walks up, and she helps him mount, then mounts Cole, who was waiting impatiently. “How did you know the horses were trained to come at a whistle?” Trunks asks, surprised. “I didn’t. I just thought it was worth a try.” she answers with a sweet smile and a flirty toss of her hair. “Race you guys to the next mark!” Goten and Trunks immediately make their horses gallop, but Bra just kinda sits on her horse. “I’ll just stay here and get horse-sick.” she calls at their backs. Then she just takes her poor under worked horse to a walk. Pan beats the guys by a couple of seconds, so she just sat there and waited for everyone to catch up. When everyone noticed that Bra was going to be slow, they opened their saddlebags and got out the tiny picnic lunch the stable master included. (if you can call 16 sandwiches small... and that was for Goten and Trunks. How do they carry all that, do you ask? Very big saddle bags....) Eventually Bra does make her way there. They were all but done eating by that time. As they ride on, Bra is constantly chattering about getting sweaty.... Then she loses control of her reins. Her horse becomes scared and starts galloping, causing her to clutch onto it’s neck and scream. Goten turns his poor horse around sharply, notices poor Bra’s predicament, and rushes to save the day. “SUGAR!” Bra yells. “”Hold on, Bra!” yells Goten, who is flying now.... (He thinks his horse is too slow) His horse gallops away, headed towards the stable. Goten lands behind Bra on her horse, grabs the reins, and slows the horse down. Bra is just a bit relieved. Goten asks, “ Hey! Where’s my horse?” Trunks yells, “It ran back to the stable.” Goten looks down for a moment and then back up at Trunks, “DAMN! It costs money to get a new horse.” Pan snickers, “Stay over there with Bra then.” Goten shrugs and stays where he is, guiding the reins from behind Bra. Pan and Trunks start to talk about the trail. Pan challenges Trunks to another race, and who would deny poor Pan of a race? The two gallop ahead of Bra and Goten and around the next bend. Pan wasn’t expecting an obstacle in the course and nearly ran into the jump. Trunks reached over and grabbed her reins, stopping her horse, but nearly pulling himself off of his own horse, which causes his horse to rear and knock him off. Poor, pitiful Trunks is left holding onto Pan’s reins as he watches his horse gallop in the other direction. Pan wasn’t the least bit amused as she helped Trunks up onto her saddle. Just then Goten and Bra came galloping up on Sugar. “What happened?” Bra asked, smiling a little too widely. “Trunks lost his horse too. The idiot tried to save me when I almost ran into a jump.” Pan says by way of an explanation. “Oh. Really...” says Goten, really skeptical. “Really.” Trunks says, and Goten shrugs good naturally. “What will we do if we lose another horse?” asked Bra “Pray that one of the others will come back.” says Pan laughing. Just when Trunks was about to say something to Pan, Pan suggests that Trunks trades spots with Bra. “Why should we trade?” Bra asks. “Cuss I asked you to.” says Pan {and because being this close to Trunks is killing me.} “OK....” says Trunks, and switches with Bra. Pan pushes Cole into a gallop, causing Bra to clutch her about the waist. When they get far enough out of the guys’ saiya-jin hearing, they start to talk about them. “If you hadn’t have changed places with Trunks, I would have broke down. I can’t stand to be so close to him.” “You didn’t have to kick me off of my horse though. I liked the dapple gray, not to mention it had a good temper..... AND GOTEN WAS UP THERE!!” “Well SOR--RY. I didn’t mean to burst your dream bubble.” “I didn’t want to come here in the first place. I hate being on a horse..... especially one that your in control of...” Pan got angry and purposely made the horse rear. Bra screeched and grabbed onto Pan again. Pan sneered, “You deserve that.” Bra just grumbles under her breath and regains her posture. They continue ahead of the guys. Back where the guys are... “Why do you think Pan did that?” asked Trunks. “How am I supposed to know?” “She’s your niece!” “So? Bra’s your sister.” “What does that have to do with anything?!” “How the hell should I know?” “You brought it up!” “SO?” “What are we arguing about again?” “I don’t know.” “OK” “Anyway..... why do you think she made us switch?” “ You might have made her nervous.” “She has always been comfortable with me. Why the hell would I make her nervous?” “I don’t know. Now about Bra.....” “What about her?” “Have you gotten into her diary recently?” “No. Why?” “Because I want to know if she... you know.... likes me.” “Get over it. Yes. She likes you. