Groin Grinders Anonymous
Written by: Bra and Pan
Authors' Notes: This is a comedy/romance written by extremely hopeless romantics.

Picture this. It’s snowing. Pan and Bra are both late for school.... again. Pan is trying to help Bra up after a very big slip, sliding into a snow bank, in a short pleated skirt. As Pan tries to help her up, she also falls into the snow bank . They hear some laughing. Goten and Trunks are watching. All they can see is Pan’s head and Bra’s bum. Both of the guys are trying hard not to smile, as Pan and Bra complain about being cold. Bra pulls herself out and starts cussing as she helps Pan out. Trunks and Goten have an eye twitch and in unison say, “ I didn’t know you cussed.” “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.”, Bra shakes some snow out of her hair. Pan chimes in, “ Like the contents of a certain person’s journal....” Trunks and Goten smile as Trunks holds up Bra’s journal, “You mean this journal?” Bra grows pale and slides over toward him trying to get her journal back, leaving Pan behind on the ice. Trunks holds it over his head, avoiding Bra’s fingers as she jumps trying to grab the precious article. “Trunks! Give that back. Come on! IT’S MINE!!” She half-yells, aggravated at the fact she always makes her diary very detailed, and maybe a partial bit of the fact that they were getting even later to school. Pan, very aware of the fact that they were late to school, flies and grabs the diary from an unsuspecting Trunks and flies to school, closely followed by the rest of the gang. They arrive at the high school and into their classes right as the bell rings. Pan delivers the diary to an oh-so-nervous Bra during lunch. During 4th hour, Pan had her worst subject, Math. This happens to be Bra’s best subject. Pan, extremely bored, starts writing a note to one of her friends, when the guy behind her starts blowing on the back of her bare neck. Pan gets very angry. She turns super saiya-jin, stands up (the guy stands up too.), and knees the poor guy in the nuts. (>.<`)The guy turns pale, doubles over, and starts moaning in pain. Pan is then sent to the guidance office, and the guy is sent to the hospital. After about an hour lecture from the horny guidance counselor, she is sent to her next class, which progress’ almost normally (except for the fact the entire male population of her English class, including the teacher, avoided her. ^_~ Bra sat next to her, not in the least bit disturbed.) The next day... Trunks once again has possession of Bra’s diary, and this time he has read a few pages... with blackmail for both Pan and Bra on the side. Trunks says while smirking, “ The poor guy probably had to get an ice pack for that....” Pan cut him off, “ Nope. He had to get a transplant.” Trunks began to smirk, “ That poor soul...... Bra-chan..... did you help?” Bra’s eyes widen, “ Get him to the ambulance? Of course.... he was the most popular guy in the 9th grade.” Goten and Trunks rolled their eyes. Bra again leaped for her journal, slipping on the ice and falling on her bum. She didn’t exactly go down quietly..... a little scream and an ouch sounded as she hit. Goten says sarcastically, “Awwwwwwwwww.... Poor baby.” Bra glares up at him as he snickers. Trunks says, “Are you guys quite finished? Pan is leaving.” Bra snatches her journal as the school bell rings. They all run to make it to class in time. Pan and Bra make it into the science class, a bit late for first hour. Everyone is staring at Pan and asking her questions. Pan looks frazzled. Bra stood up and said loudly, “No questions at this time. She still retains that he kicked himself in the balls. Hey! I was there. I saw what happened.” Pan glares at Bra and takes her seat. Bra shrugs and smirks. Class goes on as usual. Pan leans over and whispers to Bra as the teacher begins to lecture, “And teachers get paid for this?” Bra, who was totally ignoring Pan, suddenly remembers that Trunks still had her diary and yelled, “ Oh CRAP!” This startles Pan and she says, “What’s wrong?” Bra grows paler and yells at Pan out loud, “TRUNKS HAS MY JOURNAL STILL!!” Pan grows just as pale as the teacher walks over and stands in front of them. For the second time in a week, Pan nails someone in the groin and runs out of the class, followed by Bra who had yelled back, “Sorry, Mr. Turner. You didn’t really have to kick yourself in the nuts to prove your point though!”, the class laughs. The Guys Classroom... Everyone is gathered around Trunks as he reads aloud his sisters journal. Even Mrs. Kathcart was listening. Then they get to a certain page. Trunks refused to read it out loud so Alex, one of his classmates, did. It told how Pan had a crush on Trunks, Bra had a crush on Goten, and Marron had a crush on...... Then Alex stopped reading and yelled that it wasn’t funny. Trunks looks over Alex’s shoulder and starts to laugh out loud, “MARRON LIKES ALEX.” Everyone broke out laughing. Then Nick elbowed Goten in the side, “Yeah... but the richest girl in the school likes you.” Trunks said, “Remember that girl is my sister.” He, in return, got hit in the head with a book, curtsy of Jason, “Yeah, but the groin-grinder likes you.” Once again the entire class laughed. The three guys skip class. ( Marron had been kicked out of her English class for doing a book report on an X-rated book.) Marron meets up with Bra and Pan about half-way. They talk about the guys on their way to Trunks’ current class. Trunks, Goten and Alex are coming the opposite way and hear the girls, so they throw themselves in a near-by bathroom. Little did they know that it was the girls bathroom and the three walked right in. The guys do their best to hide themselves in the stalls as the girls fix their make-up and talk about the guys. “ I don’t think I’ll ever get Goten to notice me.... damn mascara.” “Yeah.... well if Trunks squeezes my cheeks like that again I’m gonna have permanently red cheeks and I won’t need this stupid blush.....and yet he is so cute.” “Both of you are so shallow. Alex has such a nice ass. Does anyone have any flavored lip gloss?” Bra hands her a tube. When Marron is done she hands it back, but Bra accidentally drops it... right next to the stall that the three are in. They think that they’re gonna be caught, but thankfully Bra doesn’t notice them. The girls leave. Goten says, “It’s not over till the fat lady sings.” A really fat teacher comes in singing then goes into the stall right next to them. Then she finds out that it’s clogged. She opens the one that they’re in and the all say in unison, “ Oh shit. Well, the fat lady sang.”, and they ran out of the stall as the teacher screams. Bra, Pan, and Marron suddenly hear over the speakers, “Will Ms. Son Pan and Ms. Bra Briefs please come to the office to pick up your relatives? Thank you. That will be all.” Bra and Pan ran (Marron followed at more of a sedate pace) to the office to see what the guys have done now. There they find Goten, Trunks, and Alex being yelled at by the principal. Aggravated, Bra walks over and knees the poor principle in the nuts. Everyone looks at Bra, surprised, as she says, “I have a temper too, ya know.”, and shrugged it off. Pan and Goten grin, and poor Trunks is looking rather bewildered. Alex has this look that is like saying, “ What a woman.” The six teens leave the school and walk down the sidewalk. Trunks decides to bring up Bra’s journal. (*Bra the author says* Don’t worry peeps. He’ll give it back...... oh..... your not worried...... well......fine then...... humph.) “So sis. What was this all about?”, Trunks holds up the journal opened to the page about the three crushes. “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!! GIVE THAT BACK!!!”, her voice calms down, “Wait..... how many people know about that?” The three guys smirk and hold up their hands. Pan grows pale, “ YOU guys know about it?”, she flies off just a little ticked, but not before kneeing Trunks in the groin. (*Pan the author says* Trunks and Goten were the only ones who could withstand it without having to get a penis transplant.) Bra covers her mouth, very surprised. Marron doesn’t look the least bit fazed. Poor Trunks is groaning a bit. Alex still looks like “that’s my kind of girl”. Goten smirks, “You aren’t going to be very popular with the girls for a while.” “Shut up, rojo.”, Trunks mumbles. Bra suddenly says, “Um....we gotta go. Bye!” As Bra is leaving, she is caught on the shoulder by Goten, who wants to talk to her. Marron tries to sneak away, but Alex catches her and takes her to his house to talk..... Trunks chases after Pan. In Pan’s room... Pan is sitting on a stool with her back to the door, bent over something when Trunks enters. He walks over, leaning to see what she is doing. His heart stops beating when he notices she is pruning a tree. A tiny tree. Some call it a bonsai tree. Pan says, “If you are done looking, you could help by getting the wire from over there.” Trunks winces at her tone, and grabs the wire, handing it to Pan. She takes it and begins reshaping a branch. “Pan, we need to talk....” says Trunks. “So talk.” Pan says, obviously pissed. “Why are you working on that anyway?” “Because it helps me relax.” “It’s not working.” “I know.” “oh.” At the sidewalk.... Bra and Goten are standing there, kind of nervous (or at least Goten was) Bra starts walking so that Goten couldn’t see her face and she couldn’t see his. He walks beside her, trying to keep up with her faster steps. “What’s wrong?”, he asks, kind of concerned, mostly curious. “As if you don’t know.”, she answers contrarily. “You are right, I don’t know. Tell me.” “You wouldn’t understand anyway.” “So make me understand.” “Why?” “Cuz. I have a crush on you too.” This stops Bra in her tracks, although she still doesn’t look at him. “You’re teasing. Stop.” “Am not. And look at me while I am talking.” Bra laughs bitterly at his teacher like tone. He uses his hand to turn her face towards his. She smoothes her face into an indifferent mask, but not before he sees her hope. He smiles and kisses her softly on the mouth. “Am not.” At Alex’s house.... “So....” “So.....” “What did you DRAG me here for?” “I thought it was a good idea. I was about to be ground...” “O MY GAWD! You thought Pan would do that to you?!” “Well... um... I thought she might have missed when she hit Trunks... and I didn’t want to take any chances... so I dragged you along for protection.” “Oh, believe me, if she wanted to hit you NOTHING would have stopped her.” “Oh. Would you mind if I kissed you?” “Not in the least.” “Good.” And the extra curricular activities begin. MUCH later at Pan’s house... Pan and Trunks sat staring at each other. There was silence. “So..... that’s how you feel.....” “And I wouldn’t change it for the world.” “I love you....” The two spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms. Later in Bra’s room... “OK..... now what?” asks Bra. “Ya wanna go downtown and shop?”, Goten says “Shop? Did you even have to ask? Of course!” “Cool. Help me find my boxers?” “Here they are. We need to get you some purple ones.” “Why?” “It’s your color.” “OK.........” And they go shopping. We have decided not to mention anymore of what happen at Alex’s house. You have gotten enough hentai for one story. Let’s just say that the guy got the girl and they all lived happily ever after... well, almost. Maybe after the triple wedding..... hehehehehehe Back to the Fics