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.” “You should talk, dude.” “Goten?” “What?” “Shut up.” “Whatever.” With the girls... “Are we there yet?” “Don’t start that AGAIN, Bra.” “Hehehehe.” “Arg.” With the guys... “Are you ever going to stop thinking about Pan? I swear I can hear the cogs turning.” “Shut your trap, Goten.” “Why.” “Cause, you have a lot less oil when you are thinking about Bra. You creak.” “Do not.” “To.” “Not.” “This is getting stupid. Can we catch up with the girls now?” “You are the one controlling the horse. Make him go.” “Whatever.” And they begin to move a little faster to catch up with the girls. With the girls... “Here they come.” “Shut up Bra.” “But this is getting boring. Are we there yet?” “I hate you.” “Whoop-di-doo.” Trunks and Goten ride up, grinning cause they heard every word said. Bra smiles back at them, and Pan scowls. “What’s wrong with you?”, Goten asks. “Oh, she is just aggravated cause I have been annoying her this entire time about...”, Bra is suddenly cut of when Pan reaches behind herself and covers her mouth. “That will be quite enough, Bra-dear.” says Pan quietly. “ ‘Bout what?”, asks Trunks. “Nothing.”, Pan grumbles and continues. They continue on their way, everyone quiet, except for the occasional ‘Are we there yet?’ from Bra and the occasional ‘Shut up.’ from Pan. Finally Bra takes her ‘Are we there yet?’s a bit to far and Pan yells, “THAT’S IT! GOTEN! TRADE PLACES WITH BRA NOW!!” Goten gets off and helps Bra down before trading places. They travel down the trail a bit. Goten began to smirk and asked Pan, “Are we there yet?” Pan looked back angrily. “I have had enough. You guys go on ahead. I am going to walk.”, Pan says as she dismounts. “Wait. Pan, come back. You can ride with me.”, Trunks calls after her. “No thanks, Trunks. I can walk.” Pan calls back over Goten and Bra’s laughter. “PAN! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!” Pan jumps at the unexpected yell, and walks back to the group of horses. She walks up to Trunks, extremely pissed at being yelled at. “No... Thanks.... Trunks.... I can walk. I am tired of the annoyances.” “Funny, girl. Now up you come.”, Trunks says as he lifts her by her waist to put her in front of him on Sugar. Her gasp of outrage put a grin on his face, and that grin was wiped off when she kicked him in the shin. Bra giggled and smirked at Pan. Pan glared at her with a look of death. Bra just gave her a sweet smile. Trunks glared at all three. Goten just smirked. “Ass hole.”, Pan whispered to Trunks. “And you love it, admit it. ‘Sides... your a bitch.”, he whispers back. “And proud of it!” She whispered back. Pan stiffened when Trunks’ hand tightened on her waist.{Stupid jerk. Stop trying to break my composure} Trunks smirks. Bra and Goten are talking about them. “Pan’s had a crush on Niichan for about six years straight. I don’t think she likes being that close to him. It makes her nervous.” “I like seeing her under so much stress. Pan tries to play cool when she’s about to break. It’s funny to see her that way.” “That’s mean! Pan is your niece!” “So. I still think it’s funny.” Pan and Trunks suddenly saw Bra kick Goten in the knee with her riding boots. Goten howled in pain. Bra yelled, “Serves you right!” Goten reined the horse, sending it into a fast gallop, purposely to scare Bra. The two passed Trunks and Pan and headed out of sight. “Damn it.”, Pan curses under her breath as her chaperones leave the area. “Is there a problem?” “Yup.”, and, scaring Trunks half to death {only half? When will I get lucky?} she spurs her horse into a slow gallop, then abruptly stops, almost throwing herself over the horses neck. Trunks grabs her by the waist, and puts her back on, aggravated. “What happened? And why the hell did you stop like that?”, asked Trunks. “We are at a crossroads. Which way do we go to get to the stable?” says Pan. “To the left. No! Your other left!” says Trunks as Pan turns the horse the right direction. (Trunks is purposely steering Pan wrong. He doesn’t exactly feel like going to the stables just yet.) “Arg. Are you going to make up your mind or what dude?” “I don’t know. Are you going to be a bitch the entire time or what, chick?” “Ass.” “Bitch.” “Jerk.” “Stupid.” With Bra and Goten... Goten finally stopped the horse. Bra was grasping onto him tightly, refusing to open her eyes, look up, or let go. They were standing still. After a few moments of just standing there, immobile, Goten said, “You can let go now. We’re not moving.” Bra let go and blushed a bit, “Grrrrrr....... DON’T YOU ever do that AGAIN!!” Goten smirked and just looked back at her. She smirked and started her ‘Are we there yet?’ s. Goten frowned a bit. “You aren’t going to do that the entire way, are you?” She takes a small break in-between her chant to say, “Only if you force me too.”, and continues. Goten rolls his dark eyes, when suddenly an idea comes to him. He half-turns around, watching her. Then he lowers his head, touches her lips to his... and listens to the silence as she stops her incessant noise. Then he kisses her harder, smiling. She just reacts. Bra is blushing a deep burgundy red. The horse stops in it’s place as the sun begins to set. Back with Trunks and Pan... “Moron.” “Idiot.” “Ass.” “Bitch.” “Not this AGAIN! Where the hell are we? It’s already getting dark, we can’t find the stables and Goten and Bra are probably already there!” “Calm down Pan! We’re not lost. I know exactly where we are.” “Then where are we?!”, Pan asks dryly. Trunks makes Pan stop her horse. Pan angrily looks back. Trunks is smirking. “You did this on purpose! Admit it! You got us lost on purpose!” Trunks shook his head with a grin. Pan’s glare turned even worse. Trunks smiles some more, “You’d be a lot prettier if you smiled a bit, chicka.” Pan smiles as she kicks him in the shin, extremely hard and turns back to take the other path. “Well you aren’t pretty in the least, even when you are smiling!”, Pan retorts as his face is contorted with pain. “Your right. I am not pretty. I am arrogantly handsome. Suave, devonair...”, he gets cut off. “Annoying. Very, very annoying.”, Pan said, teasing, and trying very hard to withhold her smile. “I disagree.... but I don’t think my shin could bear another kick, so I am going to keep my mouth shut.” “Good. It gets too big anyway...” “Oh, really? Let me show you too big.....”, and Trunks kisses her, open-mouthed to an extreme. When Pan breaks the kiss for air, she is smiling. “It may be a good thing you have a big mouth.” Trunks just smiles and grasps her long hair, pulling her mouth up for another kiss. Back with Bra and Goten... The horse was taking it’s own direction home as Bra and Goten just sat there. Goten was still on forward, but Bra was now sitting sideways, leaning against him. It was already dark all around and the crickets were chirping. Goten was about ready to fall asleep when Bra asked, “How do we know if we’re heading toward the stable?” “We don’t.”, he replied, “We don’t even know if we’re still on a trail anymore.” He could feel Bra wince at the thought of being lost. Bra let out a sigh and closed her eyes. The horse walked forward and stopped all of a sudden. Something jumped at it in the dark and it reared, knocking Bra off. Goten struggled to regain control of the horse and then jumped down to help Bra back on the horse. “What the hell was that?”, she asked, her voice shaky. “Looked like a dog of some sort. It’s all right. We’ll go back to the stable and go home. I am sure Trunks and Pan are already there. If not, well, they can take care of themselves. “Okay.” They went on for an hour or so. There was no sign of the stable yet. Bra was getting nervous. So was Goten although he didn’t show it. Bra said, “I’m cold.”, and leaned back against Goten again. He took off his riding jacket and placed it about her shoulders. She inhaled the smell of food and cologne that was left on his jacket. He saw her doing this and snickered to himself. “Do you like the smell of that or are you hiding some crack under there?”, Goten looked at her amused. Bra glared at him and shut her eyes and the long trip continued. Back with Pan and Trunks... Trunks smiled down at Pan as she slept. The horse was heading, hopefully, home. Trunks watched the trail ahead. Then out of a side trail, another horse walks. On it was riding Goten and Bra. Trunks yells to Goten, who stops the horse to wait. Both of the girls were asleep by then. Trunks’ yell didn’t wake either of them up. “Looks like they had their work cut out for them.”, comments Goten dryly. “ Yes, well, I most certainly had some work getting her to stop talking, let alone fall asleep.” “Oh, you deserved it anyway I bet.” “SHE would say that.” Goten just grunts. The guys were silent for awhile, when they saw a light in the distance. The guys rouse their girls (who weren’t happy in the least about being woke up until they found out the reason.) And they ride up to the stables. Their parents were there, organizing a search party. Bulma yells, “Where the hell were you?! We were worried sick!” Chichi comments, “You are all in deep shit you know.” Trunks tries to explain, “We got separated, then lost in the woods, then we met up again, and finally we got back here. The horses brought us back.” The stable master adds in, “They were trained to head home when nobody was in control of them. Two stray horses showed up earlier.” Pan, Bra, Trunks, and Goten all look at each other. Bra yawned. Trunks and Goten smirked at each other. Pan says sleepily to her grandmother,” I didn’t know you cussed.” “I am old enough that you don’t know a lot of things child. Like the fact that you need sleep. Come on. I am taking you and your uncle home.” “All right, Gram. Bye, Bra. Bye, Trunks.” “Later.” Trunks and Bra yell in unison. “Come on, guys. Time to go home. I am too tired to lecture you. I will let your father do that. Thanks.” she yelled back to the stable master, who just inclined his head. In the cars, both girls slept. Once at home and in bed, everyone fell asleep. Bra suddenly got up. She had only been faking. She called Pan on the phone and the two girls spent the rest of the night talking to each other about the day’s events and the guys.

The End

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